24.08/More TestDuels, glacials & stars |
on the left side you see Woodstock holding a glacial staff. "In Corp Del" and "An Ex Del" let you switch between modis which gives opportunity to waste your mana through staff in one single spell (doing like 50% hp dammage mostly) or some para magic. while the staff stil has charges so after you use the last its broke its usefulness in pvp doesnt seem to be worth the effort. at least you can use it vs ore elementals that are otherwise imune vs magery and the Reactive Armor of an opponent is overrided by the glacial magery if you swing it on the ra target. There are rumors of red and green staffs (level 5 poison too) but same rumors also say they were removed already Malize didnt accomplished her test week. Both sides agreed that she had not enough time atm. Although we really liked her in the time she was in test due to rl problems she couldnt spend that much time ingame. She went back to ICE and is now orange again. Invited to the Testduels Today were: verhaun(played by obelix and don), rastlin, akuma, method man, djajoute, rastaface, vader, point zero, arthur-xh, playerkiller, seth von saljeth, sahira, ancient soul, luffe (alias archmage sun) and ivan bloodstone ![]() Storm - Ivan : 1 Luke - Akuma : 1 Luke - Akuma : 1 Akuma - Cyber : 1 Akuma - Cyber : 1 Akuma - Cyber : 1 Chris - Stody : 2 Chris - Immortal : 2 Chris - Arwen Evenstar : 2 Dorijan Grey - Stody : 2 "test/fun" Dorijan Grey - Stody : 2 "test/fun" Dorijan Grey - Stody : 1 "test/fun" Dorijan Grey - Crofax : 2 "test/fun"(crofax alias vanq+25,100 dex wmage) Dorijan Grey - Crofax : 2 "test/fun" ![]() Woodstock - Crofax : 1 "test/fun" Woodstock - Crofax : 2 "test/fun" Woodstock - Crofax : 2 "test/fun" Woodstock - Crofax : 1 "test/fun" Woodstock - Crofax : 1 "test/fun" Dorijan Grey - Woodstock : 2 "test/fun" Stormbringer III - Stody : 2 Stormbringer III - Stody : 2 Stormbringer III - Luke : none (long) Woodstock - Stody : 1 ![]() Woodstock - Balaar Wryce : 1 Woodstock - Balaar Wryce : 1 Woodstock - Balaar Wryce : 1 Philipp LaGuerre - Balaar Wryce : 1 Philipp LaGuerre - Balaar Wryce : 1 Philipp LaGuerre - Balaar Wryce : 1 Balaar Wryce - Sahira : 1 Balaar Wryce - Sahira : 2 Balaar Wryce - Storm : 1 Balaar Wryce - some other wryce : 1 Balaar Wryce - some other wryce : 1 TestDuel Fights: Ancient Soul - Pug : 2 Ancient Soul - Pug : 2 ![]() Playerkiller - Ancient Soul : 1 Luffe - (obe)Verhaun : 2 Luffe - (obe)Verhaun : 2 Luffe - (obe)Verhaun : 1 Playerkiller + Arthur-xh - Verhaun + Luffe : 2 Arthur-xh - Luffe : 2 Arthur-xh - Luffe : 2 Sahira - Akuma : 2 Vader - Akuma : 2 Vader - Akuma : 1 Seth von Saljeth - Ivan Bloodstone : 2 Seth von Saljeth - Ivan Bloodstone : 2 Ivan Bloodstone - Point Zero : 1 Ivan Bloodstone - Point Zero : 2 ![]() Ancient Soul - Sahira : 1 (Don)Verhaun - Seth von Saljeth : 1 Pug - Luffe : 1 Pug - Vader : 2 Team fights were made by letting a team leader on each side chose the team while only taking 1 out of last teams Luffe + Point Zero + Ivan Bloodstone - Pug + Vader + (don)Verhaun : 2 Ivan Bloodst.+Akuma+Playerkiller - PointZ+ArthurXH+Seth v Saljeth: 2 ArthurXH+Sahira - Anceitn + Playerkiller : 2 You see YAM and TC asking the Crystall Ball about the alliance and the future of all Pug + Vader - Playerkiller + Arthur : 2 Luffe + Pug + Vader - ArthurXH + Playerkiller + PointZ : 2 The votins after the Duels in the chat were the most complicated so far. We will try to restrict it in future to 7 participants so its easier. We made the exception to take 3 in test time cause so many showed so good performance. We had so much arguing in chat that everyone can be sure if they wish to participate again in test duels. These test duels were the most challenging in tc history so far by ppl with high quality fighting. Also some ppl that got many votes showed probs for some TC that we werent aware before like "if he comes in tc i resign and quit uo" which didnt made it easier. if you had that problem please talk to the specific tc so you can