Saturday, March 24, 2001
Training Fights & Minax rush
Please note:
We will do at least 2 Training sessions the week. As long as no good reason is given everyone should be at least at 1 training session. Thanks:)
Yesterday minax tried to hold the sigils. I will post the pics without much comment, one with and the other without visible minax keep:
The fight lasted around 5h..
And it would be cool to see all these oranges everyday. (Although not everyday in their keep)
Monday, March 19, 2001
Factions & DA / TC Duel Evening
On Sunday 19th we had several small groups and some bigger groups of enemys at Brit, most of them were drawn back. Some new Ally made by SL , COM and of course Minax has been found to keep overall balance (in other words so they can continue successfull banging).
After grouping a little we didint found much oranges out. Most of them seem to not like fighting at even odds.
Notice : Dont use your horses as weapons or they die. Warhorses stay perma orange if you just use them once.
We put some new chars on Chaos Stone and gave it a try at Brit (as some of the DF Faction Alliance vs TB thought its better to play Order Chars now where there are enemys out)
We ended up with the Dragon Avengers and Team Cow holding a little duel event on a small and silent space. The Results :
Dorijan[TC] - Mitrandir[DA] 0:1
Julie[TC]+Goodness[TC]+Dorijan[TC] - Mod[DA]+Goldie[DA]+Murazor[DA] 1:0
Faxe[DA]+Vampire[DA]+Murazo[DA]r - Crofax[TC]+Mitharep[TC]+Theristis[TC] 0:1 (crofax died fast, murazor was next, rest took long)
Crofax[TC]+Goodness[TC]+Marsha[TC] - Goldie[DA]+Rand Al Thor[DA]+Mod[DA] : 0:1 (fast death of crofax+goldie rest very short)
Goldie[DA]+Rand Al Thor[DA]+Mod[DA] - Julie[TC]+Crofax[TC]+Dori[TC] : magic weapons.
Goodness+Marsha+Orion - Garret[DA]+Goldie[DA]+Mitrandir[DA] : 1:0
Ineluki[DA]+Rand Al Thor[DA]+Faxe[DA]+Delight[DA] - Julie[TC]+Dori[TC]+Goodness[TC]+Theris[TC] : 0:1
Marsha[TC]+Orion[TC]+Theristis[TC] - Shivan Dragon[DC]+Vampire[DA]+Goldie[DA] : 1:0
Ervin Bloedswine[TC] - Cassanova[DA] : first try 0:0
Ervin Bloedswine[TC] - Cassanova[DA] : second try 1:0
Shivan Dragon[DC] - Dorijan[TC] : 0:1
Goodness[TC] - Snowflake : aborted
Mitrandir[DA] - All Horses : 0:1
Saturday, March 17, 2001
Sigil Rush
When i came thursday online Vampire of DA told me that they think about making a 24h Session for sigil guarding from friday to saturday.
As we were down to 1 town it sounded like a very good idea so i agreed and assured our help. Somehow though shortly after some TB`s brought all sigils and all seemed quite ready to begin guading already. So we talked a little, made some Faction Messages and began to collect silver. With the collected silver the Traps were placed to ensure a hard life for attackers.
I moved all silver that was on the Faction on Britain to have Faxe or Vampire which both changed when one was away beeing Sheriff of Britain to manage the npc-guard defense.
The first attack that was made on the castle some hours later was already with the other factions uniting. Its not the deal that it was surprising, the fact was surprising that it wasnt even tried without ally - but everyone how he can.
That was the only real attack that day, taking factions a little by surprise guarding them at a weekday. We began to search possibilities for ppl that can guard over serverdown and in the Morning hours and i was lucky enough to find some US, Canadian and UK ppl that were willing to guard them. Some DA were also part of the morning team which is the most critical time at a 24h guard.
I dont know what problems arised over serverdown and up as i was back in the afternoon good timed for a big attack again. I woke Nirax and with some TC we came from behind while the attackers had a hard time at the defenses.
Shortly after the sigils were corrupted. We had basically 2 plans either going in separate teams or going in 1 big group. I was favorizing one big group instead of having all spread and die on differend locs losing sigils.
So we made a large group walking to the moongate to reach skara. Sadly it has to be pointed out that OSI servers arent enough anymore for factions. You have so much ppl acting and fighting together, we needed 5 min from moongate to bank and thats nothing uncommon, while it happens always with factions. If they favorize "large player impact etc" the hardware should be able to do it too. it is _no_ fun like that.
