03.03/CON,Trinsic & duels |
![]() As always on the right side we still make major efforts to push the Trinsic attackers back to where they came. :) ![]() Hydra, Dor and Natan fighting the undeads ![]() not hesitating to use even LlamaEV's to kill them ;)) besides that we still have major Connection problems. Although that we decided to accomodate to that and make some backpacks ready for CL dying. As some guessed really right, for some its hard (including me) to die in cl.. some kind of proudness, hating to die on amateurs hands. News Pause is over. sorry for delay but i was working on HP (some scripts for a new forum) and updating my hardware here.. which of course took some nerves. Duels Ghuldan TC - Philipp TC : 1 Philipp TC - Ghuldan TC : 1 Ghuldan TC - Chalas Thunder RIP : 1 Philipp TC - Rasta TC : 1 Philipp TC - Rasta TC : 2 Penelope TC + Philipp TC - Ghuldan TC + Rasta TC : 1 Penelope TC + Philipp TC - Ghuldan TC + Rasta TC : 1 Philipp TC - aguant (or so cant read) : 2 Philipp TC + Dyluck TC - WizzardX RIP + Ghuldan TC : 2 Penelope TC + Philipp TC - Ghuldan TC + WizzardX RIP : 1 Philipp TC + Dyluck TC - WizzardX RIP + Ghuldan TC : 1 Philipp TC + Dyluck TC - WizzardX RIP + Ghuldan TC : 2 Penelope TC + Philipp TC - Ghuldan TC + WizzardX RIP : 1 Woodstock TC - Dyluck TC : 1 Woodstock TC - Dyluck TC : 1 Woodstock TC - Dyluck TC : 1 Woodstock TC - Dyluck TC : 1 Woodstock TC - Dyluck TC : 1 Woodstock TC - Dyluck TC : 1 Woodstock TC - Dyluck TC : 2 Woodstock TC - Dyluck TC : 1 Ghuldan TC - Paul TC : 1 Titus TC. (Order Stone) - Ghuldan TC : 1 Philipp TC + Horadrim (Imps "cousin") - Dark Magic + Ragga EBR : 1 Horadrim + Ragga EBR - pimp EBR + Dan..something(cant read) : cant read Philipp TC + Woodstock TC - Vampire TC + Ghul TC : 2 Philipp TC + Woodstock TC - Vampire TC + Ghul TC : 1 Ghul TC - Cyb TC :2 Ghul TC - Cyb TC :2 Philipp TC - Woodstock TC : 20 min. training Woodstock TC - Dorijan Grey TC : 1 |
15.02/Team Goat strikes back, InConcept-comments & Security |
![]() after a longer pause caused of cl'ing, the connections seem to be stable again, and we were out again with the goats, after boh lost in ocllo. The feeling to run with a perma red from bone over uproad terra (the road where around 40 obsidians like knights, and aves are on. dont to downroad terra gate, and back to gate out is hehe very cool. its like jumping from a bridge in a cold lake. if you were sleeping before you are awake now. TG fighting KoV-anti'S at WW. after ressing the KoV people it was very funny, they have the right spirit i think :) InConcept-comments Im still thinking about the InConcept things, but ill post all links i found to thoughts over the dev team plans. Many comments at Ultima Online Powergamer Site Lum the bad (a little below are comments Derat (EBR) Analysis of the in Concept things Silk from Great Lakes trying to get all together against (posted on BOH Board) and of course dev board.. Duels Ghuldan TC - Rastaman TC : 1 Ghuldan TC - Rastaman TC : 1 Ghuldan TC - Dorijan TC : 1 Penelope TC - Ghuldan TC : both cl at same time Menez Gwen+eh who was the 2nd? - Ghuldan TC + Rastamann TC : 2 Menez Gwen+hm soneone with a deer hat - Ghuldan TC + Rastamann TC : 2 Menez Gwen+was he talking dansk? - Ghuldan TC + Rastamann TC : 2 Ghuldan TC - a danish shittalker (nat will give me the name;) that thought Ghuldan was Ghul Dan (from GdG): 1 Trinsic Story Yesterday Trinisc was again under massive undead attack. More than 20 Liche Lords spawned all 10 min, Green Undeads iGM controlled showed up and killed many ppl, leaving "a silver serpent corpse" when they died. The highlight was - no pic :| - Lady Minax appearing in Trinsic. She didnt talked much, but casted a lot of chain lightnings on the Ppl. - Lady Minax is - ppl that played ultima for years may know - the Evil of i think Ultima 2 ? that was once defeatet by me.. and you err the Avatar Sec im working on a Sec.faq update (ok, wmage tmage faq isnt also ready yet, but maybe its not necassary with in concept. we could make tmage, wlumberjack, tlumberjack faq. There is a big security hole in Win98(se) with the Update function. http://grc.com/x/chat.exe?cmd=article&group;=shieldsup&item;=7294&utag;= over problems applying the work around you can read here. |
14.02/attack on trins, in concept & etc ;) |
