08.02.2001/TC Site-pre alpha;) |
Team Cow Site new html You can already access the pre-alpha;) new tc html inclusive the news script at www.team-cow.de on our mirror server. In addition to this - does anyone has a clue how i could realize the SSI include that happens on team-cow in the shtml very easy to another domain? while its very simple on team-cow.de cause the absolute path is there, i have to upload atm after succesfull news update the generated file by ftp to the main-server. is there another way to do that? i tried also php3 -?php include("/absolute/path/to/coolfrogs.txt"); ?- but as the name says it wants an absolute path. Also we need a Banner. - Imp i tried your banner but it doesnt fits at all from design yet ! ;) |
07.02.2001/DF-Score Rating & UOchat/TC Seti project | ||||||
DF - Score ratings dont know if everonye noticed already, but we need only 300 points more to be on top of all shards. Drach Statistics at OSI Overall Shard Statistic at OSI Uochat.co.uk/TC Seti project check out www.team-cow.de/seti for the common Uochat and Team Cow SETI Clan Project. If you wish to participate have a look on it, it may be some fun besides all :) |
05.02.2001/Site & Faction | ||||||
Site As you may have heard sion was so friendly to take over the plans for a main http redesign which leaves me time in this exam-preparation time to write news ;) Factions After the last no comment report on factions some things changed. i will try to point out the main changes: ICE joined minaxWith the last update Moongates became altered, away from the "moongate direction shifts with moon phasis" to a nice menue where you can chose in theory the town you wish to travel too, also the faccet so we wont be penetrated again for "DO YOU HAVE A TRAMMEL STONE?". In theory cause osi seemed to not have figured that there are still some towns with gate-bug since their gate-"your spirit lacks blah" alteration. Now the Moongate behaves like a normal gate and thus you cant use it if you gated in on magincia unless you wait like 30 min. ![]() After beeing asked, here the few options you have as Commanding "lord" More Leader Selection And the town setup ps. if you loved the background mid you can turn it on below as it was background music to faction animation;) |
18.01.2001/(update)Site & Luke | ||||||
Update Ok to not make so bad mood about, and to shorten time until next site html is up 2 things: the youngest TC Emily, Julios little daughter (while he is already one of the youngest TC) called after the UO Character of the mother which he happened to meet at a rl meet. ok :) and the truth about Tc`s PvM Performance brought us by ALI Site As stated in forum "we" rework tc site completly. this takes a lot of time, and thus in this time not many updates will follow in normal news. follow forums so far. Luke TC was will and is not a place for scammers. If you get the account informations of some ppl and misuse it even if they arent tc, you have to count on it that no one can trust you again. Thats nothing very new although it seems extremly surprising for some. Luke not only scammed Lancelot but also lied towards us about the facts when asked. With that, every - in german "vertrauensvorschuss" - (means something like when you give a person trust before you can be sure that its appropriate just to make the start) is gone and our relation ends here. |
13.12/Factions - Euronews like: No Comment :) | ||||||
Animation by String Loading will take a little depending of your con. (900kb) |
Animation by Unforgiven Loading will take a little depending of your con. (1.9mb) TC 2 year boogie(use only after current news music stops or you get mix): Statistics: TC "we have no rl" Real Life Facts: Nationalities: German 45%, UK 18%, Austria 10%, SW 10-15%, DK 2%, Russia 2%, Canada 2%, Schweiz 2%, Grece 2-4%, USA 1-2%, & rest. Max Computers used per TC: Bigbyte 5, Nirax/Woodstock 3 (2 accounts in), Dorijan 2 (2 accounts in). Average Connection to DF: 5-25 Ping: 4%, 40-70 Ping: 80%, 70-100 Ping 10%, 100-250 Ping 5% Connection Type: T1: 2%, DSL 5%, Cable 10%, ISDN 70%, Rest 56k Fastest CPU`s: over 1 GHz: 2%, 700-1ghz 60%, 400-700mhz 36%, rest pray for them TC RL Activities: 70% Students, 10% System Administrators, 5% Webdesigner/Content designer, 5% Learning, rest School & odd things TC Netmeets hold so far: 4 Girlfriends lost cause of TC: 3(?) RL Girls in TC: 2 RL Frogs in TC: 4.2 TC "we have no rl" Ingame Facts: Accounts per TC: over 4: 4%, 3 20%, 2 70%, 1 26% after first faction day: 20% say it is crap, 30% better, 30% not sure yet, 20% huh? How do you recognize a TC in RL ? - If a person dressed in purple is in the same room he will stare at him to