28.10/Technical & Members |
Technical After Hardware/software problems i had an artificial pause until fixing them. Members Russkij Wor, Julio and Kasmir finished their long test week. Welcome. :) |
24.10/News Pause over |
News News Pause over & Else The News Pause is over. Im no longer ill, the test-tc's have 1 1/2 weeks (means until this wednesday) time to show how they can adapt, some new strategies where already discussed in chat/icq/etc. Main topic is back to the roots, more hunting on old spots(grab your old runes out of bank :), more TG, less of these over the time boring mass-fights. Updates: Member section will be updated tomorrow. |
17.10/big fights and reqruitment |
![]() There were big fights in BD and everywhere on this planet today While the first big BD fight where TC was involved was won (we were there with 10), the next fights where even or lost (cant say much on them cuase i was 2 hours at dinner) TC didnt presented today though in the used quality, more in the quantity, so look next paragraph for more informations. TC visiting Ocllo Today we reqruitet all aspirants that were on hold. Beginning with Kashmir old friend of Natan,Gauron,Geordie and Fredo, ex SoL, to Kruse who lives together with BFG and is rl friend of BFG and his brother, to Ruskij Wor that lives in the same house with Imperator and Julio that worked like hell to get Wmage skills and was up for TC for so much time. Now many will thinkt hat i completly lost my mind. Its a test. Please consider all Test-TC as that what they are: in test for that week. I will personally try to get them the group feeling like you hopefully will also provide this week and show them what TC exactly is. We dont took them to lose identity. I am VERY aware of dangers recruiting too many ppl at once. I try that this time, and i hope for support of the old TC's. 10 min later.. ok i icq'ed now with Fredo and Gauron. We make this try, and will maks a stone for them. we will make it more easy to be test tc though if some tc's dont like a specific candidate we will not take him. the key is to learn the new one know, so that we get many ppl to know before they join tc. the old system is good but a little tricky. if the new reqruitment system shows beeing not good, we go back to the old one. also it is an exception of taking that many ppl at once in test week of course. im sure we will find the right way together though. these news were also more personal written, but hey.. its still official news pause til the end of this week :) |
16.10/KotH and More |
![]() To bein with.. its still TC-News Pause, cause the computers in this room in the new appartment is one of the only things already working .. ;) so just some pictures of the koth. at the beginning, only order was there.. at the end only chaos was there. most of the fights where hold though in ocllo and later t2a ice. Chaos with 1 chat, in 1 line ![]() :) More As some members (ok atm including me cause of technical reasons) dont show any online presence in tc we will recruit like we would deal with only 4 active ppl. All ppl on hold will get the test-week. if they dont make it, they dont make it. as i can understand that all are a little tired after all these big fights the last weeks, with much online presence, well not do now pause forever. think good about what are your goals in this game. beeing in tc means responsability for your team. That was a little personal all, but i spent much time and energy in this guild and i will not let it go ways i never wanted to have them. and for some of the newer tcs: if you continue doing things that are even mentioned in the rules just to say "oops soory" didnt knew about we will consider. i dont have that much time. |
11.10/Some Fights & Duels |
