Team Cow
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[actual TC news]

25-28.6.99/UOAM,Koth & Duel

- UOAM UOAM Server. We have now a Server for all TC's
This Radar Map Tool let you see where all other TCs are or follow a certain TC (tracking) while watching yourself on the normal map. Many complained about performance problems. ok. here some hints how to improve it so that you still fly:
Zoom: 1x, Places:Show Labels & Players, Hide Shops MAP: Top Most,Tilt Map,_Hide Statics_ LINK: Send poition every 4 test til 10 sec, Query server every 5-10 sec
Use UOAM from version 3.7 on. Older are slower, cause they use UO data while playing. newer version converts it for self use. Takes 20mb but is very fast.
UO uses average 3.5kb/sec, UOAM uses 1.5kb/sec if many players are connected. So your bandwhich have to allow up to 5kb/sec
With ISDN thats not a problem. for 5.6 modems that may be a problem, though they have data compression, cause 5.6 is not always reached.

Besides that you may chose to improve also UO speed by not using 800x600 play area, using fullscreen (would not recommend cause so you cant use UOAM), using UOAM on a 2nd monitor while uo is fullscreen, turning footsteps&music;(eh) off, reducing colors,turning off translation server, the odd word filter : off, colorcycling, off and using the "f" client here
- naked-eye check this new provider which is incl. Tel cost. you buy 100 hours for 100dm. The performance seems to be great cause it goes directly over the 155mbit backbone of the Telekom
You can also get there a perma 2mbit connection for around 750dm/month.
- C B after shittalking in a german msgboard a sub treaty (cause we didnt agreed on alliance) is terminated
- stuff well im still here in ladenburg until 30.6 but i moved already my belonging except the comp to essen.. and these news are fast made. ;)
regular news will be again avaible when im full in essen where i study.
- KotH King of the Hill was very nice. Friday at 21:00 it began, and lasted some hours.
Today Sunday, a new KotH was maded again. TC participated FR with bigger numbers, Sunday were 5 TCs at KotH.
Here a picture, at the only time i (String) had to screencapture.. yes you guess, i was dead.

You see Order attacking the last time against an at this time now bigger Chaos opposition.
They fought brave but had no chance.

- Duels
it began with a question of Tristan II which found us in death city (the guy from tc msgboard) if he could duel wood just to see where he stands. some other CDM chaos guys heard that and wished to look or participate. wood first wanted to let Gauron fight all fights, cause she was still rl exhausted .. a party until 6 in the morning and all that moving.. but later she duelled too ;)

some participants
- maybe i forgotten 1 or 2 of the duels
    Gauron TC - Salomo CDM : 2
    Gauron TC - Salomo CDM : 1
    Woodstock TC - Tristan II : 1
    Gauron TC - Darius CDM : 1
    Woodstock TC - Salomo CDM : 1
    Woodstock TC - Darius CDM : 1
    Woodstock TC - Mac CDM : 1
    Geordie TC - Salomo CDM : 1
    Geordie TC - Natan TC : 1
    Natan TC - Gauron TC : 1
    Gauron TC - Woodstock TC : 2
    Geordie TC - Gauron TC : 1
    Geordie TC - Gauron TC : 1
    Natan TC - Gauron TC : 1
    Natan TC - Darius CDM : 1
    Geordie TC - Darius CDM : 1
    Darius CDM - Salomo CDM : 1

    besides that
    netman - Gaurons horse : 1
    netman - Gaurons horse : 1 (dismounted for duel)
    2 days ago
    some EK(dont remember name) - woodstock : 2
    woodstock - delekahn : 1
    woodstock - netman : 1
    beavis - netman : 1
    some days ago
    gauron - delekahn : no one
    geordie - delekahn : 2
    geordie - delekahn : 2
    bamse - delekahn : 1
    bamse - delekahn : 1
    slob'tok - some order guy : 2 ;)

