May 2001

Thursday, May 31, 2001

3d client, Changing Leader, Weapons & many fights

OSI finally was so friendly to change the city-stones into Ctiy Flags. With the new Uo 3d engine we finally got the engine we all waited for. The todays patch will surely change the way UO is played. Not only did they seem to have stablized the game but they fixed ppls mind too. They stopped running away, go attackgin again after beeing restuffed, and dont fear dead.

With all these changes a bot was included in the patch to control human played guilds.. Here our (click)

The first fights were astonishing.
After throwing the old Hxbows, arrows, Bows, and swords away we could already restuff Orion and Stody and began to equip TC valley with new weapons (You see Mitharep trying to install one of the new tools in tc valley

Shortly after we had some fights in brit trying to get the Flag inside the castle while Jin was sniping.

At the end the enemy leader had to give up.
We welcome the new patch and look forward to new funny fights.

PS: Orion !!


Wednesday, May 30, 2001

Sitepowerup going down & some tea

Our old forum is going down how i just saw. you can use it again, but ill have to setup a new one until 1st june. i think ill set up this time one directly on tc server so at least we are guilty if something doesnt works ;)


As most know we had some visit of SL featuring run, soa, d*u and de at hq while we were restuffing after this battle "to group for gangbang" how the super-wise storm writes in his news on happy of having run, ice, ebr, d*u and de and soa to protect him from our mighty gangbang tours.

from this time we have with above mentioned guilds (that visited tc valley) dirty war like its already mentioned on soa page. of course they wirte how childish it is like no one would ever remember how they declared dirty war on DA in their news 3 weeks ago. also not remembering their own comments on that like "we play a game, thats even childish. playing games is childish and we dont do it to play mature".
a big LOL for that.

We quitted today TB as there is no chance us getting any chars in tb as its completely full and took an idea of last news. Its sad in one way as we were in this faction from factions start but we think that its the best move in this situation. Way too many people that play only in trammel took the opportunity to get on the first faction stone around to be never seen again taking us the possibility to get even all chars on stone.


Monday, May 28, 2001

TEMP Forum, new leader :) & some fights

Our Sitepowerup forum is still down.
Please use tc temporary FORUM in the meantime.

Today the application for TB leadership started.
As i have much to do rl and it would be unfair to take the place when the time to do it in a good way isnt there i decided to promote Nekrophilia/Thar`Kat GM of 6@6 or Jeanne from DA as leader.
As many know 6@6 and TC had some problems lately, but that was another history.
I think Nekrophilia or Jeanne would both bring the care & passion with them to establish very good relations with all tb guilds (there arent that many active) - so if you wish decide between these nice ladies.

It will be not an easy task as the leader faction system is still bugged. you cant facition message etc.

Today there were some interesting fights. Although a lot guilds joined SL now i dont plan to react directly on it. That happened often,in o/c times too that one part became very strong, usually the time clears it.

The best joke is tho that its a fact TB is FULL.
Yes, its no mystery. but i ask myself WHERE are the horder of tb i obviously miss? I know that DA, CR, 6@6 and TC as well as FdT make the part in my icq i can get togehter - sometimes.
Usually together like 5-15 if its to group nowdays since faction msg isnt working anymore.
I could guess most ppl that join tb join it cause its the main town of brit, you can get faction items that stay with you when you die, and just go trammel to kill mosnters with them. A nice 21-day blessed hammer, armor etc? I have no clue.
Maybe one thing could be a thought imho. That all main tb guilds change faction together, as we cant even take new chars in TB having all filled.

The noon/afternoon brit was orange by big groups (at least for afternoon relations), until at early evening some tb grouped (da took sigils) and we fought for brit.
After brit was taken, out of nowhere a lot TB appeared. ok.

In the Evening SL grouped again and attacked. A long and interesting fight between two big groups took place.

I still think Factions is the best system out of many bad systems. Every system had its flaws, but i dont plan to get back to systems i had the last years and cant see anymore. Also going on a project-level either gets you in a lot of tournament-like setup which is surely funny, but lacks the emotional-excitement that really makes you play this game over years, or nothing works and you end up arguing with the other leaders permanently about the project rules and who did what and why etc. (which i expect that would happen, which is by far more unamusing than fighting x ppl under whatever system without talking)
the best you can do atm is factions &| pking (imho).

