27-28.8.99/3vs3 & Meet |
- 3vs3 yesterday we made hours of duelling in 3vs3 after no opposition was found. it began with a mage 3vs3 to a mixed w.mage/mage up to a duel 3 tank mages against 3 warrior mages. it was very interesting. today we took penelope already on stone. - meet the hannover meet with krid, gauron and me as in progress.. as i slept more than the others but am still groggy, so later more. :) |
25.8.99/Patch Day |
- patch never play on patch day, but we all done it, and here the results: Bugs known so far. 1. you cant instant-log out as red, criminal or while fighting. (last thing is great though!!) reference: dev board. 2. rubberband lag. in our test duels and later, we had nasty effects from not beeing able to run without stopping to a completly unability to move in any direction. encountered effects so far : 6 reference: ingame and dev board 3. noto bug with health bars. they behave like last target and override noto query. there may be also a huge noto bug, cause when targetting with beneficial spells a criminal/red's bar you wont be flagged reference: ingame 4. newbies: create new char, cross serverline: you are "Young" 5. messanger, not yet supposed to work, but crashes your uo half of the time. you find a description of its functions in \uo\um****.txt 6. fastwalking npc's 7. taming transfer bugs 8. escorting bug 9. skill/stat notify does inform always no matter of on/off 10. install bugs: read update.owo.com issues for that 11. makros.txt leading to crashes: read issues 12. stat bar not updating correct. also in old clients that happened in some case, but very rare. we had that effect 5 times yesterday already. for those now a little annoyed here some advices what to do ;) ![]() |
23.8.99/SUP?:Monadys Blurp,Treasure & Site move(!) |
- Sup? Last days much work was done on brother/sister chars. Penelope a sister of Woodstockk which comes along with gm assassin, defensive magery, resist & meele+support skills. FatboySlim, which comes along with mace/fencing combination also shifting magery and resist up yes some may note that fat is a BFG-clone, and Penelope a Bamse clone, but we try our best to make them better ;) Also Gauron and Natan may also add to their tank-mages, some interesting meele+defensiver magery brothers into TC which i never would call a townfighter (which is for me: 100str, 25 int, 100dex, low resist, maybe low magery too) a "warrior-mage" is something that performs very good also out of town, though it depends hardly of the given situation. This will say, as long as its a 1vs1, 2vs2, even 4vs4, a guy with high defensive magery+resist, supported by his team really rocks. but if it is more important to inflict just most damage in shortest time (enemy retreating, short fights, etc) he will not reach the performance point of saying a Tank-Mage (offensive Magery with mag-supporting skills+a meele skill) Make it clear: We still only accept Mages/Tank-Mages and warrior-magesgetting new in TC, but we hardly missed Beavis(on SP now), Butthead (on SP now) SHODAN(deleted.. (yes the ork is odd),String (TG!), Julianne (inactive) and Bamse (still LMC-red) in the Jhelom fights against cheapest townies+blue dispeller. And BTW the good - situation dependant - combination is always one of the keys to win a battle. im really very excited about the given possiblities to make very mixed meele/def.mage/assassin/+mace/alchemy/res combinations to add to a group. in combination with our group fights i hope to soon admit bfg in 2vs2's etc ;o) Besides that Natan is teaching a Scrible cause he never had one in uo, and Gauron made his Sister Fraya today to GM Cartograhp, after all other skills were ready.. that was leading us to the little level 5 hunt - Treasure with a very unusual group we digged today with fraya her first level 5 out. ![]() a mixed group - Site move the TC HP may move to a new location in the next time. i have no clue how fast it goes, but if you cant access it, look on osi guild list and find under Team Cow guild information the new URL which i will update imediately on stone. - UOA there is a new Test Version (not yet approved) of UOA on tugsofts update page, which has a feature we have long waited for.. Smart ESC. in the final version it will also have 8 more makro slots. - news the last weeks were moved to [older TC news] |
20.8.99/Fights & 2vs2 |