18-20.6.99/Notify,Support,UOAM,Treasures,Hylth & Beer

- Notify I prepare to move from Ladenburg (where i worked 1 year on some project) back to Essen (where i study). The stuff will be moved the coming SA. Depending if i have to work here mo-mi the following week, i may be offline than for 5 days (26.6-30.6) days.
It could also be that i cant get all fast working in Essen(Thats a town. Yes it means "food")
This means that my charfamily TC & GdG may have holidays for some days, as well as the news etc.
- Support if you think like us please write a mail to asking for:
    1. Usable Beds -> (he said we get lying on bed (some dead anim) x patches before ;)
    2. "You cant log out while fighting" as check if a guy is involved in a fight so he cant log out in an inn and getting out of fight without consequences. Recall is overpowered.. but inns are even more crap.
    3. Recall. Reworking of Kal Ort Por, maybe like old times to put rune on ground befor recalling.
    4. The "You are already casting" bug when switching subservers (serverlines,teleporters,dungeonentrance) while precasted. This bug got in january in or so and was never fixed.
    5. A Thief stealing from a criminal/murderer turning him agressor flagged for criminal/murderer so the last mentioned can kill him without murder count.
    6. Fix of MA/Paralyze/other Spells instant death from monsters/players, around since beta.
    wirte this specially to which wanted to look into it some month before :)
    (Of course they are pretty busy but it would be very funny to have fixed code first)
    7. Armor/Weapons, possibility to smelt them into ingots
    8. You can begin to write on House Maintainance (pro/contra) again to DD & Dev Board as well as that dedicated Housing board cause he mentioned that he wants to get that in sooner or later. Dont know how much time you have, and maybe you wish to hold your house not extending your online-costs(unlike in usa) to heaven.
- UOAM we are searching a dedicated UOAM server for TC. This Map tool let yous see where all others are. I normally have one TC centered on it, while i use also normal Radar to see where i am. Thats an eminent response time enhancer.
To install a UOAM Server you need: 1 dedicated Computer & (would be best) perma Internet connection.
If you have that, please download it from (you find that under 3d party utils(its a UO Pro Util), install it and give us port&password; in chat. We already have/had one but Butthead is for 3 weeks in holiday and his server crashed. Also the bandwhich was restricted cause the server was working on work
- Woodstock is from SA 5:31 in the morning, blue and back on stone. Murder status lasted 51 hours..
- Treasurehunting from Friday on we had MANY Treasurehunts. Really many :)
Friday first TC treasurehunt, SA GdG Treasurehunt, later with TC's joining in, Today (SO) TC Treasurehunt with 4 or 5 level 5 Chests. It was terrible funny :)
I have only a picture from yesterdays GdG Meet, which also looked nice ;)

Funny though TC had more problems with level 4 chests than GdG ;o)

- Dungeons some funny dungeons were raidet. Especially Destard1-3 and Hylth 3/4.
- Beer There were huge Chaos/Order Battles around the globe and on Buccs Den this Weekend. Huge = up to over 20 people on each side. (The side which had the last win always had a little more guys than the other, not only cause of death, but also cause of all these little non sense guilds only coming to either gang bang or dissappear if things dont go so well. bah. wish they would be still green.
SA until TC and more EBR was there Chaos was holding BD. Order didnt came back, and it was very late. Later we heard that rest chaos was crushed by the rest order, but the day ended for us yesterday in victory. :)

Today the first BD fight (we count after TC got involved, and that was after treasurehunting :), was losed.
We counted 12 order against not enough Chaos. We regrouped. They attacked at Ebank and got in town fight. Some little Chaos guilds came out of nowhere too, and they lost that town fight. TC were only mages online at the moment, excluding Beavis as hmm. odd guy with master magery, gm resist, and 5 other gms :) beeing hardcore in town and out of town
So we decided to gate us fast back at BD to hit the remaining forces. Wood gated to BD, and schlachter opened a gate too a little later saying "BD", but it was not BD it was moonglow. Accidentally exactly there the order forces were regrouping, so a new townfight came along. first hard for chaos(cause 1/2 was in bd) but later more and more chaos gated in from bd and the fight was won.
here the forces regrouped again.
while regrouping we killed fast some opposition of red guys somewhee in minoc. we gated back bd. first we found nothing, the group began to spread around when order came from north we dont know how many orders they were, though we had some cheap chaos at this point with us, but with client bugs (i had client bug and had to restart), some guys recalling etc, we(chaos) retreated without having lost the fight counting the losses and kills, but they got bd and we retreated. While regrouping we saw we were only 10 left. We spyed and seen that now Order began to naturally grow on numbers with all these cheap guys coming of the inn etc, who while losing logged away, where under rocks, dont know.
Mc Bain (he can count) counted 14 Orders. We decided to try it(10). Got Daemons and gated in. The beginning was very good and with 2 kills, but with the times we could not hold it, all(chaos) was spreaded and we had losses while retreating/some still fighting.