When we arrived we ran directly in npc guards which made us a hard life there. Wiht the lag you couldnt move for shit, and the guards are definately overpowered. I dont know if paladins were change dbut i saw 1 standing and killing 2 ppl while 15 ppl were casting on him.
now not on thing: We do pvp cause we want to do pvp. if I want to make PVM and like having 15ppl casting on a creature while he kills 2 i go to Hylth. But no one goes there anymore. SO you bring us your crap pvm in town which either consists of fighting overpowered uninteresting creatures or having underpowered creatures that anoy you fighting you(like mongabts whatever).
I do say that as someone that has also guard on their side and we also placed some but i personally wouldnt miss them. if its about npc fighting we dont even need to pay Osi bills as we can just watch making guards all better lol.
Pesonally i saw more crash screen than fight there as no one especially not OSI informed me about UserLanguageCode=ENU .. so i was mostly on black and white screen. We will make formula:
serverlag(not sufficient hardware) + crashes(not tested patches) + npc guards (completly overpowered. there were enough gold to place 20 of them.. lol so what are we about)= problem
The sigils from fallen sigil holder popped up in britain. I was very down at that point cause the going all together turned out to have been a wrong decision and a lot ppl spent rl hours. Luckily something felt in my mind. I icqed Rammstein asking if Caranthir is there, knowing that both were playing a lot with their Eol the Dark stealthers in pre uo:r days. Caranthir werent there but Rammstein could be amazed for the problem getting with his stealther through xxx guards ppl and dragons to place the stones.
Well with sometimes a little help (making distortions) from others he managed to place: moon(heavily defended), skara(like said), and delucia finishing in Yew where again the whole little town was full of NPC guards. sadly my comp crashed there so i cant post the pic (im an alt-print presser;) but you should imagine an image where 20 ppl fight 20 guards and how pathetic it looks. at least if you look through pvp eyes.
Thanks a lot to DA and S*P that were also a backbone yesterday.
Sunday, March 11, 2001
Some Fights ;)
While we lost friday to saturday nearly all towns except britain which was took in a lucky rush when minax brought corrupted towns to their sockets by chris bloodlust (;) i wish to take the opportunity to thank again all involved.
i never saw all guilds and guildless ppl under tb flag fighting so brave like in the perma-sieging from 20:00 to 2:00 on fr-saturday.
Here is a new Banner made for us by Jakal. I plan including it instead of the very well done first bannerwork made of sion. If you have comments theres ongoing thread in our forum.
Friday, March 9, 2001
Artisic impact
Please note when buying houses in TC valley, our main goal is to get houses for as many different TC`s as possible. Its not the deal that one buys all there. I think the reasons are very clear so we let that stand so.
Stody posted his painted pictures of uo peopla here so you can make your own picture ;)
ICE is ranting in their news about DA which you can read on their new Homepage (in english even).
Mostly all COM changed from COM to Minax. As reason they put the fact they hated AN6. Imho if ang was the problem theres no way but facing them in their faction while running away is not really a solution. At least most Minax guilds that hided and played order before (cause "faction suxx!") play now faction again (cause "faction roxx!"). I think there are some guilds out there that teach their ppl so deep not fighting for their own anytime or getting at least in VR (boys!) bravery that i dont really wonder.
UoChat has Sion back, who was banned for 1 day cause a Chaos shield issue and some reflections where i also wrote my personal opinions in them regarding this twisted coorporate game universe which is edge in most technical aspects but lacks a lot of the human gains we got over the last hunderts years in history. While you may smile about this, i point that out regarding to ppl that play 2-8 hours the day, so you may understand that this is an important aspect when it touches half the life of ppl.
SETI is still open to anyone that wishes to participate as its a TC/UoChat project. I finally took the lead so im happy although i didnt found yet E.T
If you have hardware or connection questions feel free to visit UoChats HardwarE/Con forum which i moderate. Maybe beginning with this poll
Sunday, March 4, 2001
Heavy hit vs rest of Factions on DF
Together with all TBs we hold yesterday Britain to corruption. That was the day i have waited 2 months for not expending any of the faction silver over the time. This Key-Day i transfered than 160k Silver on Britain.
Even all factions allying together had no chance taking brit over yesterday so we control all key towns now.
As i couldnt apply anymore for office as all places were full i ask kindly everyone that would have voted me to vote for ELIAS.
Also please note if you put yourself on stone you put yourself automatic in a time competition for the current leader taking 10% of all slots with it. Ask yourself if you really want that.