- Fights Some fights in Jhelom vs a mass of townies + blue supporters, trinsic + white wyrms, and moonglow. Thoug the only losses were Wood in Jhelom and Delekahn in Trinsic, both guardkilled after letting a daemon attack an orange creature. (1st the horse of a backstabber, 2nd the White Wyrm) thats odd. We will test tomorrow if there is a new bug. you could an ex por or attack offensive the creature, but when you attacked it with "all kill" you were guard killed. After these townfights which where somewhat entertaining but not really interesting (10 each + gm stuff, oh yeah) decite and shame were checked, but nothing was to find. As some important TG's were missing we couldnt go out with the murderers where we find enough targets, so we decided to duel again. - Duels Geordie TC - BFG TC : 2 (well i already told about bfgs skills) Geordie TC - BFG TC : 2 Woodstock TC + Delekahn TC - Geordie TC + Calm BFG (yes BFG's brother char) : - long battle. Delekahn went out of regs Woodstock TC + Delekahn TC - Geordie TC + Calm BFG : 1 (short, Calm died) Woodstock TC + Delekahn TC - Geordie TC + Calm BFG : 1 (longer, Calm died) Calm BFG - Geordie TC : Geo went out of regs Calm BFG - Geordie TC : 2 Woodstock TC - Calm BFG : 1 Woodstock TC - Geordie TC : long, Geo stopped cause of his "sucking weapon" :o) Though the 2vs2 were much more fun than the usual 1vs1. We make next days more 2vs2 and 4vs4, they are not only funnier and more action, but you learn more of them. 1vs1 is for nearly each TC a terrain of very good performance. - home well while Calm made himself ready, Wood had the opportunity to draw a picture from his tower.. :) you will be surprised, it seems that the chaos is well organized. ![]() BFG's Lair |
19.8.99/Duel Night |
- Duel Night Today Imperator CB wanted to duel Geordie TC. As usual the TC's in chat were interested to watch... ![]() You see the first interested ppl. and a sister watching the preparations .. but as we are TC we couldnt stop with that duel, so more and more began to come and duel, so that at the end we had 9 hours of duelling done.. 1000 of regs and potions were used and faded to the void. ![]() The duels are beginning Results: Imperator CB - Geordie TC : 1 (long and even matched battle) Imperator CB - BFG TC : 2 (short Battle.. well BFG is hell for mages) Geordie TC - Delekahn TC : 1 (25 min battle.. even matched, D had no garlic at end) Geordie TC - Delekahn TC : 1 (very long battle) Imperator CB - Geordie TC : 2 (long and even) Nirax - Geordie TC : draw (Very long fight, Nirax very defensive) Delekahn TC - Candax : 1 (Candax maybe a little too offensive without uus sancting at all) Imperator CB - Candax : 1 (long) Delekahn TC - Imperator CB : 1 (long and interesting battle) Delekahn TC - Imperator CB : 1 ("-") Geordie TC - Candax's fisher-meele(Marinathus Borea) : 1(extremly short battle) Imperator CB - Nirax : draw (very long fight, Nirax still very defensive, Imp went out of everything) Candax - Geordie TC : 2 (very explosive fight, though not very long) Candax - Nirax : 2 Delekahn TC - Nirax: 1 (after having no tref left sword sucks vs mace. though very long and interesting ort sanct combinations) Geordie TC - Simon ICE : 1 (short battle) Geordie TC - Simon ICE : 1 Delekahn TC - Woodstock TC : draw (Delekahn in defensive ran out of regs. Wood very offensive a little hot headed about her sister lose ;o) ![]() Wooo hoo Duel Time !! :) :::i may have forgotten some duels :::Denise you were not online :) - Mc Bain? yes, many asked where the hero of the last month TC-news is.. our pseude roleplaying guy: Mc Bain We began investigations about it, and finally found him in Shame 5 where he was seeking assistance from two gentelmen for his specific problem. :) ![]() Mc Bain [invulnerable] beeing polite |
16.8.99/order/chaos & Heavy TC Meeting |
- order/chaos TG was mostly inactive today due to the sparring of The Crow back to a somewhat performant point and the lack of people in our normal hunting areas. so after hearing from those TC which dont play also murderers that 5-6 orders were at buccs we teamed up and got there. with 6 TC we arrived there, though the enemy retreated. we had some little confrontations in ocllo, shame, decite, skara brae (though first 1 tVA vs 6TC) what cant be called opposition so some decided to go to sleep. well i figured shortly after that i cant sleep, and as i logged back in, TC was grouping again cause nothing was to do. so we checked again all spots and after long searching we found 3 or 4 tVA in Skara Brae which we killed alothough blue tAV members were healing them like in old times when we searched MiM there. ![]() TC visiting Skara Brae - TC Meeting in 2 weeks Woodstock, Krid, Sir Fredo and Gauron will come together in Hannover (Gauron) with their hardware and play for 1 weekend together out of one room. We already done it (Wood and Krid in Essen) and it "rocks". - Sir Fredo will work on a new concept of TC Site. He will show this concept to the public (TC's) at this net-meeting you can see some of his not-yet finished professional work on his site: www.gameover.de - Nerds i got an email from a heavily annoyed guy pointing that i forget sometimes to close brackets in the news "(" ")" so here, especially for you: ((((((((((((((((((((((( .. please get a heart attack. thanks. :) |