Chaos Saturday on BD

-huh? belive it or not.. guys attacked these poly creatures with daemons :)

15-17.6.99/C B & stone

- C B asked for a meeting in Skara Brae. They wanted an alliance. We thank for the trust in us, but after speaking with all members in chat, we decided that it would be sad to lose a big guild to fight.
- Ghost Pro didnt made the test week, though good luck.
- Lord Sir Fredo begins his Test Week in TC. Weclome. He is also one of the old SoL members which joined TC one after the other (Geordie, Gauron, Natan). He will be a some weeks in UK though, so we see later how we come together.
- Woodstock is Red until 18'ter. hopefully 19:00 she can be back on stone.
- Stone we didnt plan to hold dead people on stone which didnt showed up for x weeks or 2 times in their test week.

Pseudo-Roleplayer Mc Bain testing his new Bardiche !

Discl: Sixl. was killed by Khadgar and Khadgar later by Sixl. thankx for setup.

14.6.99/DF Loginserver down & fun

- Visiting BD we killed what we seen orange. Decite was tougher, meeting Inc, some SoA, RED, fighting the grey Chaos guys FoC, and other Orders at the same time. Killed 6, losses 3.
- LoginServer was really crappedm, so get Pictures from our Visit at Catskills

normal action at orc-fort (orcs already killed my spy :)

the necros fighting undeads and TB, as well as some d3wds
that was normal action, i was part of in the time i could not log in at df. see that, and you know what you miss :

Ice Though some guild decided to kill us in ice.

chat preparations

1 min after they gated in ;o) you see 5 deads and 1 survived in 6vs4TC
Some odd sort of madness overcame me and i let my daemon kill their horses. A little later we met them at papua bank. They were cool and were trying to analyse what they done wrong (in this minute).
I began to feel really bad, cause these guys really had the courage to fight an opposition. They lost, but were not whining before, or after. I have deep respect for them, we gave them full reimbursement for new horses, and we wish them the best for the future. Good hunt to thee.

Gallery added a llama Vortex sended in by Natan

11-13.6.99/Fights, WARfare Update Orks & Crystals

- Killed all opposition when visiting BD,shame,decite on Sutarday
- updated Warfare list
- contacted ERPA for the try of rule Agreement for ERPA like PvP-RPG system on DF
- Kicked MAD visiting us in t2a ice/else
- Orks you can see the Sleep Crystal captured from our orkish friends displayed in the Mages Delight in Britain. We still think about ways to get the crystal and return it to the orks.

"ooooh! Wood is too little to reach the stone"

We thank especially the guild -T-, VBE (little Emie and friends), S*M(?),tVA for contribution to our wealthy this day.

- PlayerOrk invasion in t2a desert.

Ug ? nub de Catskills ShadowClan ligr-z tribute askin' humie!

09-10.6.99/Trinsic under attack,UO Chances,Stone

- Trinsic was under massive orcish attack !
The orks landed with Ships on the north coast, and where even trying to brake holes in the city walls. After some of the ork leaders began to bargain a little with us, we decided though for the ammounth of 3.5k in an orkish chest, to help the orkish invadors getting this puny town by polymorphing into this species. The acceptance on orkish side was great, and we could stop the attackers for some minutes, though the attack was a failure, and the heroes of britainnia killed our orkish friends.

Our Orcis friends before losing the last shipt to the slaughtering people.

Next Major Update Coming Soon
Jun 10 1999 2:54PM CST
The next update to Ultima Online will be a much larger affair than a typical 6-9 week cycle update. (Last Target, Newbie Protection, COlored Lightning, Frame Rate Adjust.)
Check here for full story at update owo.

Bamse is again out of stone for a day, cause some guy in Ballerup got him of stone.
BFG after long period of statworking he is back on stone

gallery some new pictures: Orc attack, & the LLama EV ;)

07-08.6.99/UOA GAINS APPROVAL !!!FIX, cand,ston & cgal

- UOA !! We never used this great util before of course, but after more than one year waiting finally OSI approved the new version !! yes its legal !! woo hoo

first reactions


- Stone : Bamse and Balaar the fool are back on TC stone. Balaars red guy took GMship of Team Goat.
- Candidates : Ghost Proselyte ex MiM, ex Great Lord Death BDS on cats.
- Chargallery : added Balaar
- btw: here my absolute favorite UO Comic site:
Click here for Inside UO.

06.6.99/CWOs first day & Krid

- Lord Krid is from TC Support stone back on TC stone :).. the first 7gm is back on main stone

- Clan Wulf Order had today their first Order Day.. it was a hard beginning, thoug they take it very cool. We had a cool discussion after battle, and they can take a loss.