figure whothe new member is. - Woodstock isnt recognized as Concert - He shows full understanding for the hindu holy cows How to discover incognito TC`s ingame: Artemis: Tell the char under suspect that Chessa PvP rox and wait for the reaction. Stody: Tell the char under suspect that Stody is a nub, and that he was never KoC. Vheraun: Tell him he is obelix. Sion: Tell him pvping with magic weapons is lame and wait for the reaction. Jin: Tell the char about Jin and Jan and enjoy becoming a long introduction in asian philosophy. Ervin: Just tell him on the fly that his Flash movies are too big. Dorijan: Duel the char and use only in mani, wait for reaction. Apidya: Mention to the char under suspect that you actually find blessed weapons in general cowardish and enjoy a longer talk. Balaar: Mention that theres a new way to get rares by waiting somewhere long time. If you return later and see the char there, its him. on the right side you see btw the maybe last big Order/Chaos battle in UO on DF Most used Chatwords: Woodstock: "english please", "read fuck chat", "hq", "sec" Vheraun: "^^" STODY: "YAM", "LAG" Luke: "LOL", "COME", "NEWBIES" Lurker: "hehe" Artemis: "Mass OwnAge" Sion: "uochat" Ervin: "lol", "newbies" Jin: "Sec toilet", "Sec Eating" Julio: "hello?" Zerberus: "war afk", "*G", "naja war das erste mal" Delekahn: ".. i just came online after long time.. i have time now.. and i just read.. can someone explain" Philipp: "i scout" " /msg nirax" Dorijan: "Good Morning" Boom: "i just come back from tour" Balaar: "WTF" We got a new Image Server of TC HP for 2 year celebration. also we registered besides the old domains the following ones: www.teamcow.com - 1st/Main Server www.teamcow.net - 2nd/Backup Server www.teamcow.org - 2nd/Backup Server www.team-cow.com - 2nd/Backup Server www.team-cow.de - 2nd/Backup Server www.team-cow.net - 2nd/Backup Server www.teamcow.de - (shortly again) You can check which of both servers is faster for you. As Special Surprise every TC can get a full functionally PoP3 Email adress with 10 aliases. (Meaning you get Mail to God@teamcow.net, george@teamcow.net, everyotherchar-or-rlname@teamcow.net, while he can adress the name to every of the 2nd/Backup server domains and you still get it. (if he sends you to GOD@team-cow.com or GOD@teamcow.org you get it too) You look which one you like best. If teamcow.com sounds better for you you can get also on teamcow.com an email adress but the sending is restricted atm so mostly you can only recive over that. And last but not least Click here to see the TC Page under the first html TC Page 1.0 Setup: here |
Pen retires unbeaten after 5 Championship defenses Animation by Unforgiven, edited by String-TC you should turn sound on for best results The song files are finished downloading when Team Cow Drachenfels begins to scroll in status bar Lady Penelope TC, victorious in 5 title defendings. With the now complete Gladiator-Plate pieces and Marianne (Lukes Sister-Char) that managed as mage to win the Tournament. With the 5th Championship win and the last part of the gladiator armor Penelope retired after defending her title and against Marianne who was the victorious Tournament winner of the V`th games. Pen was awarded by Curator with the Title "Auctor of the Jhelom Pit " when they heard that Penelope wishes to retire after having the plate complete making place for new faces. Its the best event ever on Drachenfels. Penelope asked to this matter: "We are really happy that we have soemthing like this on df, and im looking now forward to all ppl conquesting other tcs and the new faces that will show up." ![]() Marianne fighting Gerendite Marianne winning Finale Penelope defends her Championship against Tournament winner Trammel, Town Magery, chaos/order ![]() moo? |
24.11/UOCHAT temp downtimes today |
UOCHAT temp downtimes today As the Board developer is working on his server UOchat has downtimes today as announced in Board Development forum. it will be up shortly. |
17.11/Gladiator PvP Games IV - TC strikes again |
![]() ![]() ![]() From left to right: Lady Penelope TC the current and Pit-Champion of the last games in her 4 winner-parts of "Smith of the Jhelom Pit" plate, Poisoner TC(Philipp LaGuerre/BFG) Winner of the 4th Gladiator Games. On the right side you see Yaten Kou GdF, as vize Winner of the Games. Like in the last game there was a life report and commentation on Gladiator Games - TONIGHT - thread New with the 4th games (5th Gladiator games but 4th PvP, as 1st were PvM) was that only 31 fighters were taken in, and a "Rumble" was made for those coming too late. Like ten people were threw in the Arena and had to fight a last man Standing.