15.8.99/TC & addition to yesterdays hunt |
- TC we checked today some t1a Spots though we didnt got on at right time, so we missed the 3 4-8 ppl order groups crowding around. Delekahn was guest-hunting after we got on TG with J4P and B0H which i would call a good realtion. - Relations well today we had a little problem between the diplomatic group of TC and the kill-all group. The first one asked to not kill EK people thus a girlfriend is involved and its also the ex guild, the other side has problems with so many names, guilds, etc to retain and wishes in first line to kill. I think this confrontation is part of it. The only things to retain are: We are a team :o) ; We are no doods, that means people can talk with us(as TC) ; You know the ally list ; You know that we have non-agression with BT/J4P and that some TC asked to not kill part of other guilds (EK) A mistake can happen very easily, so keep cool & if problems arise im there to solve them :o) Thats like roleplaying TC's: some do, most dont but if one does he gets always positive feedback. - addition i include some picture that Mr.White has shot yesterday at the 2nd raid. As some ppl seemed to have problems with our numbers that may give you a hint what we were talking about. ![]() fort down bridge :) failed Antis attack, Fort bridge downroad del ![]() some deads in front of Fort liche spawn - Manga is at 600 kills, String at 468, Kindur still on #4 and Mr. White back on list with 351 |
14.8.99/TC touristic offers & other fun |
- TC was very active today. We got Geo back on stone, and cleaned a little what we found. Its very funny to PK, but the opposition is normally not always interesting. Though from dec, over sham to bd n ocllo trin, and cove i cant say that we found much enemies to fight. the group feeling was though cool as usual. :) ![]() TC meeting the nice girls from B0H in ocllo *kiss* - Touristic offers. Some guy asked Sir Fredo if he can participate as guest to a TC or TG raid he payed 20k for it. i think its source was a message that bhal posted for BT but Fredo was really asked :) so: no for TG its not possible. but coming with us as guest = 20k for TC, its your problem to not lose us. Touristic Requests : Woodstock-TC@gmx.de, Thank thee *smiles* - TG so we got after waking TG which already had some heavy fighting at fort where around 15-20 ppls died most of them were not real opposition but i havent seen so many dead ppl at this fort since start ![]() you see the beginning of the first raid, String#2, Manga#1 and Kindur#4 on BountyBoard on Screen After the TC raid we found much opposition after raiding the Fort the second time that day. While moving the way over bridge down in direction keep we got an Anti attack. Only 3 TG were there, but only 1 Anti survived. Thus still standing there waiting for the rest of TG (2 more were to come) a new Anti attak arised. This time even more than at the first attack. The fight lasted longer,as this was a very mixed meele/mage group. after their mages were dead or recalled the meeles died though and the street to fort was once more crowded with bodies and bones. After getting all 5 in group we checked usual spots to hear from gor-e that a bigger anti group was preparing in delucia. we thought to avoid them at first but got attacked by them at keep. they seem somewhat surprised to encounter 5 instead of 3 and died or recalled. That was a somewhat dang. ride cause we got attacked at gate in having 2 of us imediately down to 30 hp. The Crow and Mr.White survived doe to superior equip(wands,refl) and good group reactions:) ![]() a TG group picture after these nice fights in the early morning we lost The Crow again this time blocked by monsters having a blade on him down in keep thus he was healed we couldnt get him out/an ort fast enough and so we will train him tomorrow to a arch/meele fighter with magery as defensive skill. |
13.8.99/Trap & Duel |
- dules Besides all PK'ing today, it was more a duel day. Sadly i had no time to write all down cause Delekahn posted the results in chat why we were with murderers out. later we joined too, and at the end only TC was left dueling.. (yes the old duel spirit :) ![]() you see the 27 minutes fight(and natan playing ork to poly pk balaar ;o) i will comment the fights i have in mind a little which i saw (later) Delekahn TC - Julie Cabaille : 1 Delekahn TC - Vampirehunter D : 2 Delekahn TC - Vampirehunter D : 1 Delekahn TC - Vampirehunter D : 1 Delekahn TC - Vampirehunter D : 1 Delekahn TC - Filifa ReD : 1 Delekahn TC - Ilitis something : 1 Delekahn TC - Kruse : 1 Delekahn TC - Xdream Revenge :1 Geordie TC - Xdream Revenge : 1 Woodstock TC - Xdream Revenge : 1 (he lagged a lot though) Delekahn TC - Geordie TC : (well that fight lasted 20-30 minutes. it was 160 ping (analog modem) vs 40 ping osi direct con) and the fight of 2 great duel fighters. Delekahn won at the end. Delekahn TC - BFG TC : 1 (long fight. and won with luck. BFG is very hard to take in duels. he uses mace/fencing combination, and high resist+magery for defensive. its hell to fight him, as mage you are only runing. Woodstock TC - BFG TC : after 20 min Woodstock gave up fighting with no ressources left. - Trap Dont open chests with the murderers even if you ort por ylemed them before, it happens sometimes that they still explode even when you set off the trap by telekinesis+3squares. So consider as TC or TG if its worth it looking inside. - Board Manga is Nr1 after Dr.Cartman died today |