2 Large Pics are in Gallery thoug cause it was too funny *g*

and here some funny idea-quotation out of the Dev board, where Recall is discussed a lot at the moment (my deepest deepest hated spell in this game:
    From: gwan
    ID: WmFGZrMhWsE
    Date: May 28, 1999 at 12:36 pm
    Subject: Really bad Abyss Idea for Recall
    Every time you cast recall you have a 10% chance of exploding instead. This would not address any game balance issues but it would be funny to watch the recallholics explode.

05.6.99/Duels !!!

- Duels
At today GdG/TC Castle meet..we wanted to go treasurehunting.. but someone wanted to see some duel first.. well.. it came like it had to come.. we dueled 5hours, with all vs. all at the end !
It was kind of hype.. Supremly cool. thanks for all participants !!


Cyber GdG - Philipp LaGuerre GdG : 2
Julianne TC - Crusader the II TC: 1
Philipp LaGuerre GdG - Woodstock TC : 2
Philipp LaGuerre GdG - Woodstock TC: 2
Philipp LaGuerre GdG - Crusader the II TC : 1
Slob'Tok TC - Cyber GdG: 1
Slob'Tok TC - Philipp LaGuerre GdG : 2
Philipp LaGuerre GdG : Julianne TC : 2
Slob'Tok TC - Crusader The II TC : 1
Slob'Tok TC - Crusader the II TC: 1

Crusader the II TC - Woodstock TC : 2
Crusader the II TC - Woodstock TC : 2
Cyber GdG - Woodstock TC : 2
Cyber GdG - Woodstock TC: 2
Fulo - Slob'Tok : 2
Slob'Tok - Woodstock : 2
Cyber GdG - Julianne TC : 2
Fulo GdG - Slob'Tok TC: 2
Fulo GdG - Crusader the II TC : 1
Philipp LaGuerre GdG - Cyber GdG : 1

Fulo GdG - Philipp LaGuerre GdG : 1
Cyber GdG - Crusader the II GdG : 1
Cyber GdG - Crusader the II GdG : 1
Fulo GdG - Philipp LaGuerre GdG : 1
Fulo GdG - Woodstock TC : 2
Crusader the II - Crusader the II: *suicide*
Fulo GdG - Philipp LaGuerre GdG : 2

Morgoth GdG +Cyber GdG - Julianne TC +Woodstock TC : 2
Crusader the II GdG +Philipp LaGuerre GdG - Julianne TC +Woodstock TC : 2

all - all : Woodstock, last girl standing

The duels are starting..

All vs All begins !

All vs all.. all hunting each other;)

All - all end, some already new ressed&cursor; on the little woodstock *g*

04.6.99/FoA Quest day 3 The End

- Wood,Slob,Jul are out of stone til tomorrow, cause they had to join FoA stone for the event
- FoA Quest The last day of this great quest is over ! It was the best Quest, this shard has seen so far, featured by PvP players behind this quest and with a great acceptance of the non pvp part of this shard. It was an intelligent quest, a meeting between sides that havent meet so far normally :)

We all had great fun making this Quest, i hope the Questers had the same Fun participating on it, though they were not the best PvP players but the quest questions and clues they solved extremly fast.

Click on picture for PICs and Shabazza(350mc murderer)s end ;(

Gallery contains now Foa Quest too.

01-02.6.99/Team Goat reminder & Natan

- Natan joins TC. He is tank mage, showed good performance in test fight, switches actually from sword to mace and is the best uo friend of Gauron, which actually integrated extremly fast ;).

Natan in his first TC fight at thera keep (you se Gauron 2 times.. picture taker had client-dupe bug
you see: Gauron TC(duped), Balaar the Fool (duped)(Team Goat), Natan TC(the guy without pants) and 5 bodies.

- Bamse is still out of stone.. felt in love to some 24h ghost standing around in skara.
- Geordie is one week in grece having fun swimming.
- Team Goat T G: is up and running -> Balaar the fool makes GM of our murderer stone
- added a picture from balaar in gallery

- Duels
Lord Krid vs Crusader the II : Lord Krid, rematch Lord Krid
Woodstock vs Crusader the II : Woodstock, rematch Woodstock
Woodstock vs Natan: Woodstock
Natan vs a balron: Lord of the Abyss *g*

31.5.99/slow day & chargal reminder
- Bamse is out of stone for the night.
- Chargallery dont forget to send your paperdolls/Background infos (if you like) to Look in the Chargallery section, click on member picture, and see what i mean ;)

- Duels
Sir Frietwart TC vs Talon TC : Sir Frietwart TC, rematch : Talon TC

2 Mages with 0% mental strenght left in action ;)

[new TC news]