The fights Hopefully Laoshi makes a new craph, as long we take this list: Yaten Thou Gdf - ? : 1 Sunshine TC (chaos) - Bather +V+ (chaos) : 1 Crofax TC (chaos) - Xantim EBR (Chaos) : 1 Warchild =$= - Skar KdQ : 1 Sugar FU (chaos) - Fury D.G (order) : 2 Mare Mac Kintosh D C - Arthur Mc Lane : 2 Shina Sentir , gib - Germane D A (Order) : 1 Sir Luke Cowhart TC - Loco 3BR (Chaos) : 1 Grifter - Sarah : 1 Calatin AFC - Beni the Myst A+D : 1 Rabauke =W= - Thalon D C (Dorijan TC) : 2 pic of this fight Hellfire - Taz : 1 Pandora Dragon DA (order) - Poisoner TC (chaos) : 2 pic of this fight Apidya TC - Tornementius : 1 Ralon-Al-Thonoth CWO (Order) - Igor DW : 2 The System - Jolly Joker : 1 Round2 Thalon - Hellfire : 2 Warchild - Igor : 2 Yaten Kou - Calatin : 1 Fury - Poisoner : 2 pic of this fight Sunshine - Shina Sentir : 1 pic of this fight Grifter - no one (crofax had to leave cause rl) : 1 Apolcalypse - Sir Luke Cowhart: 1 pic of this fight Round3 Arthur Mc Lane - Igor : 1 Sunshine - Apolcalypse : 1 Grifter - Yaten Kou : 2 Poisoner - no one (Hellfire left) : 1 Round4 Sunshine - Poisoner : 2 pic of this fight Yaten Kou - Arthur McLane : 1 Finale Poisoner TC - Yaten Kou GdF : 1 pic of this fight - pic of this fight Challenge for Championship Poisoner TC - Penelope TC : 2 pic of this fight New at this fight was the crazy attemps of assasins to kill penelope by using the exploit to get on tribune, while other Crazy ppl treid to kill the spectators ;) Spectators and Tribune gets Chainlightened ![]() Spectators get Firefielded with many victims ![]() Pen TC, Luke TC, Wurzel TC, Pois TC |
15.11/UOCHAT temp down |
UOCHAT temporary down Due to problems with servercrashes uochat had to move on another server. it will be up shortly. |
14.11/TC board changed - wars |
TC Forum We changed today after massive problems with Sitepowerup to uochat. the background of uochat forum for tc will be altered soon so it fits well to tc site. please give suggestions wether you wish to have the forum open in frame like before or having by default a new iexplore window open for the forum. i prefer it like that, but i run 1280x1024 resolution. Wars we have war with ebr & rest of the shard after we stocked the order stone to new performance. please look that you get a performant char on order stone too. |
3.11/(updated) - UOCHAT.CO.UK,Gladiator Games III & fish |
Notice please that Sion is hosting as you surely noticed in NEWS2 already: Hi all ! I have created a new forum dedicated to the international Player vs Player community of the Euroshards called uochat - http://www.uochat.co.uk. There you can find many discussion subjects, including trading and of course PvP tactics. The site has been set up with the idea that the only real PvP board out there is talkhouse.de, which is a very busy board, but stays ignored by a large portion of the Euroshards since it is a german-language website. This new forum has some nice features and I would not like to see my work go to waste, since I feel it could be very useful to a good portion of our shard's players. I hope you will like it, Sion Verdox ![]() ![]() From left to right: Lady Penelope TC the current and last Champion of the Pit in her 3 parts of "Smith of the Jhelom Pit" plate, Wurzelsepp TC of the 3nd Gladiator Games. On the right side you see Seiya as vize Winner of the Games. You find an exact Graph by Laoshi w13 showing the winners of all fights from start to end as well as pointing on Wurzel winning Gladiator games (to remember his name comes in Arena Book) and Pen defending her Champion Title (the bust with her name is on the altair) against the last Winner of the games. ![]() Laoshis Fight Graph 1.02 This time more TC`s took part at the tourney although a lot of those who wanted to participate also had a very bad con (they said, muha;) In total Wurzelsepp(Dorijan), Sir Luke Cowhart(Luke), Crofax(Sion) and Apocalypse(Apidya(which came after tourment in test)) The event was mostly live reported on uochat, where we will take some quotes from :) ![]() ![]() http://joker-ra.narod.ru/ca1.jpg - http://joker-ra.narod.ru/ca2.jpg Carl Cox (who took part as Jalta but was whooped in first round from an orc?):" Wow, talking about fast news :)" kim: "Hey whos still in the tourney ? not in uo atm." Marshal TC: "Don't remember all. Crofax, Luke, Dorijan (Wuzzlesomething), Apocalypse and some more guys. :) Huh?" kim: "heh, the quarter finals atm ? prolly goes to tc then ." Marshal TC: "Yes. Dori just kicked DMX." http://joker-ra.narod.ru/ca3.jpg ![]() Seth von Saljeth CWO: "I feel ashamed