January 2002

Wednesday, January 30, 2002


I am proud to announce the opening of a new project, www.mmognew.net. Having spent a lot of my time online reporting and building community MMOG pages and having left my post as Editor of AO Basher I decided to set about creating my own personal page. It became a bit of a task and has been in development for nearly a month. I have decided to set it loose on the unsuspecting public. Among some of the features and planned content:

A MMOG Bible
Practical jokes and fun
Reader submitted content
The page is built with the working day in mind. Most of our readers bounce through the news sites looking for something interesting to read. I would urge you to step on over and take a look, I will be keeping you up to date with the latest in mmog news, events and opinion and hopefully as the slogan reads, it will be something to help the day fly by. Cya there!


Sunday, January 27, 2002

Calling all cows! Calling all cows!

Next Sunday (Febuary 3rd), around 18:00 GMT (19:00 Germany) we will have a private TC practice session, where we will try out some new things and what not. This is for TCs only, and the location of it will be announced in the internal TC chat on the day. If you can't make it, don't worry. It isn't vital, but just a good chance for people to improve their teamplay etc.

Apart from that Dorijan, Theristis and myself have been Pking quite a bit lately, and thx to Novo's little "imput" at work, Ther's ping has dropped quite a bit, which makes him even more efficiant.

As TC has been around for a while, and most people are aware that we exist, the strangest comments have been made towards us. One "fan" of TC, who ran all day from us, then backstabbed and shittalked, told us after dieing "TC used to have honour". Now, if someone out there can explain to us why we, the "mighty" TC should be given other sets of rules then the rest of the shard, please feel free to tell us. We will PvP as we feel is best suited to the enemy. If you are a member of EBR or another guild who fights us fairly, you most proberly won't even get looted. If you however insist on running into your house or only attacking with others, then we will do the same to you. We don't need items, loot or money. We have the chars, we can afford to die, but can you?

Thx ^^

Sunday, January 20, 2002

Duel Event Results and Internet in Germany

First of all a big FUCK YOU to the Internet in Germany heh

Host Name IP Address Ping Time Ping Avg % Loss Pkts r/s Ping best/worst
* Unknown Host * 100ms 98ms 11% 31 / 35 90ms / 110ms

thx ... this is germanys biggest dsl provider at its best .. packetloss and high ping as usual, even after calling them and asking them if they have any problems they still say it has to do with my computer that i have packetloss .. (well fuck em heh)


Duel Event.

First of all thank you everyone that took part in our little event =) it was nice to see that we all can gather and have some duels and fights without accusing everyone as cheater or running 20 screens after someone and looking if u can get a fight heh.

Even tho a funny mix of guilds was here.

RMC , m8s , LOS , DA , *C* , !W! , PKK , RLB , CP , EBR , TC without shittalking each other.
We only had some small problems with 2 idiot jerks that tried to be funny with detecing all hiddens on roof ... It was Kane aka Stibuzius and Jolo[CP] .. nice that you try to ruin such events even tho you both are not welcome at all to any kind of serious pvp events ask yourself why this might be ..

Here the results of the Event in chronological order. Below u find some screenies off the event =)

Nicko.D - Dorijan Grey[TC] = 0:1
Corto Maltese[LOS] + Havoc[RLB] - Iako di Yartar + Ischmael[LOS]
Sir Lancelot[LOS] - Cenedra[EBR] = 1:0
William.Wallace[RMC] - Zaire[EBR] = 0:1
Mitrandir[DA] - Angrias[TC] = 0:1
Sioban[!W!] - Mitrandir[DA] = Draw
Stody[TC] + Phil[TC] - Pepito[EBR] + Maeert[PKK] = 0:1
Corto Maltese[LOS] + Ischmael[LOS] - Frost[m8s] + Deephroat[m8s] = 0:1
Fehaar[EBR] - Sengire Vampire[RMC] = 0:1
Mari Juana[TC] - Farutin[EBR] = 0:1
Jasprin Pentiel - ToXiN = 0:1
Gortum the Dane - Darkstone[*C*] = 0:1
Odin[FU!] - Zaire[EBR] = 1:0
Lulu Firebird + Dr. Dildo - Temper[!W!] + Lanfear[WTB] = 0:1 (took them like 20mins to drop Dildo)
Sir Lancelot[LOS] + Ischmael[LOS] + Iako di Yartar[LOS] - Stody[TC] + Avalon[TC] + Dorijan Grey[TC] = 1:0
Burg[TC] + Maeert[PKK] + ToXiN - Galadriel[DA] + Nono[*C*] + Trinux = 1:0
Cortex[TSL] + William.Wallace[RMC] + Fleury[$eX] - Cassanova[DA] + Angrias[TC] + Pepito[EBR] = 1:0
Burg[TC] + Aditu No'e[DA] + Dorijan Grey[TC] - Nono[*C*] + Darkstone[*C*] + Lanfear[WTB] = 0:1
Ischmael[LOS] + Meri clerees[PaB] - Lanfear[WTB] + Nicko.D[$eX] = 1:0
Odin[FU!] + Frost[m8s] + Dorijan Grey[TC] - Burg[TC] + ToXiN + Sir Lancelot[LOS] = 0:1
Burg[TC] + Novocaine[TC] - Flurrey[$eX] + Fleury[$eX] = 1:0
Angrias[TC] + Temper[!W!] - ToXiN + Gortum the Dane = 1:0
Maeert[PKK] + Havoc[RLB] + Mitrandir[DA] - Frost[m8s] - Deephroat[m8s] - Sengir Vampire[RMC] = 0:1
Dorijan Grey[TC] - Darkstone[*C*] = Aborted (dorijan cl)
Darkstone[*C*] - Gortum the Dane = Draw
Angrias[TC] - Dakrstone[*C*] = 1:0 (Angrias thought hes a tree during the duel running from some insane lumberjack)
Khadgar[m8s] + Frost[m8s] - Seth[TC] + Angrias[TC] = 0:1 (Khadgar was performing nice as a candle)
All vs All : well All Won

