Team Cow
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[actual TC news]

31.5.99/slow day & chargal reminder

- Bamse is out of stone for the night.
- Chargallery dont forget to send your paperdolls/Background infos (if you like) to Look in the Chargallery section, click on member picture, and see what i mean ;)

- Duels
Sir Frietwart TC vs Talon TC : Sir Frietwart TC, rematch : Talon TC

2 Mages with 0% mental strenght left in action ;)

31.5.99/Lord Gauron & Balaar starting TC red stone

- Balaar the fool placed the stone for TC murderers and named it Team Goat *g* *remembers TG on cats*
So if you have murdering brohters/sisters in your (char)family, speak with him.
- Lord Gauron brother(char) of the (now dead) murderer Proffessor X and Manga joined yesterday TC. He comes from Geordies old guild, so the integration will be more simple. :)
He is tank-mage too and(gm mage, mace, tac,eint, resist med&rest;) showed in a test fight, as well of the rest of the day excellent performance. welcome gauron.
- Candidate: Natan, so dont attack him if criminal etc.

- Duels
Lord Gauron vs an ugly dark red odd noises making therathan avenger : a therathan avenger ;o)

30.5.99/What a day ! :)

- Day An extremly cool day ! :) No losses at all. Killed even huge opposition in t2a. (mostly when they attacked wood on sight, cause she seems to be not liked there
At the end of the day we have to thank again all order guards, enemies, attacking guilds, criminals, npk's attacking grey flagged TC for their nice contribution to our wealthy ;)

We see here a guy in deep love to the earth while wood is watching over him (standard situation #2)
cause he died as innocent and she is waiting for masses of looters to come *g*

- updated member list, now with "on which stone" column ;)
- Geordie is back on TC stone

28-29.5.99/QuestDay 3, Memnberfocus & Duels

- QuestDay3. Lady Nirax participated for GdG/TC as QuestStaff in the FoA Revival Quest (Day3) [more] for the full story (german)

The QuestStaff playing the Roles of Lord British Counselors (LB Castle)

- Memberfocus
- Lord Krid is going straight forward for his 7th GM title !.. gm sword, tac, mag, eint, med, wrestl.. and up to come reist ! he will be the second 7gm in our group :)
- Beavis goes straight forward his 6th GM. GM Healing, Anatomy, Fenc, Tac, Archery and to come Resist !
- Geordie is out of stone at the moment, switching from sword to mace.. the operation goes well. tomorrow he is back with gm mace i hope :)
- Oemi comes from GdG stone to TC stone shortly. He also works on Balthasar, a tank mage.
- BFG is still out of stone and working on his stats.. it lasts so long cause he doesnt want to use the herding of rabbits..
- Elmora due to latency problems to DF, she stops playing on DF. She played from NY, and continues playing her Chars on Catskills (John Steed).
- dont look at member list.. i uploaded by error the version i had here.. but the last was at work. so monday..

- Duels

we had the usual fighting with other guilds etc, but nothing really new.. so here the Duels arised in the last 2 days especially today after GdG/TC Sat meeting in the Castle:

    String-TC vs Julliane TC: String
    Slob'Tok TC vs Jullianne TC: Jullianne, rematch: Slob'Tok
    Woodstock-TC vs Perun GdG : Woodstock
    Lord Krid TC vs Mahlstedt GdG : Lord Krid
    Oemi GdG vs Slob'Tok TC : Oemi
    Woodstock vs Phillip la Guerre GdG: Woodstock
    Oemi GdG vs Julliane TC : Oemi
    Woodstock-TC vs Slob'Tok TC: Woodstock, rematch Woodstock
    Woodstock-TC vs Oemi GdG: the castle duels ended here
, cause some said Wood brake the rules, (which rules, we had not spoken over rules before.. so nothing to break.. when she exited by the door, to get room from the kryss whooping spell disruppting Oemi in this mage unfriendly cage, and killing him after.
    Woodstock TC vs beowulf ASO: no one :)

27.5.99/Duel-Ranking and High Bandw.TC interf & usual duels

[be warned, more picture than text in this news :P]
- there is a duel ranking system for DF in place. who wins Duels etc. check the site out and duel them :) its very funny. rules are very good, etc, etc. we had a lots of fight today.

click on picture to check !