of my perfomance *shruggs* ... but for my defesne the fucking auctoratus hit me twice to 50 hp when the opponent attacked and lag was insane .. but oh well maybe I just suck ..but Ill be back :) Marshal TC: "Crofax lost" http://joker-ra.narod.ru/ca4.jpg Luke win. http://joker-ra.narod.ru/ca5.jpg Sion TC: "but did not die:) they stopped fight as it went on to long and gave it to other guy, who in all fairness had me at lower hps more than i did him" What happened in total: Crofax lost in round 2 after timeout. Luke lost in round 4 before Semi Finale although in our opinion he would have killed the guy. It takes sometimes a little to get through a gm parry with just a hally and no mace or poisoning. That he did it he showed already in last games or well every day in normal fight;) - but his opponent was very well too tho Apocalypse lost after time out vs Wurzelsepp which had her more often at low hp. It was a very interesting fight. You could see from organisatoric point of view that the Contestants as well as Lady Iwanavere and the Curator learned from previour events. Most contestants had 1-2 replacement armors with them and enough potions/else to come to finish. Also the Curator let the winner of the games time to reequip again before challenging the champion this time, so Wurzelsepp could go get some things (and bring some things that pen forgotten for her;) ![]() ![]() Sadly the Orc Boss which was one of the first victims complained later also to Lady Iwanavere which changed than the Teleport Point. His complains were in perfect english btw, which shows that orcs can talk very understandable if they are excited. The Winner of the Games vs the Champion. The Winner of the Games vs the Champion. 2 Lady Iwanavere the Curator and the Guard honoring the Winners Sadly the "powerful weapon" Wurzel recived turned out to be ruin+5;) ![]() Walking to the altair and Lady Iwanavere about TC ;) ![]() PS: We know that in fact that are the 4`th Gladiator events, but we begin to count from the begin of the Player vs Player Gladiator games whcih in fact are than the 3`d. |
20.10/Gladiator Games II, TC double Victory again | ||
![]() From left to right: Lady Penelope TC the current and last Champion of the Pit in her 2 parts of "Smith of the Jhelom Pit" plate, Luke TC Winner of the 2nd Gladiator Games and Pendora Dragon D A, vize Winner of the 2nd Gladiator Games. Maybe even before you read the ingame related review of the 2nd Gladiator games you should check a funny rather humorous review that was posted in talkhouse. You find it here. by "dodi" At 20:00 Luke began already to prepare himself. He knew he has to go the whole way through all competitors again to be able to challenge his guildmate Lady Penelope as Champion of the Jhelom pit in the 2nd PvP Event hosted by OSI on Drachenfels. Joker-RA repaired his armor and sponsored him Broads and Katans made out of the best materials he was able to get from the dwarfs ;) - at least since the humanity lost their ability to apply magic on their blades like the ancient swords you may find throughout the wilderness still have its still the best deal as the rules of the arena didnt alowed any kind of ancient magic armor, weapon or utils. Pen wasnt sure once more at this time if she would participate. She catched cold some days ago and had high fever which seemed to hold her rather in bed than participate at this event. But when Beatrice went with luke to the door where the competitors applied for the games she catched fire and reported it to her (char) cousin. Again Joker-RA took his heavy smith hammer and repaired Pens ruined armor where nearly every part comes from another Smith or has a different color. As she used only ancient Weapons he made some ecellent and allowed Weapons for her. At this time Lady Iwanavere came to Penelopes and Woodstocks hut in TC Valley to invite her to take seat at the Throne of the Champion to look from this comfortable position to the fights until the winner of the day is found. The fights were again beginning with 32 people. 32people which gave 16 fights in 1st round. 16people which gave 8 fights in 2nd round. 8people which gave 4 fights in 3d round. 4people which gave 2 fights in 4th round. and the Finale between Luke TC and Pandora Dragon D A. Luke Won the finale thus he was the Winenr of the 2nd Gladiator Games which gave him the honor to challenge Pen which was the winner of the last games and the Current Champion of the Pit. He lost that fight thus Pen remains the Champion of the Pit while Luke is winner of the 2nd games.