Everyone meeting on the Towers roof for the Duels

Everyone met here and got ready for the fights we started with some
1 vs 1

Then switching to some 2 vs 2 =)

TC vs Flurrey and Fleury was a nice fight. Took long altho Novo was
stoned as usual .. =P

Here u see Angrias (who reactivated his account today after long break) and Seth performing against 2 m8s which died in the end =P

And last but not least the best fight of all if you ask me =P
and even the most lagged one heheh. It was a mass fight
10 vs 10 if not 12 vs 12 hehehe

in the end we had this =p
with some guy trying to run from tower roof .. its all about fun
so np if u die ..

enjoy =)

Dorijan Grey

Thursday, January 17, 2002

Duel Event

Hi there,

we want to hold a little pvp event on the weekend, just so people who wanted to join tc can appear and show that they can pvp and are able to fight with a given teammate. Its not a Recruit Event its just for fun and everyone on DF is welcome except very well known idiots.

The Event itself will be held on a Tower roof (at this point thanks to my little big sister which was so kind to give me her roof for this =P) its lagfree and easier to use for the duel as the space is limited and everyone not fighting can hide itself to recude the lag for those that fight.

There wont be special Farm like rules like : NO POTS NO MAGIC ..

: Rules :

Regs : just bring them u will need them
Potions : are also allowed this event is to show who can pvp not to show that u can cast x times faster than your opponent and succesfully disturb him and r0x0r him with non disturbable inscription.
Magic Weapons : up to force.
Magic Items of any kind (bless,hiding,reflect etc) : forbidden.
Spells : every spell is allowed, u got a spellbook of 64 spells so use them even if u think u can kill someone with create food or even polymorph just do it.

If you have any problem with the rules stated here just dont come.
If you abuse any of these rules (i.e bring vanq spear) u get killed and looted, the loot will go to the guy you were fighting.

Once again these fights are not to show how l33t someone is, its about fun if you dislike fun or just want to show u are best dueller on df, this is not a place for you to appear. Also if you think using speedhack or any other cheat to give you advantage, it will be the last time you will take part in any ingame event held by Team Cow.

The Event itself will be held on Sunday afternoon at around 16 o'clock CET if lags are too worse we will start it a bit later. I will gate people in from Brit and you can find a Rune to the Event on the Stairs of the TC Tower in our Valley (for red ppl to come).

Everyone is welcome its no matter who you are and what u can, just come and have fun.

If you still want further information visit our irc channel

Server :irc.quakenet.org
Channel :#teamcow

or contact me by email.


Dorijan Grey

Wednesday, January 16, 2002

IRC news

we will add shortly a #teamcow.srv channel beside #teamcow and #teamcow.int which will be password restricted like .int.
For infos check #teamcow.int.


Tuesday, January 15, 2002

So you want to join our gang of cows?

After a talk in our internal mIRC room, we decided we need to do something drastic about all the people wanting to join our guild. The fairest way to do it for everyone is that tc will now be invite only .

We all have friends outside TC who we like to hang out with, but we don't want the guild to be 50 members who don't get on, and we like to take long test times with with our members.

Also remeber, there is no point at all asking Woodstock. He (she :) ) has been out of the game a long time and doesn't know a lot of people or how they have acted in the time he was in AO are. And also Wood is taking a backseat in TC atm, but might lead like in old days soon (we hope).

So please, don'y annoy our members and force them to piss you off, it's not that we don't want people, its just that everyone has to agree on people. Also feel free to give Jin-A 500k, might help *wink*


Novocaine and Burg passed their Testtime on Orion's trial stone, and we will see how they do next few weeks etc, congrats!


Friday, January 11, 2002

I am so sorry for posting this, I was bored and had to write

I have witnessed many a forum flame war over the various differences in various games, because games are invariably different, people defend their current game of choice as you would commonly expect a fat person to defend his Thick shake or a French person to defend his frogs, or even a Dane to defend his pr0n. Games are no longer about fun, they are the work of the devil, we are forced to complete repetitive tasks that are disguised as fun, and then we spend more time arguing about who’s repetitive task is worth actually paying money for, all the while the Danes still have their pr0n, hey by the way, any one notice that the intro screen for DaoC has bobbies, no nipple mind just a small flash of bobbies, but enough to be able to defiantly confirm the presence of female flesh. Where was I? Ahhh yes, evil work of the devil.

