26-28.11/new in test week & duels |
![]() greetings to Cyber, and Wor w Zakone which are now in our test week. Welcome :) Hunt last days we hunted again order, but we had to notice that the order population has somewhat decimated again. we will declare more wars (to the around xxx declared) duels balaar the fool TC vs roller girl 3-0 balaar wryce TC vs soulslayer 1-0 BFG TC vs Cyber TC : 2-2 Wor TC vs Vampire : 2 Wor TC vs Delekahn TC : 2 Delekahn TC vs Vampire : 2 Delekahn TC vs Vampire : 1 Delekahn TC vs Cyber TC : 1 and many more that i forgot. members Delekahn is back on stone. Vampire is currently off stone Beavis and Butthead may return :) Bamse (TigerDyr-BT) plays again, but isnt sure what he will do. Atm we help him (and his perm red chars Billy Natras and Fii(something) |
21.11/TC-test duels & Sitepowerup |
![]() today evening Cyber and Wor w Z got finally the chance to show what they can. As both wished for longtime to have a test duel we met at one of our duel places and took the opportunity to see what they can. Cyber was teached in the last month by Vampire, and improved a lot. duels Cyber - Wor : 1 Cyber - Wor : 1 Cyber - Julio TC : 2 (that was to see how Cyber fights vs a wmage in duel. Kruse - Wor : 1 Kruse - Wor : 2 Poisoner - Wor : 1 (Poisoner is BFG's new assassin wmage.. buit still in training) as some may remember Cyber was once in TC. He will get his test week, as he improved a lot :) welcome ! TG Calm died against some CWO visiting our reds in t2a. He had rubberband bug, but thats uo, and hes on the way back already. String is also still in training, which takes a little longer as he is also changing fighting style from wwmage to tmage Aphrodite is trained by Gauron for Bal and is also on the way back. ![]() We got the following Pic sent in. Please take it as the joke as it is. ![]() Sitepowerup As you may have noticed Sitepowerup is our -free- Boardprovider. As some complained, and as also noticed there is a spell-checker that cant be turned off. Now there is not the point to use offensive language, but having a spell-checker decide whether or not a message is worthy is somewhat low. (Forwarded from Sitepowerup Admin forum) |
19.11/a reply |
![]() Hello, Thank you for your message. We will look into this matter and take it up with the GM. We appreciate your taking the time to send this in and we will certainly have a talk with the GM. I apologize for any trouble this caused. If you could give me a little more information then that would be great. I need to know the approximate time this happened. Thanks again.. Ed UO Concerns Origin Systems Inc. |
17.11/GM SOL interferes ingame |
![]() ----- Original Message -----
From: Nirax
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 1999 12:15 AM
Subject: GM SOL interfering in game against red's. Hail.
I, or better said my sister (char) Woodstock, is
Guildmistress of Team Cow on Drachenfels. As we are one of the leading Chaos PvP
Guilds we also have a red stone called Team Goat.
Im part in Team Goat with my brother (character)
Normally we fight and kill people everywhere in the
oldlands and newlands but as we had a netmeeting and it was very nice to
organize the people at banks and the people on the island we decided to set up a
The red characters were with a boat on an island,
while some innocent looking characters were at banks promising house loots etc
and opening gates.
The gates were dispelled, and the people was killed
by our murderers.
In no way we ever thought or think, or can or could
understand in which way what we do is not part of uo society. of the normal
ongoing vr world.
From one moment to the other GM SOL (Drachenfels)
appeared and began to harass our murderers. He began to block the isle with hay
and when they asked what they made wrong, he told them "you have like IQ 5 smart
boy?", in german though. as on the picture you will find exactly in his log what
he was saying. i send as attaches 2 shots that were made there.
He didnt let us dock the ship back, and said if we
argue (ask whats wrong) with him he will take our reagents away.
so he threatened them to get much problems if they
he siad them to have 5 IQ. (we really dont play
this game to prove iq. we play it with the rules beeing a red as red chars, that
are not that easy. we dont feel in any way beeing wrong. most of us are veteran
players, and we know this gate in thing since uo started. its part of the game.
in past days sometimes a gm appeared and asked friendly if we can gate them also
back, so they are not trapped on an island.
that would be of course no problem.
he even moved them in the water
i dont understand. why is he interfering like a
excuse me "jerk" in the game.
thats not diplomatic, thats not smart.. what does
he thinks he deals with ?
i personally am programmer for ABB in real
life. one of the other pk's is in the army, the other studies music. is that the
people he espects ? i play multiple roles with each of my characters. i cant say
that all in my guild does that. but when im murderer im murderer. if thats not
wanted by osi, it could have been easily took away like designer dragon stated
in earlyer days in dev board.
i never saw in dev board or somewhere else any
topic about that we could have been wrong. and to get an answer like "big
brother is talking to you" .. 5 iq man ..
we are part of the customers as reds that should
also get support. if we do something wrong we should can espect support in
getting a nice response a diplomatic actione etc.
i dont pay or any other does paying their accounts
for 2 years now to be threaten harsh like that.