get maybe around it next time. And if there are problems with certain TC`s please tell me before, i cant ask all for every that may participate in duels. I hope though it was overall fun for all, although we were so many all went extremly good, and thus i couldnt type any word without typo at the end it was fun:) The new Test Time TC`s are : Point Zero, Luffe and Ancient Soul. Point Zero may be known as ex GM of Jyl that played often out of Ballerup. He is DK. Welcome. More EBR does a voting if they still want to be allied with us or not. So far only Sordran and Tjodalv are for a maintaining of an alliance As long as the ally is still up please keep out if some allies are having trouble with each other. Yam vs ebr etc. After a TG raid suddenly Decite began to be crowded by new spawn TC visiting once more the Star Chamber in the lost lands :) Last but not least the Test Flash for the Flash version of the chargallery is here and Sion is also making a help file for UOAM where all what we have to type for everyone 100 times will be found ;) you will find it here. The Brother of Luke is working on a Flash version of the normal gallery. news from our neighbours ;) |
12.08/TestDuels & Factions |
![]() Today the Test Duel took place. Although there were a lot of emails doe to 2 time changes there was a little chaos in the "event". (before some get too excited, that evil inside pic was made of Slob`Tok which was rather funny and doesnt represent what TC stands for. ;) Philip - Teclis : 1 Ervin - Teclis : 1 Woodstock - Teclis : 1 teclis crashed Woodstock - Clawfinga : 1 Erving - Luke : 2 Ervin - Spirit : 1 Luke - Spirit : 1 Luke - Spirit : 2 Luke - Storm : 1 BFG - Spirit : 1 BFG - Spirit : 1 Philipp LaGuerre - Storm : 1 Stody - Guardian : 1 Allanon - Guardian : 1 Philipp LaGuerre - Trysomethingcantread : 1 Ervin - Allanon : none Julio - Stody : 1 Allanon - Julio : 1 Julio - Stody : duno Stody - Andrew Greenbow :1 Ervin - Andrew Greenbow : 1 Luke + Lurker - Allanon + Stody : 2 Allanon + Stody - Ivan Bloodstone + Andrew Greenbow : 1 Philipp LaGuerre + Luke - Allanon + Stody : 2 Philipp LaGuerre - Allanon : none Philipp LaGuerre - Allanon : 1 Ervin + Ivan - Allanon + Stody : 2 Sion - Ivan : 1 Philipp LaGuerre - Rastaman : ? Luke - Grenouille : 1 ![]() The Duels When the duels ended Allanon and Stody were inited to join the test time. As lately Allanon/Angrias red was a lot with us and Stody also communicated ;) much they were not unknown as characters to most of us which makes it relatively easy it seems. welcome Factions & More There are Robes now for every faction side. shadow ; minax ; mages ; lordb Btw dont forget to send one time more things for chargallery.. its some time now that we didnt updated it :) Heres cybers hp btw where he presents the background of his charfamily :) ![]() CB actively training the PvP Lam |
5.08/mooo |
Factions fixes ![]() ![]() TC on Factions Test Center invading LB Castle TC Valley ![]() Chests: There are now 2 Public Chests in the chestroom as Julio moved his chest in one of the white builings in front as the friendslist was full us all having that many chars. All TC Stones (TC Chaos, TC Order, Team Goat, and the CV gug`ye) are now around the valley We still search a Cow Statue for the tower. Atm we bid at 2 actions for it. Be aware that everyone should give a contribute in getting the statue. :) ![]() You see the YAM visiting the valley asking for Woods and Jins hand ;) duels ![]() Malize came in test week the last days. Sion Verdox + Metoc - Philipp LaGuerre + Woodstock : 2 Sion Verdox + Metoc - Philipp LaGuerre : 1 (long) Sion Verdox + Metoc - Woodstock : 2 (as 1 of 2 died) Sion Verdox + Metoc - Woodstock : 1 Sion Verdox + Metoc - Woodstock : 1 Cerbon + Metoc - Woodstock : 1 Cerbon + Metoc - Woodstock : 2 Cerbon + Metoc - Woodstock : 1 Malize - Lurker : 2 Malize - Lurker : 2 Malize - Lurker : 2 Malize - Luke : 2 Malize - Luke : 2 Malize - Ervin Bloodstone : 2 ![]() Malize - Woodstock : 2 Verhaun - Woodstock : 2 