![]() this night a big attack on trinsic took place which finally was some threat and took the shard together< you see ppl from DF fighting one of the 2 true black dragons we were there with 4 TC trying to defend our city - trinsic, against these exploiting monsters. :) #1 the threat begins #2 hmm #3 yes.. #4 not so easy #1 from natans viewpoint #2 from natans viewpoint #3 from natans viewpoint #4 from natans viewpoint #5 from natans viewpoint #6 from natans viewpoint all in all finally something happens. Lum The Mad Posted some interesting article about the ongoing Quests an the less of dynamic they have atm, also Runesabre made an interesting reply on it. You find Lum the Mad on right navframe somewhere down.in concept about pvp Some interesting PvP additions were added today. Check it out. Mages casting only with spellbooks in hand. GM Lumberjack=20% damage bonus with axes etc. BTW if you check and configure "MY UO" (yeah the button at login that you never used, you can check your character paperdolls over web, and look if they have short term murder counts. GhulDan joined TestWeek. welcome. it was an exception as atm we have member reqruiting pause. :) |
xx.02/cl .. cl .. & cl |
cl at the moment uo is completly unplayable for many german TC's as they cl up to 1 time every 10 min. not much to say about.. still hope they get it fixed. duels Dorijan TC - BFG TC : 2 Dorijan TC - Philipp TC : 1 Dorijan TC - Hydra TC : 2 (a little lucky:) BFG TC - Spirithunter : 3-0 Dorijan TC - Philipp : 1 Costa TC - Spirithunter : 1 Dorijan TC - Spirithunter : 2 Philipp TC - Spirithunter : 2 Pen TC - Spirithunter : 2 Pen TC - Spirithunter : Spirithunter had to recall, after we IDed his weapon. HYDRA is on TC Stone. :) She is the "sister" of Gauron.. yes she is back :) and working on a "new Manga" also. though she has the same CL problems like all over surf1 at the moment. Balaar is in holidays, Delekahn is in USA for 2 weeks, Boom is on DJ Tour in sweden i think. :) |
6.02/mass fights, duels & site |
mass fights ![]() Beyound some other figths CzW the Warstone of Czh warred us. After 3 fights ournumbered fights (with except of the fight in front of their tower) losing both times Balaar ;) while Czw was hardly beaten, they peaced us one dathey decided to peace us one day later. ![]() Tourists from Nujhlem after that fight some logged for eating the rest continued searching. we heard of an order group in decite and went there. from teleporter to stels all looked like that after the fighting there we gated some jyl's out with us. point zero overestimated our numbers so we agreed for duels. Duels Point Zero Jyl - Dorijan Grey TC : 2 (long) Dorijan Grey TC + BFG TC - Point Zero Jyl + Barbie-HanDson JyI : 1 Dorijan Grey TC + Kitiara TC + Natan TC - Point Zero Jyl + Barbie-Handson JyI + Zargar Jyl : 1 (extremly quick one;) Natan TC - Dorijan Grey TC : regs regs Imperator TC - Point Zero : regs ![]() www.teamcow.de will be up only end of next week ;( background is that the new hardware that was sent for the server had a problem so new components will have to arrive. ![]() The Counselor was investingating some house trading or something like that and told the gm that listened to him "the owner is xyz but in reality its yx house" gm:" i have to trust you .. etc." ![]() you see some odd char of natan on cats with the red deer mask lady |
3.02/Duels and Tests, Fights, DevInTesting & LB |
Duels & Tests Today and yesterday night we had many duels. Mostly with ebr where 2vs2,3vs3 and 4vs4 contests were hold. With a special guest you see the test duels for Kitiara before we joined ebr duelling in jhelom. Kitiara - Balaar the Fool TC : 1 ![]() Jyl visit in Trinsic, CWO fight in skara, Mass fights in Decite Tourists from Skara Brae visiting Trinsic Besides Natan, Pen, Dor and BFG fighting Jyl in Trinsic (Imp came at the end of the battle cause we recalled of duel are to trinsic, as he was on no-tc character) we fought the last days all that could be found. The Order Stone will be up soon, the swithcing from neutral to order is already in process so in some days we will be able to always fight opponents. (below more to this topic)Order Stone The stone was placed some days ago, and its in shifting progress to Order. There will be no TC characters on the stone switching from one to the other stone, but funny sister/brother characters on that stone. 42 Lord British showed up yesterday at the chambres of virtues, and warned about some skeletal attack on trinsic. although ppl waited hours for the attack, the undeads decided to attack the next day. ![]() no i dont know if the crown is lootable. InDev As already noticed by Dev Board readers the dev team has got in some way that there "are some issues with PvP'ing" now after precast was removed. They try different attmeps that are discussed in Dev Board (you find it under Links in the right nav frame). In Concept Update on update.owo |
