Saturday, February 24, 2001
World peace and global domination, one of the same??
Just a short note to all to say we are still here.
I know how concernd you all get when theres not much activity, wood has had problems hardware wise and has not been able to play. No wood means no TC, so thats the reason you have not seen many of us about.
I have also been told today that ANG have now got a "kill point char" that they use for putting all points on so as to not lose them, this is indeed about as lame as it gets and I hope their members know just how much the shard hold this guild in low regard.
I am awaiting my uo3d CD and will be building a uo3d information site to add on to uochat, keep your eyes on uocha for that, for those who dont know thats
Any how thats about all, TC keep at it wile woods away, and wood come back soon we miss you =) to our enemys hold tight their cowboys we will be back to full working status very soon.
Monday, February 19, 2001
3d Movie Part 2 (14mb)& Part 3(22mb)
Ok we all learn. First of i noticed a great feature that you can see in the movie. You can use the mouse wheel to zoom in and zoom out of. The following movie was created on Test 3d Shard in Trammel. Main aspects is showing more of the client capabilities.
You may notice some lag in the movie. The lag comes usually when the client accesses either pathfinding or a a midi file. (like if you go in combat mode you will notice the lag if you watch carefully).
Besides this with build 46 you have sometimes odd graphical effects like seeing some parts of walls on yourself etc, but thats all beta and not tragic. To be honest if you look this movie you will understand why all in all it looks promisingly.
Also on the movie capturing side we made progresses. You need "DivX ;-)" codec, but as said its fast to find. The movie playback is this time in right speed (you may have notice on moving of Ebolt animation that last movie played 2 times slower cause i used a faulty compression option) and i used a filter to compensate this time the loss on brightness. actually if i let original avi and compressed run near each other the result looks this time very neat.(part2)(you can also right click link and "save as" if you dont want media player opening)
Part 2 consist mostly of a walk around wbb some spellcasting, gateusing, and using of zoom function showing how the client performs under different tasks. at the end we introduce the new ghostlook.The lag you notice comes from recording while playing. Uo3d runs already extremly smooth on this machine (amd 1.2@1.3bird, 512mb, gforce 2 ultra, raid 0 ibm deskpro. ;)
In the 3`d part here we show while having improved caputring (no fixed win anymore, no caputring mouse etc) ressurection effects, facet travels, new artwork, tailoring menue, fight vs monsters, a part of the new facet, performance testing on ostard, and a dancing lady as well as half of the emotes you can do by menue or macro with your char.
Sunday, February 18, 2001
Luke sending Trojans
Please dont take any file from luke he tried to send a TC following trojan saying it would be his new flash movie.
Sunday, February 18, 2001
Training Fights
Today we restarted training in 3vs3 and 2vs2 which we will continue the following weeks. I think it was a lot of fun. Target is that you learn also the newer tcs know while the all in total can have some interesting fights testing their abilities.
There is no duel list as the target was to have ppl in one team that dont feal so comfortable with each other
Saturday, February 17, 2001
3d client. first testing:
Today my 3d client cd arrived. Although some things are very nice it began with a long patching session, that stopped 2 times.
(on this system are no vir as its 100% clean.) after restarting the process continued and came to an end.
The first things you will notice is that the movment is still lacking any intelligent sense if you walk saying s/e your horse will not turn in that direction but you will ride there while your horse looks in the previous saying norht direction. you can imagine.. that looks odd.
also the ingame paperdoll 3d chars look cute, but the ingame chars look mostly very thin, like a UT mod where ppl gets thin when not beeing able to frag while the fraggers get fat :)
The secod bug is the t2a chat which we use a lot.. hopefully that will be fixed soon. while the old chat came very handy and uncomplicated it begins that you cant resize the name window.. well.. great. its often enough to see the first 3 letters of a name. but either BIG or small is not a good choice. if you make the names disappear but resize the chat after the name window appears again.
also i couldnt read what i wrote. i could read it on the other comp that was logged with 2d client, so i knew at least it arrived in chat.
if you wish to continue talking now ingame its not enough to click on game screen.. no they thought its very handy that you have to click now on the darkened line below where your speach text is.
well.. its still beta.
you may notice your own healthbar is a mixbetween old and new (party) healthbar. thats great thing. i feared that we have to read our hp from the new healthbar where oyu have no clue where your health is. this was a good idea to mix them.
here the pictures, at the end pictures of spellcasting and summoning.