![]() When i logged on i heard that some TC's were already fighting, and those dying in the battle beeing reskilled from soa and tg: . as side note it may be added that from now on some specific ppl may notice the differenct between treaten nice and not so nice if they die. this goes specially to funny ppl like reskillers, horsekillers and choppers. TC and EBR visiting shame ![]() TC and FOB searching the reskillers Duels Duels sent in by BFG BFG TC - eisenugly RUN : 1 Vampire TC - Eisenugly RUN : 2 (vamp says something about heal bug, he casted on himself and no effect) Vampire TC - Eisenugly RUN : (Vamp ran out of regs) Vampire TC - Eisenugly RUN : 1 Vampire - Ghost Prov..(can't remember name, the one in TG:) : 1 (Ghost recalled in a duel) special for Catskills: Ghost Conscriptor was in tc test week somoe months before but didnt made it. he is GREAT LORD DEATH from cats, which was banned for using uoe some time ago, was ex DR (Der Rat) (some odd but somewhat pecaful guild) which had a PvP stone called "BDS" which was some subsection. it was in german something about "Bruderschaft" if my memory doesnt leave me. Ghost Proselyte was Tuor BDS friend of Tim HdF which married Jii Nevever (pseudo XTC on df, HdF on cats.) i remember him as newbie in serverwars on xroads brit. BDS came from time to time to xroads to have battles with the tank thiefes there. at least i remember one fight against Zermous TN and Kraken TN (spec ops TN.. my god over 1 year ago) where they lost nearly the whole guild against them. Tuor joined later a german guild called MAD with members like Hatschi etc.Tower we need to clean the tower before Woodstock as little archetrice and fredo setting up the rooms. if you have time etc. tell in chat, we could need a hand to get stuff from one tower to the other. Castle Some ppl asked why we dont use our castle. Well as GdG and TC's have gone different ways we dont use it as guild, though many members are still at home there. |
xx.10/ 9.10 Spec.Updated - News Pause & Appartment |
Update 9.10 Update on the fly, cause some things are to be mentioned beyound news pause: Manga, Team Goat died with around 865 kills and 186k bounty guardkilled out of guarded area by a hm lost guard. (no comment) ![]() Though there would be many things to write, especially on Team Goat side which got IceMan (though not "official in TG yet" and Heyena (she will be back next days) i cant update the news atm. ![]() We apolognize (hehe) for any inconveniences :) On the left side you see the "Die KnuffKuh from Danath :) He is banned atm, cause he argued with GM SOL Other If you have a premanent internet connection you should check the reliability using a desktop firewall if you dont wish tu use a dedicated linux hardware for it. There are products like AtGuard or Conseal (www.signal9.com) which were tested to be good.besides that as always: DONT take anything over icq or IRC, even if you think its the right person. its relatively easy to fool people if you know what friends they have in icq. DONT open any attachement in Emails where you are unsure of. DONT install anything from sources you are not 99% sure. Take care if you install stand alone versions for detecting trojans etc. mostly they come from the same sources like the trojan, and nobody can tell you if besides recognizing the trojan(if they do it) they dont have backdoors installed. Specific UO: DONT tell anyone whats your account name. DONT save Password. Be aware that if you use IRC/else you can be nuked if you have no firewall installed. (Thats one of the things why uo chat is so much better) With a desktop-firewall you can still be flooded (if saying you have someone in icq that you killed. he finds out over icq your ip adress..), but the opposite party has to have a bigger bandwhich than you, which normally is hard for dial-up parts, though if the ppl of a IN Cafe decides to flood you it could be problematic. So DONT give your ICQ to persons you dont trust, especially when running under such a super open System like WinXX |
5.10/Fights |
![]() After fooling around with odd characters we heard that order grouped to a soa, ice, c*a, s*l and other block. We woke 4 and gathered together with run and fob which already had fights with them before. The attack on ocllo surprised them, and we killed some of the opposition.Patch Please notice that www.owo.com changed now to www.uo.com, so searching after town.owo.com or update.owo.com should be used as update.uo.com. check whats "in developpment" cause many of the "keep brit clean" patches will begin on 6.10 |
2-4.10/Vamp, Cows & Appartment |