To all TG`s : please bring your chars back to normality as we plan to pk more in next time.


Saturday, May 26, 2001

technical problems ;)

hi, ok all comes at once as usual:

- sitepowerup seems to be down atm. - ok. (our forum)
- one of the ibm`s hd`s in my raid0 seems to be dead and i need to replace it. (thats the downside of stripping. if 1 dies all data is lost in that raid setup ;)
- atm not many news cause
a) theres not much new
b) you can post news too !
c) thats the difference between news updates in semester-holidays and news updates when semester at uni is ongoing so no panic *g

i hope all of it get fast working


Thursday, May 17, 2001

faction fights

In the last days we had some nice fights against EBR and Co.
I'll hope we can have more fights like this. Here some pics. =)

stody gets snowballed :)


bad luck for minax


*modified by wood ;)*

Tuesday, May 15, 2001

Phew, Netmeet

I needed just long time to remember my news-password after deleting the cookie *g

Netmeet IV

(click to open thread)

As you all know Balaar opened the possibility to make the meet in Sweden in his Netcafe. Thats a great idea. Still in case we manage to find a date when most of us can and this Option turns out to be not possible of whatever reason i invite you in my appartment for the netmeet - So in every case we have 2 locations, and ahve to just find a date.
I want to make sometimes in Summer a holiday in New-York but before or after its no prob. Why do i mention this: If we do a netmeet, and we get so many ppl out of so different countries, it should last at least some days. I think 1 week or so is good (who survives so long.)
To know what you awaits here is my appartment:
If we do it here i have 5 comps here, and 2 more could be organized. 1 21", 1 19" , 1 17", 1 15", 1 14", maybe more could be organized if we have to. If we do it in sweden i think the computer/monitor problem wouldnt be one, as balaar told me to have fast pcs and big monitors in his cafe.

Please tell me in chat/mail/or in the linked thread when you find time between Juni and end of August.


Monday, May 14, 2001

The uochat Drachenfels pvp showdown.

Ok all its been talked about, its been discussed on every DF forum for a long time, but now and finally its happening, organized by, the tournament to end all tournaments the DF pvpers chance to flex their virtual muscle’s and show me what you are made of. I present the DF showdown!

The full event details are on the uochat main page, the rules are good, the event will be a great night of fun. I hope to see as many of you there as we can, it may well break down some of the bordom latley =).

Monday, May 7, 2001

6 months factions :) *changed*

ok, some ppl spotted the typos inside. although typos in tc animation have long traditions i thought i overwork the Moths to "Months".
Also the content inside was changed a little.
Who manages to follow the whole text while it runs, without reverse engeneering ;O gets a price *g

(click to open)


Thursday, May 3, 2001

an old book, attacking com, and voting

As Gor-e left to siege he gave me an old book which he was guarding which happened to be gekkos guest book with a lot of entries around 1.99.
2 days ago i happened to ride after a sigil capture from moongate to brit, finding gekko-bt on a new char near that thief-house at the brit moongate. i gated him to tc valley and he was very touched seeing the old book.
today he brought err0r to show her the book, and beginning yesterday we had a lot very cool talks about old times on cats and df.

some interesting notes:
"Mukkel was a roleplayer.."
"Sell Stuffs(Archmages) RL name is ..Emil"
"..i saw some of the guys.. they took over 40pounds weight in the meantime"
"BT made the perfect Wave at the pk meet. we didnt figured how."

attacking com
some time before com decided to hold sigils. Thats not that new, but we made a funny shot after gatein.

the new voting menue is cool, although it looks like we dont get an US-like vote in tb this time.

I hope we can reward the trust.

Tuesday, May 1, 2001


This PIC is dedicated to TT which even when killing 4 ppl with 12 becomes extreme feelings.
Guys you got now a war that you will not understand.

I hope you already enjoyed the last fights yesterday and we hope to help you REGSHOPPING AT TC BONES and showing how muhc TC SUX and how much COM IS BACK. enjoy.

you see 12 happy nubs after roxoring