(you find them also on Danse Macabre (Duel HQ)
Bamse vs Gor-e: Bamse,rematch: Bamse, rematch? : Bamse
Woodstock vs Bamse(both brake the rules though): Wood ran out of regs, canceled
Bamse vs Julie Cabaille: Julie ran out of regs: Bamse?
String vs A.. hm some nice Order Girl (help me with the name Geo: String
Woodstock vs Galadriel: Wood
Woodstock vs Nepomok: Wood
Woodstock vs Julie: Wood(canceled, jul ran out of regs), rematch(with reg-rules): Julie
Geordie vs Gor-e: Gor-e, rematch: Gor-e

- our Designer _DREAM_ got the first proposal for the high bandwhich interface for TC Homep. here its minimized. say if you dont like it/comments/else !

personally i hate that purple in this interface :P


- you should read what was patched to the game. (use the link above for
- Balaar is back in TC, though out of stone at the moment

- we will do more fun-group fighting 4vs4, 5vs5 instead of 1vs1 in which most perform as demanded.
- won all battles, from ebank over moon to bucc, shame, occlo, keep to papua.

22-24.5.99/Rulechanges,Figts,ress,SW; & more

- Balaar the fool is out of TC.
- BFG is still out of stone working on him.
- Julianne GdG will join TC. She showed good performance. Give her a hand at the beginning though.
- Candidates for the next days: Lord Thomas Viking (if he gets his eint up, (Carmen ex TC), Lady Andrea, Fressevoll *g* (Ena Schlachtbeil GdG ex TC)

- SW; (Scandinawian Vikings) and TC peaced after Order showed up with huge masses on Sunday.
They have now a stone bug though ! They are orange to us, and we blue to them. Dont attack them.

Rulechange: We changed some rules essentialy. We discuss 8er in chat what you think of. It was the summary of most TC ive spoken with.

- Heavy Order/Chaos fights Sunday and Monday. Chaos lost Sunday and won Monday (mostly).
- we seen a lot of reskilling, also by guilds having rules about that. we changed our rules.

Artemis vs. Beavis: Beavis . Artemis backstabbed after that. still in drobe. very uncool.
Woodstock vs Elmora: woodstock
Geordie vs Elmora: Geordie
Julianne vs Woodtock: wood, rematch Wood, rematch Jul, rematch Wood
Slob'Tok vs Woodstock: Woodstock, rematch Wood, rematch Wood, rematch Wood
Slob'Tok+Beavis(as healer) vs Woodstock: Slob'Tok
- The last FEET was BoOms Feet ! yup. all got it.. sadly ;)

Salto Mortale in full plate

21.5.99/Quest & co

- 2nd Questday is finished. next friday ist Questday 3.
- Duels arised during the day:

Talon vs Butthead: Butthead (will be rematch lag was awful)
Zonie vs Geordie: Geordie, rematch: Zonie
Geordie vs Woodstock: Woodstock, rematch no one.. 14 minutes
Woodstock vs Zonie: Woodstock, rematch: Woodstock
Artemis vs Beavis: Artemis
Beavis vs Butthead: Beavis

19-20.5.99/SoA Order, Turnament, FoA Friday

- SoA switched yesterday to virtue chosing order.

- There will be soon a PvP Turnament of most PvP Guilds.
- FoA: Friday 21.5 is the next Quest day. I say you in chat/icq where to meet me, cause i have to equip our side Questready. You need nothing. only some reagents, potions, and luxurities. Plate/Armor/Weapon is sponsored by the Quest and is price for the Questers if they kill us. Again we will have to be careful not killing them too much, so dont await fighting as you are used. If all goes well we will have to wait only 2 hours this time.
However there seem to be more Quester this time, so we could fight as we are used, if enough are there.

Enjoy the artificial intelligence of Britains NPC's
Lets make an anual day of NPC killing !!

- FEET: it was so obvious, but i misleaded you all.. only 1 got it.
Beavis:"I cant figure anything"
Talon:"Is that balaar the foots feet ?" (DOH!)
General el nino:"nirax's feet!"
Yes ! thats why it reminds of woodstocks feet. its the feet of her sister.
Extremly lucky he got his raw rib

And now.. whos feet is that:

thats really an incredibly easy one ;)

18.5.99/Mud, Zindrag & Bamse. EBR cancels all wars

- Mud the (cahr)brother of Sir Frietwart, is out of TC Stone at the moment.
- Zindragh was kicked cause of complete inactivity.
- Bamse joins TC. Welcome. Not much to say, you know him surely of fights before :).
Some wanted to know what Bamse means: Thats a teddybear in the danish TV. And there is a group called Bamse & Friends, if i got it right.
- YES, 4 got it.... and won the famous raw rib ! It was Woodstocks feet displayed in the last news :)
- EBR canceled all wars and are staying chaos.

click on picture for full story

- updated member list.