Luke - Teclis : 1 Metoc - Philipp LaGuerre : 2 Crofax - Woodstock : 2 Crofax - Woodstock : 2 Crofax - Elias : 1 Crofax - Elias : 2 Crofax - Elias : ? Ervin+ Metoc - Lurker+Malize: cant remember Sion Verdox - Schahid : 1 Sion Verdox - Schahid : 1 if you have more in mind i will add, but i lost the notes:) T-Shirts Balaar wished to add in news that he can and will make T-Shirts right now. Who is interested send him an icq. The Motive is one of the cow motive (like pic1 in gallery) and either the charter or smth. else on the back :) moo that will rock at the next tc netmeet which we will begin to plan(as it usual takes us a month to set up) |
25.07/faction test&more; |
Factions in Testing! ![]() When Faction will finally step in we will make a vote on how and which Faction we will chose. As we need to peace all wars to step into factions there are some ideas on implementing it. Also a backside is you can be only with 1 char/account on a faction-guild, so we need to think good what we will actually do. The idea is also after Faction steps in to wait some days seeing which Faction will be the less populated one. ![]() TC hanging around in bd ![]() (The eye is provided from Julio which has some "problems" with his piercing but insisted to post it.:) Eye of the Cow by Ervin Bloodstone (freely after "eye of the tiger" (Rocky :P) Last night, we went huntin, and we found 8 oranges. We were 4 but what the hey, We know we got the skill to survive! Its the, eye of the cow, and it aint no meow. We log on just to challenge our rivals, We dont, care if we die we just wanna have fun, and we dont quit just cause of patches! Eye of the Cow...... There we go, straight to the top, we got guts, we got glory. We've gone the distance and we aint gonna stop, were just cows with our will to survive! Its the, eye of the cow, and it aint no meow. We log on just to challenge our rivals, We dont, care if we die we just wanna have fun, and we dont quit just cause of patches! Eye of the Cow...... The Eye of the Cow...... The Eye of the Cow...... The Eye of the Cow...... The Eye of the Cow...... |
17-18.07/teamcow.com, die4free & new TC`s |
Teamcow.com ![]() You can reach Woodstock now over Woodstock-TC@teamcow.com, although the old email also works. ![]() As most new pvp guilds coming out neither chose order nor chaos, and are unwilling to accept war with us we thought about making an RIP idea, the die4free. Our implementation of this idea will look like this: the next 10 wars get for the first 2 war days a die4free the day. You die. get a ress, and can grab your stuff. This will offer you the possibility to see if you have really that much problems fighitng us without losing the stuff once the day for the first 2 days. ![]() you see Julio fighting fearless enemy forces! ![]() After Nid/Elias and Comet made the Test time without problems (welcome:), Luke and Lurker got in. Welcome! more we move TG stone in the next days to TC HQ.String was made gm again, as white isnt very active lately and we will take all new goats on stone. 8) fixed the pics in gallery.. there was problem when shifting from teamcow.de (NT server) to this mirror (unix) so the up/lowercase is relevant.. theres still some to fix, ill add a lot of things to gallery tomorrow and try to fix the other things:) btw 4 months left to 2 years tc on df. |
9.07/some things |
![]() Maybe one of my strongest things in UO which made also TC in this form possible is the look on uo as a virtual world rather than a game. a world where what we do has some meaning in its vr-range. i dont know if you can imagine how deceptionating it is to live through long time with people all possible situations to see them going from one day to the other in another guild which is even orange. in one way its a good thing as they clearly state where you stand for them. i really dont want to spend time with people that may change the next day to war without problem. if you are unsure or have any problems talk or leave now ! uo isnt UT for me where i shift to next map and fight my friends. its also not d2. it includes much more, and that are also the roots of tc at least. i updated the member list. (although active/inactive) isnt accurate yet etc. |