1.02/Testing,HP Hardware, TC/TG & 42 |
HP Hardware & Testing I phoned yesterday with Fredo and it looks like Teamcow.de will be back working at the end of the week While at the beginning we thought about dealing with a broken HD, the whole Server Hardware had to be replaced. Many thanks to Fredo for his informations concerning that, as eh well we produce only traffic :)While talking about Sites: Imp made a murderer site in very short time. You find it here The new TC Site(in testing on mirror(well mirror is atm the only working) layout seems to work quite good, although there are some problems left: The Site looks best with IExplorer. Although its looks ok on Netscape there is an issue with Style Sheets:I also didnt found yet an idea how to make the news in a way that they dont progress top-down without adding a huge amounth of time for working on them.Thats the variation for HREF links in news. Its also used in TOP and on the right frame. IE displays that ok, and makes the hoover effect. Netscape doesnt displays the defined HREF color, nor the hover color change. Does any html crack knows why and how to fix it for netscape?A:link{color: "green";} A:visited {color:"blue";} A:hover {color:"black";} (making Thumbnails for every image, and manually sorting the old news to a new html, while adding a link to him) of course that could be done by a script.. and guess what i wanted to avoid, as i am at semester end and dont have so much time for that :) the movie.html (TC Artowks or link to Unfors animated movies (ever seen a not animated movie?)) will follow shortly - sorry for delay unfor but had to find out how to make some specific thing there. ![]() Some funny fights in the last days While many guilds were grouped in the last days we had many battles that ran quite smooth. you see why not placing Blade macro right beside An Mani Macro when chasing someone ;) Sunday night/Monday morning was a fight for a decaying Large brick. While TC was there with EBR some misunderstandings between TC and EBR leaded to Rastaman fighting Gor-e while 2 TG were in to kill the campers. While 1 healer was not enough the 2 TG Unforgiven and Aphrodite died after having killed around 5 or 6 of the Campers. As Gor-e was angry at Natan, and TC's were mad on Gor-e it took yesterday long time to get the things straight. 42 Sunday 20:00 was a relative big (for DF) demonstration at LB Castle Britain. The protest topic was about colt.net lag colt.net produced CL's for the main german isp's passing there, and the removal of pre casting.Some genius of OSI also did think that teleporting or recalling on Trins roof is not good, as maybe a townie would have a problem or whatever. Since yesterday all is blocked at least you can rel por there, or recall on it. There is still a way to come up there but it sucks. I see no point having altered the roof in that way. Its already awful that you cant rel por everywhere outside cause bugged terrain, but once more you have now to add a paragraph in your book ("where can i rel por and where cant i rel por FAQ") which you will usually find out the hard way. Someone should call a gm on the roof problematic, i got yesterday a counselor, which didnt got an answer back from gm, and could just report it. |
2x.01/ (InTesting TC-M)Dev Team done it & Teamcow.de hd crash |
In Testing On the Mirror TC-Page i test a new version of the low-banwhich TC-page. If you find errors, besides a chaotic source code & dead links please report them to me. ![]() They done it. After releasing a completly bugged client providing all with memory leaks and crashes in combination with the latest publish that took away pre-cast and is just the beginning of the nice changes to pvp that will follow, as well as if you would still wish to go out most german players over the telekom backbone conlosting every 10-120 min we wish to say thanks.Unforgivens Animated Movie #2 (not our opinion on all that, but he spent time on it, and its funny.) Background: Jalek on Dev board Sage about nerfings (Dev Team Comments) hi dev team. i am guildmistress of one of the leading PvP guild on Drachenfels. We are chaos since Drachenfels started up, and were before in guildwars since guildwar was