12.8.99/losses & more |
- The Crow/ TG, died in ice against a snow elemental. This is the dying beeing overloaded after a monsters curse spell. 1. take gstr with you and put it on some uoa key easily reached by left hand combination (alt-y,alt-x etc) like all others. 2. never go to max load. stay 30stones under it please. 3. loot is not really important. :) - Bastiane Wryce/ died yesterday in a fight vs DwP. Though we killed most of them Bast died in a 2vs1 while fighting separate from group (..) - Board/ Manga is 508 for 85k, Kindur 138 for 65k and String 358 for 50k - Member/ List - updated - (as well as broken dev board link) - BFG/ over UK-OSI direct connection he reaches a ping of 35ms (!!) If you live in UK ask him or Geordie what to dial/settings |
7-8.8.99/RL Meet & Campers finest |
- RL-Meet/ TC was mostly inactive the 7'th cause some went to the RL Meet in Oberhausen. we met there B'hal Shatar J4P/BT which was a cool guy. (odd that the PvP guys were all a little more serious than most of the rest.) in fact it was funny to see some of already killed people, and to listen their tales. After all discussions B'hal got the PvP virus back and decided to come back with his in the meantime rpg'ing char in j4p. *eg* - Campers/ (8'th) Well after some heavy PKing 2 TG got in an ambush by 4 guys in a passage. After we got 30 min later with enough TG back the opposition was away, though we heard from a late TG that the Key house was under siege by antis. some of the passage-people, and more were there waiting with daemons. Natan scouted and got attacked, so we had to act fast. we woke TC and got there. With 4 TC we encountered 7 ppl(GdF,BOH & else) which were up to fight. we lost natan in the battle and killed one, 2 recalled came back, 1 died.. just to see 2 SoA more arriving. go figure: GdF goes PvP. well theyll get it. problem with that battle was that attackers (except soa) went after longer fighting blue to other TC, and attacker-grey for somes so no centration on 1 target was possible without count. we retreated a sec to get mana, got back and had after little battle the whole bunch recalling/retreating and got our spot back to the idyllic silence that appreciated so much :o) as the key house was not secure anymore as landing point for TG, so we redeeded it once more and began to have a debate how to assure a longer time of security for the key-house. ![]() you see some TC discussing |
6.8.99/Flowers & Death |
- Mr.White-Team Goat(brother of Natan(TC)), died today in battle. Though after 6h intensive sparring and training we had him back to a somewhat performant point. TC and TG staff training White - Heyna-Team Goat(sister of Slob'Toc(TC)), died after an unlucky teleport to a blocked square near avenger. But as she started today (..) she had not much loss and will be back soon. - death From Hunting point of view, the day was though great ! We had many opposition, some Antis, Guild where half of was defending, the other tryed to escape, people escaping and coming back to fight just to find their end.. more and more people trys to fight back. imagine that the whole way from delucia to fort was looking like that.. the finale at the green isle (thats how we call it) Elys CD and Meldur CD which recalled before, came back though and attacked while this picture was taken. they died, but honorable. they tried to kill at least one. *you see one of them gnawing garlic, looking very addicted* - update i moved the last weeks to old tc news (you find the link when you scroll down to end of news - patch there will be the big patchin the next days. read the dev board for details, as osi hasnt updated the dev/coming soon for months now. - Ratings Manga is on Board with 395 Murders and 75k, Kindur something around 80 for 29, String follows after Mr Whites (291 to 29) death with 268 to 28k. |
3-4.8.99/PK meeting,Raids & new TG's, TC members |