28.06/TC HQ, exploiting & more |
![]() ok, besides the castle that has problems beeing used as hq cause not enough secured chests left wood searched for a tc hq as magery was turned off in towns and it couldnt be expected that osi was fast this time. exploits i want to clearly state a warning. DONT DUPE IN TC and DONT BRING ANY DUPED SHIT IN TC. no tc is a newbie needing it, and i guess no one has to be reminded of SUN although they all were over the same ip the whole guild was banned consisting also persons not on the same ip. besides that duping destroys the game in massive way. destorys OUR fun and with a destroyed economy all..b lah blah.. balh. i think everyone is intelligent enough.(really love to make news before going to bed for 3 hours..) more ekw: if ice and tc fights and ekw shows in both guilds fight ekw first. that was talked and exercised today already. after the fight we talked with nemesis of ekw though (their gm) who may bring ekw to a normal way. we will se. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAT. :P |
16.06/new TC`s, wars, rumors & else |
![]() As Ervin and Sion made the Test-Time we decide to give 2 more the opportunity to look if they fit to us. All people that applied in the last time over email was informed to come tuesday at 20:00 to trins bank for some test 1vs1 and x vs x. First already these 2 stages, email and coming to bank let already many "guildjumping" ppl fell apart as its way too much energy spent towards a guild that they would be able to do. so at the end only 4 people of like 12 invitations came. ![]() Natan accomplished with Jin-A`s help this huge picture :) Moooo! Wars about some guilds that made big waves in the past or last days since their existance: DS : nearly doesnt exists anymore.much talk, no results, worser than DS was ever. GM wants already to make new guild "rebuilding RIP". rumors accoring Dev board the Black hole bug using Runebooks took the uo economy already completly out of hand on some other shards.dye tubes are bought for x millions as gold has no value anymore. on df the situation doesnt seems to be yet that worse.. besides.. did you noticed how many ppl got in last times bless deeds?.. You know, I am working on them, I didn't ignore the bugs, but sometimes they are not easy to fix, especially when I can't reproduce them. I have isolated a few crashes but have had problems reproducing some of the others and I hope to have a new client up this week or first of next. I know you are upset, but, try being a little more cordial, it goes a long way. Insults help no one. Thanks Jalek Programmer, Ultima Online Life would be much easier if I had the source code... else Sion wants and wishes to work on TC news too so espect more updates in the future. The update-time has nothing to do with activity.. its just nothing "new" to make a picture of guild xy dying for xy`th time in trinsic, or us having screenshot 800th time in decite with xy orange bodies.. is that new.. no. oh well.:) |
25.05/Whats New |
![]() Since the News Updates were going slowly in the last time we recapitulate what`s new: (although we begin with 2 forgotten pictures of TC Netmeet): WoodsPC2 without Arctic Circle Aftermeet Pictures, shortly before last went away The next Meet is already in planning and should be this Summer in Sweden Zylya Winterkalt ex SoA with her brother(char) Nostradamus joined TC some weeks before and became last Weekend full TC. Erwin Bloodstone and Sion Verdox/Crofax which you may know from RIP joined yesterday after a long talk with Phil, Dorijan and Woodstock, TC in Test Week. Their Chat names are Moo and Sion, both from UK The Memberlist in right frame and the Charstories of certain ppl will recive shortly an update. Dev As most know the UO:R publish/patch went not that smooth in like OSI thought. At the moment theres a lot discussion in dev board about it. The pvp changes are not very liked, but the main thing is that the balance is gone completly. Although you can adapt and work with it, some weapons are surely outbalanced. you cant adapt to +25 vanq war hammer crushing blow of 106 hp. here some of the more interesting posts of Dev board which lacks atm Red names. REDS (murders) 1. Why does statloss affect murderers upon ressurection, and not death? When a game company does NOT want macroing, why create a system that screams "macro off your punishment!" 