From Dusk `Til Dawn Crofax fighting Danielle (a fight he lost) Luke fights Danielle Luke fights the Warboss ORK Luke fights Curiand a mage that did very well Glad2 Finale Luke TC vs Pandora Dragon D A Luke Wins Glad2 Finale Lady Penelope wins and remains vs Luke Winner of Glad2 the Champion of Pit title Ceremony |
15.10/Protest vs BOH Banning |
![]() Torch Line - Counselors show up After Tanja came back to uo and reunited BOH the old guild became victim of harassmetn calls cause their title "B1tches of Hell" where B1tches seems to be not tolerable. While the fact that Bitch as word isnt a compliment can be understood (although if you see in rl even in the Top10 there are Songs with this title and its much harder for no english ppl to decide than what is common language and what not) the thing is that BOH was part of PvP community which by a simple ban would lose some of their DF flavor - and a part of our community The one Counselord shwoing up even told us to - lol - disband the protest cause we make too much lag and thus could be banned for harassing. No he made no joke. Its only sad that i didnt got his name. - If someone knows who the other Couns was please tell. Counselor Stonegate who also showed up was cool enough to listen to all and tried t explain both positions. Later in the night GM Sol and Counselor Stonegate talked with Tanja which got her account back thus our thanks for an intelligent solution at this point. |
07.10/Double TC Victory |
![]() The first PvP Gladiator games hosted by Seer Staff took place. After the Town cryer in every city began to yell and we noticed also on stratics the announcement. : You see on the left Side Penelope and Luke
While first no one of us really thought that we would take part, mostly due to the experinced Lag that we had and saw at the Gladiator Games 2 weeks before (That were vs Monsters that time) Luke and Pen changed their Minds after some persuading in chat. Also a lot of other TC`s wanted to take part as well as many more ppl, but the entrance was restricted to 32 persons. After these 32 were inside in a row of 2 people they told the Gladiator Boss their names which he wrote down. When the Games started the 2 randomly invited were teleported over the table got a "good luck" and had to walk the way from the room through a wooden wall tunnel to the arena. The Arena was this time extremly well designed. Only one major flaw was in the design. The Specators couldnt hear what was talked in the arena, thus not hear what was casted etc. The rounds were 32 than 16, 8, 4, 2 (Finale). After the first round the winners took place near the Lord and Lady that hosted the Games on the upper tribune where they got a lot to eat (although no new ressources, so be prepared next time to deal with 4 fights with same ressources) Besides the overal Lag in the Arena fighting was quite possible and so some fights were really funny. Luke fighting - Pen fighting - Pen fighting2 - Pen fighting3 Sadly we got no Pics from the Finale or the Ceremony after cuz Marshal our Photograph thought talking with Mini would be cooler ;c) The finale was between Penelope and Luke thus it was a TC Finale. Place 3 and 4 had Phil and Binabik AFAIR that was the best Event ever made on Drachenfels by the OSI Gods so a big thanks from our part. Mooooooooooooo |
03.10/Fish & Chips |
![]() It looks like the Veteran Rewards are shortly to be released. 4.10.content changed: This is a uoss forward about the reward program after we got some replies the were unsure about the previous content of the news.:
A lot of fights were up last weeks, although decites time like on this pic(click)seems to be over after Respawn revamp. At least we got the new kick-ass dungeon Khaldun where we had yesterday a lot of fun :) TC in Khaldun First Steps - Solving Puzzles - Secret Passage - Secret Passage2 - Killing EK - Lukes and Yume EBR The problems with EBR were put aside. We have more or less an alliance again. If a TC Member attacks or Agresses an EBR member he will have to look for a new guild. Roster Marshal/Joker-RA- Theristis and Vheraun/Deumont are in Test Time. A lot of inactive ppl were taken from stone. If these ppl begin to be active again we will not add anyone on stone again before he gets his rust in pvp etc away. So if you want to rejoin the PvP guild TC please get a polish where we help of course. As TC reached more or less capacity i send atm everyne that is willing to wait to c64. Also those who are in FU may wish to change to c64 - thats Ivan Bloodstones new guild - cause Sugar isnt online atm. (gm of fu) Factions As Factions was published by error we had to think closer about what to do if faction comes. Most TC seem to wish to join Concil of Mages. We will do a voting about it. EBR joins Minax. I will place a special faction-test stone for that if it comes as what we saw was what we feared. a lot of bugs. |
