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Friday, Juni 06, 2020
Team Cow website is back!
Hey Folks!
Somehow i've managed to get a working backup of the Team Cow website. Sadly it's not the most up to date version.
In memory of the good old Ultima Online and all Drachenfels veterans, my goal is to keep this site alive and give those who stray around an old and new home.
Drachenfels (Official Ultima Online in general) is not the place it used to be. Lord British has left and EA - Broadsword does not want to hear the player-base who want a Classic / Vanilla Ultima Online shard.
But... there is a new very big thing!: Ultima Online Outlands.

UO Outlands is a free-to-play Ultima Online shard, set loosely in the T2A era, which launched in October of 2018.
The mission of Outlands from the onset has been to create a version of Ultima Online which enhances every aspect of gameplay,
creating a shard that emulates how Ultima Online should have always been had it stayed the course. And it does!
I want to invite all of the old cows, friends and enemies to join us on uooutlands.com
feel free to contact me on discord:
SeeeD #7005
Moo U In Felucca
SeeeD (EBR)
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
New Page Location
to all cows and all friends...as you saw we moved the page to another location (ip, server etc) the FQDN should remain same
The forum which was down two days also works again now on the new server. The page is beeing redirected atm in /oldpage/ as we still wait for the exciting moment to shift to a new page design. Until than please dont wonder of not working links etc, as we fix it in the new page mainly and stopped fixing this page design after the move( besides the basic functions of course) The new page is beeing worked by sion and gizmo, everyone making his own version. We will see which one we take, or if someone gives up before.
Currently we are active in bf:v, ut2k4, lineage, gunbound, daoc,uo
Any tc that wants his team-cow email to be reestablished drop me a mail, so ill recreate your xy@team-cow.de Regards
Monday, December 15, 2003
TC Meeting
It has come to my attention that I haven't seen Wood, Ang, Natan. Jin, Yume, BFG and co since DAOC it would be kind of nice to have a meeting in the mIRC channel, even if its for 10 minutes.
The only people I still talk to are Phil, Toxin, Orion, Ervin Clarko and Dorijan. Marshal, Seth and Ther speak when they are online but that rarely happens.
I propose we meet on the 17th of December at 7 PM GMT (8pm German time). Would be cool to catch up, see what people are playing and doing in RL as well as make fun of Angrias, Orion and Sion again.
Those of you with contact to the other TCs (old ones) let them know, if you can't make it dont stress though.
Click for IRC here
(The mIRC Server is irc2.dorijan.org and the channel #teamcow and #blitzkrieg)
Now on to what I've been doing
I've recently moved back to Switzerland as I finished my f00king degree and am enjoying life in the unemployment line, looking for a position that pays me a shit load of cash but is also entertaining. Chasing women has become second nature due to my charm and blue glasses; talking to Clarko about the joys of tattooing while telling Orion not to sleep with girls younger than 14 makes time fly by.
As AOS made UO a pile of shit, Blitzkrieg is broken and I hate any game that requires leveling, making pointless and shitty Flash Movies seems to be the only thing worth doing.
Here is an example, takes a while to load
Will make one with a frog soon
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