2. Why is it that reds were first chastised for random killing, which was then labeled antisocial? Statloss makes a player either "fight or flight". Would you not be forcing players to become THAT much more antisocial because of the risks taken simply to talk to a person? 3. Why have burst hour and statloss? In my mind, the absolute worst case scenario is a very poorly created character becoming an effective player killer. With burst hour and a war hammer, your in business immediately. This makes players that much more likely to abuse and harrass instead of organize for legitimate fights. Why? Because a gimp is a gimp. But when your 7 gm red dies in a fair fight, any pk worth his salt takes an ego hit (this is GOOD, throwaway characters are BAD) I have yet to see the sea of gimp reds, but I have a feeling they are coming. 4. Statloss in Felucca in and of itself is insane. Why? Why not! Felucca is nearly empty as is! Any player who wishes to remain safe now can. Factions are still not here..and assuredly wont be for months...So PvP has suffered enough! The reason why statloss stayed, as far as I can tell, is because OSI knew that nobody would play by the rules and join factions. It would breakdown into large guilds and gangs fighting, and completely ignoring the whole "faction" bit. Tough Sh*t OSI. Its not our fault that we want to fight for OUR reasons, not yours. It's not our fault factions were even put in (I dont recall ONE player saying "hey, split us all up in 4 groups and let us go at it!".) If OSI would unclench its arsehole, maybe it would see that intense pvp leads to order not chaos. Factions would soon utilize pk/red guilds against the other factions etc. 5. Pking was once quite painful because of the lost of equipment. Not only can people aviod being pk fodder, but they can easily pay for new stuff! Everybody's rich now! Hell...I think its a good thing. Personally, after three years of this stuff, I care less and less about items and houses etc. I just want to talk/fight with my friends and enemies. I think most other players do too. So much has changed of the original, legitimate arguments for statloss or no pking arent even a factor anymore. Opps...hit the statloss insanity too much..next... 5. Combat seems strange now also...lemme demonstrate: A. Reflect doesnt even block low level spells most the time. Whats the point then? B. Warhammers and hally hits are obviously overpowered. Cant this be tweaked? C. Weapon hitting should not rely on how damaged the weapon is. Who thought that up? D. All the cheap tricks I've used for a loong time...need to go. We should not have para boxes, teleport- hide, magic lock instaprotection from theives, etc. E. Why is wrestling so worthless now? F. Why can fighters use magic like a mage yet invest so little in it? Wouldnt it be better to have a circle/int requirement neccesity? G. Shields SURE DO BREAK FAST (aginst maces). Of course, that might be good because parry blocks things pretty darn well. H. Why does poison ruin ones weapon? Wouldnt a better idea have been to make how good one poisons in relation to ones poisoning skill? I. Why are daemons so worthless now? J. Why are some tradeskills now raisable only by using them in combat? K. Why are some skills still darn hard to raise while others are a breeze. Shouldnt all skills kinda be roughly the same? Geography 1. Dungeons are STILL CLOGGED WITH WORTHLESS SPAWN! WWHHHHYYYY!!!! ITS BEEN YEARS!! Ok. whew...Rats, slimes, mongbats, giant rats, and snakes are a waste of time, space, bandwidth, spawnpoints. For the LOVE OF GOD, cut the spawn out.2. Ummm isnt Bucs a den of thieves and murderers? Why is there no freaking chaos shrine? Huh? Why? Overall problems: 1. Secure house trading. 