Saturday, September 22, 2001
*points up to the TC banner on page*
yes its right i canceled my ao account due to their last patch and their reaction on the flaws in it.
i dont know exactly what i will do now. (in my online time ;) *g
i logged in uo and noticed the vet awards are working.
Wednesday, September 19, 2001
Hello gang
Where have I been? Who am I? Who are these demons that are relentlessly chasing me? This and many more questions I will attempt to answer.
For those who do not know me my name is Sion Verdox, I am introducing myself as we have a new audience of Europa players here as well as new additions to our little family. I have been a member of team cow for? umm a year and a half, most likely longer. My time in team cow has been amazing, and mostly based in Ultima. When wood decided to try a game I naturally decided to move with him, and I am still having fun in Anarchy Online.
Anarchy Online is a great game, wood covered most of the game, and I hear you now screaming about PvM crap, but it is not like that, PvP in Anarchy is a little unbalanced right now, but PvM is a group activity that alone is as tactical as pvp in UO, any way I am not here to preach.
I am building a Europa Char, very slowly but I am, I had my reservations about doing so but if that is where we are now then fine I will roll with that, however I can not say you can fully expect me back in Ultima, not without Woodstock and Yume any way. My Europa char is going to take a long time to build, I am rather busy with my Anarchy Online life, I write for a popular news page as well as now I am on my way to starting the ARK training programme, a Anarchy Online version of a counsellor, time is short but any spare time I do have is spent macroing.
The world of online gaming is changing at a fast rate, Ultima is taking steps to deal with that but there are new games on the way even sooner than most realise, DAOC Shadowbane and others are coming up to their release date, Anarchy was the first of many. Being part of a strong group of gaming people is important to me, where’s the fun in multiplayer if you aren’t multiplayng right?
If you are at all interested in what we are doing you can do a few things, you could drop by AO Basher) and have a look at some of my articles, or maybe even download Anarchy Online and try it free of charge for seven days, yes that’s right, you can download it, login look about say hi to us and not pay a penny for doing that. click here for details of that offer.
Team Cow is my online family, no matter what game you are in, or what members we have, the few that have been with me over the years have spent more time with me than some of my real life friends, no matter what game we play or where we are, nothing aint changing that.
Oh and by the way, no you cant have my stuff.
PS. If you do drop into Anarchy Oline using the trial offer, when in game at the chat box screen type /tell siontc HELLO SION! and that will send a message directly to me.
Tuesday, September 18, 2001
First 75+ Event in AO
FC trying hard to fill up AO with content for highlevels.
So far with the first try they messed a little up.
Read whole story here. I posted it in german though, i may make a translation later.
Click here for the Event-Story & Pics
Sunday, September 16, 2001
Why Frogs eat Bred ;)
where is Wood, and in which Bermuda-Triangle did i disappeared. As most know the Triangle is called Ao, and much like in UO in the first month i was unable to do much else (although the good part about is that it was in semester-holidays ;) AO in its current state with all Design flaws still has a lot of fascination. While most TCs that didnt played much AO yet ask as first question when you say you are fighting if you pvp, but the game in its current state doesnt lives from pvp. It lives from grouping, which in its strategy base is unlike something you know from uo, or if it compares to group-pvp in uo, but not pvm in uo.
While group-pvm in AO can be compared with the strategy in group-pvp in uo in some ways, pvp in ao and pvp in ou cant. While soldiers are still the Masters of PvP followed by Agents i get at the moment no joy of it. I have no joy of killing someone in 1 sec, pressing 1-3 keys, nor dying if i didnt pressed the 1-3 keys first and continue.
Also the "Highlevel" PvP is in no way offering the joy (at the moment) that you are used from UO PvP. - yet.
I say yet cause a lot potential lies in this game, but its up to FC what they turn it like. I have to remember that PvP in uo at start was a joke too. Chainlightning instantkills vs Armor, Fireball-machineguns, Masscast of bladespirits etc.
It will be just a lot harder in ao than in uo to "balance " whatever, dealing with fixed ips on a level based system, while in uo with a lot anger ppl could still change their chars. (although really hard before the skill locks)
If it turns out to go a bad way i will fully return to uo. When my flat comes i will come to participate with uo tc :).
Im sorry i didnt added yet the recent archives in the right navframe. You can reach them until i do from
Ok here some of the impressions beginning wiht the newest to woods grow up since the last news where it was mentioned :)
Wood and friends on Sofa (level 104)
Wood and her Ghostknight :)
First mission ever i encounter Blaster Beetles / trailgun/ vaporizers inside. They had quite problems passing doors (~level 99 i think. Mission level 143 or so)
Wood and Mid reaching the skys and dismounting on the end of the world the plane falling for 994 fall dmg ;)
Wood and her Ghostknight
Backroom of Baboons nightclub in Omni-Ent
Baboons nightclub dance floor
Wood forgot buying the right clothes
Killing a Rhinovillage (~ level 85 i think)
OT Camping. Phil and me watched but that was too boring
Leveling 48-52 on Blasterbeetle pre 12.5 patch with MK and Old Sunburst III
Thursday, September 13, 2001
Europa TC Test Duels
All applicants for TC europa, TC Test Duels will commence on
14/09/2001 (Friday)
at 9pm GMT (UK Time)
We will collect All applicants from Small (west) Trinsic Bank. Please try to arrive 15 minutes early or you might get left behind.
A quick walkthrough of how it will work.
All Applicants will take part in 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3.
You will be judged mainly on your performance in Teams.
We will only look at Mage characters. So no warriors please.
At the end of the Duels we will choose 1 - 2 members that will then proceed into TC Test week if they so wish to.
Only come if you are serious about joining TC please.