![]() ![]() TG we lost yesterday Unforgiven which died entering a TC gate unfortunately which was leading to town. String is on the way back. Kindur is already hunting again. resend please resend if you didnt done yet your TC requests to woodstock-tc@gmx.de if you sent some in the last week. the database was formatted. thanks. - there will be an update of the members.html shortly, so keep an eye on it if a tc or tg brother will be forgotten. |
12-15.11/TC Net Meet Hannover and TC everywhere |
![]() Weeeeeeee ![]() Friday slowly one after the other the TC's arrived.. First Woodstock which managed to need 5 hours for 250km from Essen to Hannover (the route is really cool. They work nearly on the entire Highway). After installing the first Computers, Wood and Gauron went to Mc Donalds to ensure their survival. After changing many experiences about the army (He was on a Mines-searching ship) they burned some CD's. Fredo who came with the train was picked up by gauron at Hannover HBF, so only Krid and our Swedish friends were still missing. Krid arrived soon after (he only needs 2h with the car from essen to han. i think he had more luck at that time with the traffic. So we began to install more computers. ![]() Well the VR part was great fun as you can imagine. While at the beginning we didnt really wanted to fight the typical order groups for the x'th time, we hunted them after they visited us in t2a. ![]() Welcome to the Duel Place We lost 2 TG's this weekend. 1st time Mr.White when we all in the room got frozen at the same time, and the second time String when some antis gated in. Although he casted recall and there was enough time, targetting the rune didnt brought any effect. He klicked over 5 times on the rune until he couldnt klick any more. We tested the effect later, and it showed up to can happen from time to time. format c: all that sent emails to Woodstock-TC@gmx.de in the last week, please resend them ! there was no time to really read them, beyound overflying, and they were lost on the format that had to be done after the meet. Members Danath makes a pause cause of rl reasons. Sir Fredo will wear black for the next two weeks cause he sarrows about Lady Xena. ![]() Check Siege Perilous. Beavis Placed the TC stone on Siege. Congrats Beavis. if we have time we make fun chars and battles there too :) WHO has still a house on catskills ? we would love to place a tc stone there.. to be able to once more hit the macro "greetings from drachenfels" when we decimate the population there with really old school chars :) |
9.11/TC Meet, Vamp and new members |
![]() It seems like we should all refresh our english a little. besides the swedish TC also a TC from UK could come, which would be as surprisingly as cool. Remember if possible to bring some bedroll with you or if not possible (long distances, or coming by plane, tell other tc's coming from germany to bring some acessoires for you) Vampire is back on stone after all was resolved. :) new members. Please note that people interesting in joining is going now our normal way like describled in the FAQ, so we know exactly what they are, how they are and how they fight before taking them in tc test week. |
7-8.11/TG & TC hunts & the TC Meet |
![]() We lost Kindur in an "anti Attck" at Terra Keep t2a. She hold over months the place #3, #4 or #5 on bounty board and died with around 380 kills. She is already on the way back, and is learning some interesting skills atm. Although this sad happening the hunts were very pleasent and funny. TC we had some funny fights. First of we acted much time on old locations, beginning to re-learn some lost tactics for this special kind of hunting, as well as some conventional raids on cities and dungeons. a good mix of both could be a very good thing. ![]() We also installed a new kind of chat-like-thing that gives us much advantage. Ill not write more on it cause tc news was asked to not post it, but its great. please ask us in t2a chat what to do, so we get more and more tc's involved. Members Delekahn is short out of stone to help his old guild OdF in pvp. After short time he will be back on TC stone again. MiG/N_A dont forget as TG that we have in certain areas no-agression with them ! else - 10'th 99 news moved to archive - member list updated concerning members (not yet who is act/inact/onstone/not on) |
3.11/Team Goat, Members & Online Meet |
![]() Today we were out with TG.. As String lost his bounty cause of 2 weeks inactivity, and Manga died some time before, were on the way back :) The fun lasted some hours, and we thank all ppl providing us with supplys :)Members Vampire is temporary out of TC stone. I would be happy if the problems could be put aside, but i have little influence on them. ![]() The most important thing at the end :) We will hold a TC Net Meet in Hannover from 12 to 14, maybe 15't. As last time we will bring the hardware together, and the TC-Net Meet can begin. :) It was a very spontanous decision, cause of some lost some fire and Woodstock was so long absent, and we all felt it was the right time for a TC meet again. |