3d - 3d_1 - 3d_2 - 3d_3 - 3d_4 - 3d_5 - 3d_6 - 3d_7 - 3d_8 - 3d_9 - 3d_10 - 3d_11 - 3d_12 - 3d_13 - 3d_14
13 and 14 are a comparation of the same screen setup in 3d and 2s. decide yourself. although all spells etc look very nice imho the 2d client rocks.
we made also a little (20mb) movie of spellcasting in decite. you find it here.
replaced old 35mb file. now its "DivX ;-)" compressed. please consult your search tools for the right codec which will aloow your mediaplayer/whatever to view it
Thursday, February 15, 2001
faction stone
today i removed following inactive tcs from stone:
sahira, theristis, vheraun, luffe
i know in most cases the reasons for your absence so its only out of stone. when you are back in business we will train you back to the level where you can join the stone.
besides this mitharep joined his test-time. welcome :)
Wednesday, February 14, 2001
warning: purple items
dont make any items purple. it can happen easy enough by accident.
A LOT ppl was banned today cause of that, i dont know anything closer but trash them or ask gentle if they can turn the particular item back to normal if it happened by mistake.
i cant udnerstand why perma-bannings come out of that, but we deal with it until we know further.
read on for details
Wednesday, February 14, 2001
TC mail lists
I have just set up a Team Cow mailing list.
The adress to it will remain private as it will be so we can get messages to the whole guild if they are on line or off.
You can also mail the list and all TCs will get the mail, we can use it to exchange links jokes the normal social reasons also, but its main use is to serve as a comunication tool for the guild.
To join the list just email me ( and i will add your email adress to it.
If you have problems with email or dont have email, then ask woodstock, as all tcs can have a teamcow email any way from wood.
When i add you to the list you will get a email asking you to confirm you wish to join the list, just follow the link in the mail and click the yes button so as it actually joins you.
When i get most of the guilds emails i will add all in to it then, so please hurry and send them or you could be missing out on guild information.
Just a quick note to all also, i have left factions with Sion i am very tired of the way factions are right now and need a break, i am going to rejoin with Crofax but i am spending some time getting his magery to GM, so do not expect to see me intill the weekend at least allthough i still will be in game and in chat.
Thanks all, and send that email to me now before you forget!
Monday, February 12, 2001
someting completly ..
well not that different as you are kindof used that i write often of other stuff ranging from E.T to how to tune your Athlon. .. or hey lets say we have heavy 3D impact now that the 3Dclient appears, which should hit my door by tomorrow. :)
This time check Tranzmit Demonews a DEMO site. Who remembers the demo scene of c64 and amig knows already what you will find. the biggest sound and graphical explosions i ever saw showing you the power of your machine and of tomorrow games/etc.
i didnt followed it some years.. in fact the last demo i saw was on my 386.. and.. wow.. look for yourself maybe beginning with this one (high cpu/gpu/ram required)
TC hp doesnt takes any responsability to the content of linked sites
Sunday, February 11, 2001
Team Cow small Duel Event
on Sunday 11th we did hold a short and quick lil duel event.
We try to hold a larger one in future and invite more ppl to it.
the duels where hold at a little place.
Ares[RC] - Sion[TC] : 1:0
Mitrandir[DA] - Sion[TC] : 0:1
Ares[RC] - Sarah[ICE] : 1:0
Prince of Lies [DA] - Action Jackson[TC] : 0:1
Eutolicos[T@B] - Ky'Alur Em'Hadar[DC] : 1:0
Action Jackson[TC] - Ares[RC] : 1:0
Kialijai von Lar - Raven DA : 1:0
Mitrandir[DA] - Action Jackson[TC] : 0:1
Sarah[ICE] - Zerberus[TC] : 1:0
Netman - Raven DA : Netman Crashed.
Kialijai von Lar - Shaft : 1:0 (Shaft was very lagged)
Ky'Alur Em'Hadar - Kialijai von Lar : 1:0
Netman - Ky'Alur Em'Hadar : 0:1
Ky'Alur Em'Hadar - Prince of Lies[+vanq axe] : 1:0
Action Jackson[TC] - Ky'Alur Em'Hadar : 0:1
thoese are the rankings of today.
Dorijan Grey
Thursday, February 8, 2001
Hi all
Just a quick post to test the new news script. Some TCs have asked about the member page and i thought it might be a nice idea to do a flash members gallery, if enough people want that i will work on one for us. Post in the forums to let us know.
Oh the faction rankings are amazing well done all, if we can reach the number one spot on a global scale that would be something!.
Thursday, February 8, 2001
Site Update - DF Faction Scores - SETI Project
Ok i figured out how to install this funny news script and i am working to finish adapting the rest of the old site as well as getting all links in the new html. As you are here, you know already that on the mirror-server the new html is yet under construction.:)
Osi implemented Factions on town.uo. You can check now Personal and Guild Highscores in comparation to your shard or all shards together. TC is 300 points away from #1 of all shards. currently we are #4.
DF Statistics and TC established a SETI team. For more information check our SETI-clan page