2. No Pvp to speak of. Consensual guild warfare, lack of a decent system (evil/good factions chaos/order), no pk switch, no good way to have duels, etc have all taxed the pvp aspect...effectively castrating the strife, revenge, and ambition thats so needed for healthy pvp. 3. No quests. Quests need'nt be extensive. Make a cryer shout "Morgimp the Liche has arisen in the yew crypts!" Put a GM controlled liche with the ability to spawn liche lords. Allow him to slaugher up to ten attackers. When enough players have arrived to take him out..let them get one helluva fight. Everybody goes home happy. Repeat with dragons,orcs etc. once a week at least. 4. Imbalance is bad, bugs are worse. I dont particularly care about them until they affect combat but regardless, most players cringe at the thought of dupes and such so fix them. 5. Some people dont see this as a problem..I do. OSI, your taking WAY TO LONG TO DO ANYTHING. We waited 6 months for UO:R..only to wait and extra three months. In the past this has been the case time and again. EA/OSI if you fire any more programmers, I hope you bottom up. This game is obviously worth something to over 100,000 players SO to continue to downsize and delay improvement is insulting at best to your own playerbase. To end this outrageously longwinded post, do something! Start patching, tweaking whatever! You guys only have maybe a year or less left of innocence before the mmorpgs hit big. Make your players happy now. |
20.05/TC-Net Meet Hannover |
![]() The net meet in Hannover is ongoing :) As you can imagine atm there isnt much time to write, the whole text will follow after. Although here some first pics from it, beginning with the infamous resist Stone-Bug ! .. ye you know.. the one on www.drabister.com ... ![]() You see a bounch of ppl using the last Stone that gives you resist. But the timing is very important! :) btw we found out that we play best with A-Team Music in background here the other pics: A Pic from FFM meet first. left Hydra, right Woodstock Fight vs DA and DS starting at Pit. finishing teleporter Some DA the kitchen.... Natan, Dorijan, Woods PC, and Hydras PC from another position, nat, dor, and 2 pc dorijans keyboard. most likely here the key was pressed to kill you Woods PC, the only PC that holds coffe warm more to follow. have fun :) |
01.05/UO:R |
![]() As most of you figured already (;) the patch is in. Its _absolutely necessary_ that you read update.owo.com concerning the changes. PvP was tweaked massively and you will be of no use if having no clue at all about the changes. We tested some days before patch on test center many fights and combination so we began to shift our tmages some days before patch (when monsters had no enhanched pathfinding)im not sure yet about all, but i think personally i like it more as theres much more diversity than before. The picture was made using Schlachtbeils TC-Cow pic by Imperator. Thanks a lot:) net-meeting the netmeeting is 18.05.00-22/23.05.00. dont forget the date. It will take part in Hannover. So far following persons will participate: Hydra (Gauron), Woodstock, Balaar, Natan, Boom, Cohen, Dorijan, Eisen and/or Netman. We will play over ADSL. Please note to bring Bedrolls, well and all else you need to survive net-events:) |
20.04/Guildspecial: LRM ; ICE ; BOH |