![]() Vampirehunter D ended his test-week. It was sometimes not easy for both, but all goes in the right direction, and he is a full TC now. Welcome Vamp :) Appartment You will notice lack of online presencce from Woodstock, Penelope and String while im changing appartment, and much work is to be done in the new one. Im working sometimes 4-10hours on it, and mostly after coming from university, which makes me very tired atm. So online presence and TC-News will be, like it was since the middle of the last week, less than hm used ;) ![]() 2' Today was the day of the Cow. Besides some PKing and hunting most work was done to feed, tame and stroke cows. (Some special TC info: If you want to stroke a cow, double klick on her around 10-20 times and see what happens ! :) You see Penelope, Natan, Vampire D and Balaar Wryce watching Vamps cows that have TC names To explain our relation as/with cows here a quote of 25.7.TC News: - house pet after having killed some cows to clean the duel area, we noticed and thought that its not ethically and moraly correct to kill cows as TC the cow is our official house-pet now, so dont kill cows ! :o) To remind you how a cow looks like, here 3 examples: a brown-white cow, a black-white cow, and a white-purple Team Cow Jirikis was banned on Siege P. for makroing. As the rules there are more strict, we dont know yet how long the banning is. Imperator is in the AU Army atm. the first weeks are the hardest, so we can expect him in 2-3 weeks back to real "work". |
29.9-01.10/Fights&Duel; Night(s) |
Fights 30' if you searched today for order on df you were on the wrong shard. Besides ICE,C*A and one SoA showing up, no order was seen or sighted. We had a town battle with EBR together vs ICE, some C*A i think and the SoA which they lost. After that no order was to be found, so we were going over to further ![]() 30' Duels (fighting BFG as tmage in 1vs1 is very complicated cause he has all advantages on his side beeing a wmage. We done it more for training, though some interesting tactics showed up) BFG TC - Vampire D TC : 1 BFG TC - Vampire D TC : 1 BFG TC - Vampire D TC : 1 BFG TC - Vampire D TC : 2 BFG TC - Vampire D TC : 2 BFG TC - Woodstock TC : 1 BFG TC - Woodstock TC : 1 BFG TC - Woodstock TC : 1 BFG TC - Woodstock TC : 2 Woodstock TC - Vampire D TC : 1 Woodstock TC - Vampire D TC : 1 BFG TC - Natan TC : 1 BFG TC - Natan TC : 2 BFG TC - Natan TC : 1 (im not sure if there were 3 though) BFG TC - Vampire D TC : 2 BFG TC - Vampire D TC : 1 BFG TC - Vampire D TC : 1 BFG TC - Vampire D TC : 2 BFG TC - Vampire D TC : 2 BFG TC - Vampire D TC : 1 Vampire D TC - Caranthir : 1 29` Duels we dueled 8 hours after no opposition was found EBR which was hunting the Orders in earlier hours with us joined us in the duels. Later also FOB and B0H showed up, which contributed all to a great fight night first duels on raw earth Vampire begins to make the duel field looks good :) Fighting on the Duel Area Gor-e EBR - natan TC : 1 Gor-e EBR - Natan TC : 2 Gor-e EBR - Natan TC : 2 Yumesenshi TC - Natan TC : 2 Yumesenshi TC - Natan TC : yume out of regs (this duel with potions) BFG TC - Jirikis TC(Gaurons brother(char) : 2 BFG TC - Jirikis TC : 2 Vampire D TC - BFG TC : 2 Vampire D TC - Gor-e EBR : 1 Vampire D TC - Gor-e EBR : 1 Uwe Seeler BT - BFG TC : 2 Uwe Seeler BT - Yumesenshi TC : 2 Uwe Seeler BT - Vampire D TC : 2 Woodstock TC + Natan TC + BFG TC - Vampire D TC + Yumesenshi TC + Uwe Seeler BT : 2 (bfg died fast, wood and nat lasted long) Woodstock TC - Vampire D TC : 1 Woodstock TC - Vampire D TC : 1 Woodstock TC - Natan TC : 1 Woodstock TC - Natan TC : 1 Vampire D TC - Ishara FOB : 1 Woodstock TC - Lauriz FOB : 1 Woodstock TC - Lauriz FOB : 1 Ishara FOB + Lauriz FOB - Vampire D TC : 2 (2vs1) Ishara FOB + Lauriz FOB - Vampire D TC : 1 Sorha B0H - Boom TC : 1 Balaar the fool - IceMan(brother(char) of Fredo) : 1 Ishara FOB + Kablack van Lar - Woodstock TC + Vampire D TC : 2 Boom TC + Baalar the Fool TC - Woodstock TC + Vampire D TC : 2 Balaar the Fool - Sorsha B0H : 2 Kablack van Lar - Boom TC :2 Boom TC - Vampire D TC : 2 Boom TC - Vampire D TC : 2 Kablack van Lar - Boom TC : 2 Vampire D TC - Boom TC : 2 Woodstock TC - Boom TC : 1 Balaar the Fool TC - Rfaldo KFC : 2 Daisy BOH - Vampire D TC : 2 Vampire D TC - Boom TC : 2 Balaar the Fool TC - Rfaldo KFC : 1 Daisy B0H - Vampire D TC : 2 Woodstock TC - Balaar the Fool TC : 1 a big thanks to all involved. It was a great night :) Update The 9.99 was moved to archive |