- PK meeting 4'th: we met the EBR brother reds the new world. Though they have a completly different tactic, it was very funny. After two hot spots, we continued separate cause it were too many to move and operate efficient. ![]() TC/TG! meets ebr'reds - Manga Gaurons TC's brother TG is now unfaked nr#2 on the list - Raids we have done the last days a lot of Raids again. Cause its not really "new" i spare you with details of that news, though it was around 500stones reg/day per person. We had again campers before the storage and PK house, which we had to kill. Yesterday Lady Zaire hunted with us, little ghost army and Woodstock marked for Felon Watts runes to some hot spots. He also PK, and is a brother char of Casira von Stahl, sister of Anna von Stahl (murderer), and is to be treated as friend. We (TC) already killed him before not knowing whose brother he is, and he had heavy stat/skill loss. So the EBR PK's are: Schlachter,Anna von Stahl, Nostradamus, Gor-e EBR, Felon Watts and Damodred Its somewhat hard, cause they are not all in same PK-Guild, or in a guild. - Training the older sister of my family and Gauron TC trained with Mr White heavily Archery and he is soon better than before he was killed time ago (before TG) by antis. 3'th: 145 blade-spirits for Mr White :) 4'th: Mr Whites training continues now with public interest ;o) - TC members Geordie is out of stone for the moment. Beavis plays now 99% on Siege P. Bamse (lmc red at the moment) thinks that nobody can beat him in duel. if you think otherwise get him to duel :) Butthead will be back soon, he is working on a diplom that takes some time. Cyber didnt made extended TC test-week. Good luck Cyber. - new TG's as stated in last news Tangur had joined, brother char of Boom Heyna and Mrs Braindead will follow too. Bestiana Wryce is after getting back slowly to old skills/stats nearly back on stage - Runesabre the plans for dex/int(mage/warrior) need seems to have been canceled. - Rules addition for TG! Standard TG! rule is the old slogan: no ress, no gate, dont die bye bye. if you die by Team Goat you automatically agree with that rule. thats not TC policy though. :) |
31.7-1.8.99/new ambush, siege and a TC's TG |
(well you notice 31 as date too. in real the 31.7 was a slow day) . - siege the tower of a somewhat roleplaying guild was under siege of some red, grey, whatever doods. we heard of that and gated in and resolved the situation. tragically we killed also by eh accident one of the peaceful anti-pk's, which was grey dont know why. - loot before that though TG killed a guy with a house key and rune. we checked the location fast, and it was full house beside a tower. Some ppl was there and attacked the interested TC. So we met quick to gate in with full group. After ariving there we found some criminal people, that had attacked the innocent TC, though after killing the first, we realized that it was the FOB tower. FOB are the Followers of Baphlomet (if i write correctly) follow the ways of chaos,and are btw a cool rpg guild. So we stopped our actions and gated out. - new ambush we hunted nearly the whole day. we heard of some groups searching us but we didnt found them. after the last raid, with full pockets and backpacks we gated to our exit location just to read in chat from the first "PPL!". yeah. i dont know how long they waited but some hidden and some visible there were around 10 ppl at our exit the exit was from the terrain very nasty for mages to fight against kryss whooper with mage support so that our mages had to recall. String stood til the end and fought himself through the lines just to see that at t1a there were 5 ppl more waiting so he decided to also retreat ;P no losses, but we also couldnt kill anyone. it was a very cool anti action.. they were surely waiting longtime for us to return and the ambush was good. they even used para fields. so we woke TC and got back there to see if they are so blood thirsty after having no success that they would attack At the beginning it seemed like they would attack, but even when wood turned criminal, and natan polymorphed around they stayed somewhat cool, and left for that day. you see wood,2daem,Gauron(Incog),lmc red Krid and Natan as lesser Daemon:P btw, the loot on this day from the fallen was very good, even when we all had the impression that Mr.White is looting for 5. - Bruce Lee Geordie TC's TG Brother died. He was sparring Natan in their Tower and got freeze to see at the end that the red was dead. - Booms murderer brother joins TG. I have forgotten the name, havent slept for 36 hours, and cause university starts in some months again, i also dont have to :) i am so tired that even on serverdown i (my older sister(char) though) began to watch with melancholic feeling the activity not able to find enough motivation (besides guys attacking me as tc cause i was still blue.. (whats like attacking the devil cause he has no red skin) to actively fight. its so funny to see 1/3 people you killed that day fighting red's with great emotional and physical presence (gangbangs), thinking they would learn something by it. i think i will sleep now a little. |