Up until recently gamers only really had the choice of three games:

Ashertons Call
Microsoft’s level treadmill from hell, it has elves and no boobies, it might have frogs but I am not sure, players here argue that their quests (a pretend task in a pretend world that’s normally the same as the last one just dressed differently) are superior to all others.

The beast of all MMOGs, this game is about lvls and looking ‘uber’ (a German word that has nothing to do with what the word is actually used for, a bit like looking at a gorgeous girl shacking your wrist and saying ‘BAD’ bad as in good, something like that any way).

Ultima Online
It has no boobies, actually it has no elves, but by god it has frogs. This game is hailed as the best game for game play, but graphically it looks worse than frogger on the spectrum.

Then along came some more titles, we had World War Two Pnline, which was so horribly broke people actually committed suicide and those who didn’t did something much worse and bought EQ accounts, shortly after Anarchy online appeared and again it was also broke, its still very broke now but don’t tell Funcom that as I don’t think they are aware of that fact. And of course we have DaoC a new title on the market that is hailed as the saviour of mankind, it has frogs boobies and lots of well-known community people cunningly hired to make us laugh while disguising game play problems.

With all of the titles on the market and each with their own problems, people have actually chosen their ‘sides’ they pay their subscriptions and they have their reasons for doing so, but I dare you to attempt to post on another games forums and explain what game you play, you will then witness the fury that is the ‘MMOG gamer’.

MMOG gamers are no ordinary breed of gamer, their skin is often tinted with a slight yellow monitor glow, they will often speak in real life using emotes (then laugh about it later on various forums ‘shucks I said ‘lol’ today over coffee with this hot chick’) You will often find MMOG gamers have strange sleep patterns and hold jobs where there are permanent internet connections, if you are an employer offering such facility’s I strongly suggest you check the texture of your employee’s skin and if any one when walking out for lunch tells you ‘afk, brb’ immediately ban all usage of the internet if you expect to get any sort of work out of them in the future.

MMOG players can become incredibly defensive about their game of choice, due to the addictive edge that these games have some people become very extreme in their support, often labelled as ‘fan boys’ these players defend the names of their games in verbal wars with other gamers and defenders of other titles. The resulting flame wars can becomes so drawn out and offensive that many developers have previously had to take steps to curb this behaviour, Funcom wiped their forums while EverQuest players are very restricted in what they are allowed to post.

An interesting twist to the ‘whose game is better’ argument is that of in game racial wars, some people have become very attached to their chosen race, be it elf’s trolls dwarfs or human, so much so that racial flame wars can and have started in various places, as with all racial wars racial jokes have also started to appear, for example:

An elf is standing at a urinal when he notices that a dwarf is watching him. Although the little fellow is staring at him intently, the elf doesn't get uncomfortable until the dwarf drags a small stepladder up next to him, climbs it, and proceeds to admire his privates at close range.

"Wow," comments the dwarf, "those are the nicest balls I have ever seen!"

Surprised and flattered, the elf thanks the dwarf and starts to move away.

"Listen, I know this is a rather strange request," says the little fellow, "but I wonder if you would mind if I touched them."

Again the elf is rather startled, but seeing no real harm in it, he obliges the request. The dwarf reaches out, gets a tight grip on the elf's balls, and says, "Okay, hand me your gold or I'll jump off the ladder!"
Obviously it’s not very politically correct to mock someone’s size, but in the constraints of a virtual world where do we stop? The only possible solution I can see to end the verbal wars is to unite all of the games and force people to play Toon Town online the latest MMOG addition from Disney!


Sunday, January 6, 2002

Dark Age of Camelot

As many of you might know a few of us have recently been playing the Euro BETA Version of DAOC, it seems to be a good game so far many of us at various different levels

BFG is currently a Level 18 mage
Phil is a Level 15 Tank hehe
Sugar is a Level 11 Warden
Sion is a Level 6 Ranger (only started a couple of days ago)
Dorijan is a Level 5 mage? not totally sure on this one

I have 3 chars:
Unforgiven Level 9 Blademaster
Berserk Level 12 Mentalist
Smoke Level 6 Ranger

Everyone i have met in DAOC has been friendly helpful and didn't shittalk (yes this is possible)

A bit into the background of DAOC, there are 3 Euro BETA servers each holding 2000 people:
German - Avalon
French - Broceliande
English - Excalibur

There are 3 realms each with Different Races in which you can play all these 3 realms are at war

each realm has its share of mages and warriors but with varing spells and skills

here are a few pics that ive collected over the last few days :P well 2 actually hehe

Thats all for now, hope that helps if you were considering playing DAOC.
this is the website for Euro BETA


PS the game is offically released 1st of February