![]() Dobermann, G`Kar and Zaire are chased like every other LRM member. We have at the moment 14 interesting applications in the Email folder. For the head of one of the three you come in test week imediately. The bounty is not of interest and you will keep it. Route Watchers can call over 21150581 ICQ to tell if they see LRM. For every positive message (lrm is there) you will be rewarded with 5k. ICE After major problems 1 day before Nirax and Murmandanus (ICE) had a very long and nice talk. The bootomline is that we both have the same interest of a interesting and challening war. Here is what came out: no blue healing ; no runelooting ; no clothelooting ; no horseklling ; no shittalking ; gating if possible. I am sure that with these things set up and after we talked about all the war will become funny and challenging for both. i am very happy that we were able to set up these rules and hope all will go well. it started promisingly at the same day at jhelom duels and today in decite. BOH after a long talk with Tanja and Gabrielle with shaking hands at the end after the war escalated negatively today Bifrost(Natan) was reskilled without reason by Gabrielle. I cant understand it my ICQ which i gave to BOH gm wasnt used yet but the answer will follow. im really tired of discussing with boh. i think most know what i mean. |
19.04/TG, TC, MeetDate & Duels |
![]() While old and news Lands were constantly raided by Team Goat in the time where no opponent could be found a bloody trace was left telling the story of a handful people. ![]() At ice Fiends Sadly one day after after a terra-keep raid we ran uproad terra in obs-on-road area. Dorijan crashed first while rel poring and died. Azmodan crashed, and died. Finally also Mr.White who was trying to get the heads and important things besides String and Professor X (Manga) died when an Avenger spawned on him.While its not a big problem to die vs antis dying on crash and monsters is the sad part of it. Team Cow Much fighting the last days. Guilds who are peacing are tryed to get by TC Order stone if they switched to chaos. Finally we have not to care if theres more Chaos than Order or old problematic since Chaos was not green anymore to each other.pic Mass Order/Chaos fight in decite which continued in Ocllo Meet Date We have set up the meeting to around the weekend of 15-May 2000 The tc Net-meeting in Hannover will be opened from thursday on, and G and W will grab other TCs who come by train etc. Please tell us if you come and what computer parts you bring with you. It seems that we have atm enough Monitors there so theres one problem less. Duels didnt noted much down in the last time. if you have more of our duel setup, send me please. Ny'alvad TC - Hustler TC : 1 Ny'alvad TC - Hustler TC : 1 Woodstock TC + Philipp LaGuerre TC - Netman TC + Hustler TC : 1 Woodstock TC + Philipp LaGuerre TC + Netman TC - Azmodan Johnson + Ny'Alvad TC + Hustler TC : 1 Cyber TC - Philipp LaGuerre TC : 2 Woodstock TC + Cyber TC + Philipp LaGuerre TC - Ny'Alvad + Hustler TC + Azmodan JoHnson : 1 (Although it took years to get Ny down;) |
13.04/NewTC,MemberPause,Meet & Fights | ||||||||||
![]() Cohen ended his test week in the last days. Cherokee joined in test week like planned. After a RL meet in Frankfurt Netman and Eisen were persuading getting Netman in test week. While it were many new TC's for our kind of taking applications, they all were at a time part of the old SoA.In relation to this, we have an Application Pause. I am aware that there are many that wait for longtime and seem to really fit well, but the time will come. I have every interesting application stored, and if you continue to duel with us so you dont get forgotten, your time will come. Im sure everyone whihc will become TC later will greatly benefit from it, as you should find a team with integrity. Meet It appears that the Hannover NetMeet would fit best for most of us in the week after Ostern, although i think thats too late for BFG. We'll try to set up saying 3 dates, and everyone should rate these dates as good, maybe good or not good. Fights There were many fights in the last days. Were getting TG back on BBoard too after most bounties decayed. TG visiting "the wall" in decite some funny TC pics were contributed by Luke. have a look: "Vas In Lor" talking ressing ressing Group Pic with Point Z