possible, coming from Catskills. I played from shadowclan orks to the #1 on Cats Bounty board pk. i still try to play a kind of "pvp-rpg" that means i look through the eyes of my character in uo, unerstanding uo with their specific understanding. although, about more than 2 years of uo i a still a "powergamer". i spend much time for uo while caring for even 7 vendors and still learning in rl working for the grades at the university of essen. i have 3 accounts, and no character that i would call "mule". no matter what character i "live" in the moment, he would never be a mule. he is what he is, and i take every character serious. now from all different character possibilities i still enjoy mostly the mage. i worked very hard as/with/on my mage(s) that reached all they could reach in their skills. i pvp the whole day while having half of the df shard orange. the TC duels are famous, mostly involving all other kind of enemies/ppl etc breaking the war for a short time and having nice duels.
now.. you took out pre-cast. you plan to toggle healing. you may take instant hit.
the mage would cast uus sanct (ar 11) Reactive armor (to make the other slip while healing) rel sanct (to gain mana faster back) and would hope to not beeing yet at 1/2 lifte until he casted al these things. the fighter: has not much to do. he just runs to the mage and begins hitting him, mostly disturbing him while he casts these introduction spells.
now with pre-cast the mage would have casted an mani, pre casted saying ebolt, hitting the other, and releaing his spell, mostly making a fast ebolt after the first.
that moment would have been the only critic moment for the fighter in the whole battle.
in our guild we already have many of these "pvp-monsters" called warrior mages by us:
ok now seeing the relations:
your pvp system becomes completly pathetic. now if you would think about it, you would notice that giving the mage his -should-be- natural ability to really make enough damage with his spells would have a revamp of eint/resist working or spell damage so that actually against low resist spells would really be deadly. why do you favor trash characters ? if you work out the mage again, his eint in comparation to resist and spell damage, than you can of course take out pre-cast or instant hit or whatever. its funny that a bug like pre-casting was more balancing that the actual system is, that you try to unbalance even more favoring crap-characters. the only thing that is left for the mage is teamwork. he is still great in team. ppl also calls that gangbang. we crowl dungeons with up to 13 ppl. i use 1/3 wmages in team 2/3 mages. nothing can stand that. but guess.. no pre-cast is needed there, and these are wars. that are not duels. duels were for us still the possibility for all to show what they really can in skills etc.
you take that consequently away. i dont know what you want with alle these odd ideas, or why you weaken the mage in 1vs1 like that. (oh i know the theory about the mage having so many spells actually working better than "skills" *caughts*. my god .. with all these changes i dont think you will get any new account.you will lose accounts though. the arrogance of osi not hearing all protest emails before, not looking on votes etc that were taken.. i have written in nearly all important pvp forums of all shards to mobilize the pvp community against your "pre-cast is a bug (said the smith)" plans. once more you confront the pvp players with that arrogance. once more you dont understand that these veteran pvp actuallly brings tons of ppl in the game. for me i brought more than 14 in my 2 years, and these ppl brought new ppl etc. now you try the best to get rid of us the older ppl. we already have so low advantage i ncomparistation to veterans in EQ. (ever tried to beat a level 50 shaman with your level 12 newbie?) all skills we have are reached in saying 3 weeks of macroing. in duels we cant win by experience cause you try the best to make it a luck thing a duel between only fighters hitting themself and running after each *YAWNS* fighter duels are the lamest thing in uo. extremly boring.
have fun. if you readed it until here im already a little happy in my sadness.
greetings Teamcow.de down Teamcow.de is down atm, cause of a hd crash. the new hd was buyed already friday shortly after crash, but wasnt yet installed by server ppl. The server should be back online every moment. The mirror site is still www.spieleindex.de/uo/tc |