10-17.09/update:Roster & EBR |
Impreator is back after a long UO Pause. Yet he puts all effort to get his new char fast to a funny state. Ancient Soul didnt passed test week, as she figured having no fun with UO atm. Good luck. Luffe vanished in the void. If there were RL Problems we may talk about, else good luck:) update After a longer talk we sighted the misunderstanding even in Wood & Bfg s talk with Luke. Luke healed both Uds and Point asking them to stop.. thus back on stone as there wasnt the situation like we thought. Point Zero passed his test time, and is warmly welcome. You will find him in the Chargallery and on right navframe (if i add that a little later) update arthur-xh and playerkiller were took today 17.9 in test time. as they made test duel etc before we thought that it was rather unnecessary to repeat it. Sahira which was voted in TC 2 weeks before already but was on hold to get more experience joined TC stone. FU = F*U they only changed abbtevation. If you are interested in us look forward joining FU so that you may hunt already with us so we learn you know, and we dont get situations like in last test duels that some ppl had very good performance but due to them not beeing known they didnt got many votes. GM of FU is Sugar BFG`s brother, although you can talk also with BFG directly. ![]() Click for Wood`s flash (Yes i FIXED the size thing.. it should finally display all without having to download it and using external player:) ![]() <- new Ervin Flash:The Bloodstones EBR EBR decided to vote and cancel the nearly 2 years old alliance. The reasons for canceling were the reasons you always find when many people are involved but one party thinks that she has a disadvantage by it. |
30.08/add-on:Mostly Harmless & 42 |
Today between 19 and around 22:00 like 25 orders/oranges crowded Decite As this is like the only Time of ToP Spottings so far (together with ICE at least) NO PANIC in front of the tower & take care while training there. ToP Peaced btw all other wars to "concentrate on Chaos/Order" Fight. They found 2 Cows and killed little Gizmo on count, which we buried in a long ceremony under her beloved tree where she used to play as child. Did she died cause of news2/sions rather unpopular "Food Chain" Rant ? - we will never know. As they figured later that they "rock" and "own" (considering the mass a really hard task) one of Ford Perfects wisdoms felt in my mind. Taking the fact that they didnt came to search pvp nor for talking why cant both sides spare time by doing something more useful in that time. They assume that they did came and said their "we rock" and "we own" sentences in their group while they go in reality somewhere else with lower stress, lower organisation problems and more excitement, and on our side we assume that you came here, we heard your sentences, noticed your size and can thus instead of having to retreat in houses (playing our role than) do some more useful things in the meantime. - just assuming that both parties do nothing really useful in that time - still assuming we talk about pvp ppl.Or just send next time a newbie char with the name "I am 25 ppl" and we retreat with a char called "We aren`t worthy" and place them both macroing on some second uo. You get the logic? no ?? tant pis. |
30.08/NO PANIC & thanks for all the fish | ||||||
![]() (Pic ripped from Blackman PvP ; found it rather amusing) This News Special deals with Artwork around TC. The TC Artwork html (in right navframe) will be redone for that later although you get a nice 404 error atm. One rather amusing example: (sorry german) Kommentator des heutigen Abend schrieb am 27.08.00 18:05:56: Top Forum Naja, dann haben sich heute die RPG´ler an den PvPern gerächt... Woodstock arbeitet nämlich insgeheim für die URA (Underground Rollplaying Association). Hier der Live Kommentar aus dem RPG Lager, wo unser Spion unter die RPG´ler gmeischt hat. Woodstock: Wir werden unsere Ehre wieder herstellen! Lange genug haben wir uns das gefallen lassen, unsere mules in Mienen sterben lassen. Nun ist es soweit! Der Tag der Rache! In the german "Talkhouse" a TC costume was posted which you may find more or less interesting: here Flashs
The MAP! & more Luke accomplised to do the first official Hitchers Guide through TC VAlley. Click here for a hitch ride on the shoulders of a cow. In some time even the newest chars will be finished and take place on Order or Chaos stone. All that still have interest in TC after the last duels but may not have beein chosed cause ppl didnt voted for them due they were relatively unknown may consider joining F*U which is the Guild of BFG/Philipps brother which is allied and hang around with us mostly. |