Wednesday, June 27, 2001
in development
In Development Osi posted some Combat Damage Changes and placed the whole package on some test shard where you can test it.
Precast seems to be back although i didnt tested it.
Some may be happy but from our experiences in last time where even the veteran awards went back in testing and the "hit point proposal" is now nearly as long in concept as the name-change deeds were, or who remembers the "guard protection - in concept" that was like 80 years after housing stage-2 in concept, i dont think we will see it anytime soon.
Thursday, June 21, 2001
little flash
from sion: (click)
enjoy *g
Thursday, June 21, 2001
seti team rankings back
finally after seti had heavy technical problems and work with their servers the teamrankings are back. they were already usable for some time, but they changed? the link to it so i noticed only today.
Monday, June 18, 2001
First TC-Meet to discuss some things
Wood is back with all chars on tc stones.
Please let Yume manage all when wood is not there. If Yume and Wood arent there, Apidya will lead the groupings due the fact he knows TC meanwhile very good and is often online before other comes online.
Thanks for the great support in the meeting.
ps. here was some german/english greetings of th to johnefen heart.(click)
Saturday, June 16, 2001
TC Meeting
We have a TC Meeting at Monday, June 18 at 8 o clock pm (cet).
We have to discuss some points with all TCs. Plz try to come, coz its very important. I know we dont have many meetings but this time it seems to be necessary. You get all further informations at meeting.
If someone cannot come plz tell us via Icq or in forum. Thank you very much.
Thursday, June 14, 2001
argh (updated) threatened frogs
i uploaded an unfinished version of the animation for some hours :) messed up subdirs. should be the right one now *g(click)
ps. check forum for netmeet details :o)
Monday, June 11, 2001 down for good?
i dont know details yet cause it`s one of our 2 servers that is free, but it seems to be down for good. i dont know yet more about.
with this doesnt works atm, as its directing on that server.
if vincent canceled his subscription for real, i have to thank him deeply to having hosted every gdg hp, and than TC from scratch on over all these years.
he founded GdG in diablo1 as Vincent-GdG later Callisto-GdG, and created -GdG long before guildstones were introduced to the game.
The good news of that is that i can do changes and finish the page without maintaining 2 versions of it due to the local pathes in serverside includes.
Sunday, June 10, 2001
Minax rookies
As most already saw we changed to minax. Beginning from thursday we tried defending but lost around 11:30 the sigils to a bounch of sl. So from friday to saturday we tried again and were succesfull.
minax irc is at:
thanks all that defended with us, it was funny as long we dont have to do it often *g
Wednesday, June 6, 2001
Yesterday at 17:40 we joined Minax.
Sunday, June 3, 2001
Back to Baghdad
Website Changes
due to our very updated members list we need a lil bit of update so please every current/past (no future or maybe soon members) tc member that wants to be on this list please send me a pic of your char like this one
so i can create a new char & members gallery.
thanks for your time
Dorijan Grey
Saturday, June 2, 2001
Friday, June 1, 2001
new forum/archives in
Today Sitepowerup is shutting down its services. From 1997 it offered many uo guilds its forum hosting so we always had old-memories using it. I tried to arrange the new (more simple) forum in the look of our forums. Some sub-pages are still german, i change when i have time.
The Archive from jan to now is now finally isntalled. I know the background is white atm, i will change it in the script.. *grmpf*