Now tell me whos feet is that:


14-16.5.99/QuestDay 1, leviathan and MiM disbanded

- we were at the RL meeting in oberfranken and slept in the partyhouse. 56 persons i think, around hmm 10 or 12 GdG, of which 6 or like were TC.. and somewere very drunk (Talon tryed to drink my martini without mix ;o).
- we participated at the FoA quest as evil, and had really a hard time to NOT kill the nice questers, so they would not become deceptionated :).
here some icq while we were waiting at location2, and questers arrived at location1 (orks) :

14.05.99 23:30 geordie ! stop to kill them please. they seem to be not good enough.

paricipant TC on evil FoA side:
    Woodstock,Geordie,Balaar the fool and Zonie

- Leviathan. TC and him agreed that he needs more experience and training to be competitive. he is out of guild, until he reaches both. good luck leviathan !

34 days later. j4p reminds me of nissebandens, but that was cooler(?) i think(nisseb rule was:"we kick ass for santa claus"). click on picture if you want to make own impression.
btw: Bhal's Homepages always kick ass.. really a wizard in that short time, doh ! :)

-funny though, that some of the questers began to kewldewd speak after having killed us.. woodstock used a wand of fireballs to hit and no offensive magic(yes it was possible to damage-cast upstairs in town ;)... the fihgt lasted 10 minutes.
that was the exception though (this speaching). i think it was very nice, great work by the questers, sir drak.. and us :) (we waited 5 hours on position.. at the beginning with daemons, and ready to cast blades and EVs in the quester group.. but after we heard of the desaster while they encountered the orcs (pvp orcs ;) we had to shift our plans. (i had to paralyze geordi 2 times, and to heal questers 5times, to not have too many losses on their side *g*) a
click here:uo.stratics about the Quest
if you think this news are odd today, .. im tired like hell, would wish no work tomorrow, and 3 other free days.

Here we go. Today the new series of "WHO IS THIS" starts. I start to collect feet-pictures from our members
and if you know who this is, yell it loudly in buccs den. First and only prize is a raw rib !

j/k ;) recycled and changed from ebr news.

13.5.99/fights,Candax vs TC,EBR consequent & Quest

- fights britain, keep, fort and skara. first time skara vs bt, order and soa (was a little much)
second time only against soa. they are not a huge guild, but always all on duty. respect, after cool fighting, they got the damn town (Skara) [notice the tank mage revival after mace patch :P]
- some duel arised beside of the first fight. Candax vs Slob'Tok : both dead.
- Candax vs Balaar (some hours before) : Balaar the fool
- Nexus got dismissed from EBR after claiming to be a MiM and healing a MiM while TC fought MiM
- some TC will be tomorrow evening out of stone, cause they will play the bad part of a player run Quest
we still need some fighters. if you wish to participate, contact me.
- updated (i fixed member list.. got older version on net while updating tables :) (later note)) member list with 2 new tables, activity and family.
(family tells who has more than 1 brother/sister(evt. char) in tc, so they cant be technically all online).

Get Shockwave, click on picture and visit Ronald McDonalds Movies.
Especially the Zombie one "kicks ass".
close UO before or you get no sound

12.5.99/FatboySlim, good fights & Bamse vs Geordie

- FatboySlim is back in guild. Tales were heard that he is some sister of Geordie.
- fights from Skara , delucia, papua, keep, hylth3, were all profitable. a good day.
- Bamse wished a duel vs Geordie. He got it and won both times. Kryss whielding gm mage with 66 dex seems an interesting combination. :)
Geordie uses sword, well see how thats against mace.

Some day Mc Bain meets the girl of his life !
after some "thou,thee,etc" he finally asks pseudo-rp'ler most important question:

11.5.99/devboard, julie & meet

- dev board changed from sitepowerup to darimars server. thats temp too. i updated direct link.
- Julie Cabaille (EBR) is red for 80 hours. she does not always wear ranger dress. she is ebr dont attack her.
- for the 15´ meet in oberfranken (i think).

a normal bar in the ice ;)
special guests:a white wyrm,snow eles & s.snakes

10.5.99/odd Quest & Delucia

- An odd Quest at Britain Cemetary took part. To be honest, i didnt understood what the problem there was.
We killed some Quest-Monsters, and the Town Cryer was happy. hmm..
- MiM & BT invaded in the night Delucia. Too many to fight, TC were 2 online, and we left them this important and beautiful delucia for today ;)
(not before killing some grey chaos guard who were watching the fight without helping though, hehe)

Mc Bain the pseudo-roleplayer strikes back !
Finally he found last opposition on BuccsDen !

Thanks to: Cohen SoA,AzMoDaN JoHnson SoA and ELIAS RUN for setup

9.5.99/Despise & losses on buccs

- After yesterdays GdG/TC Treasure hunt, today we visited Despise for fun and remembered old locations, that were once useful.. like the crystall ball that cured you, or gave you mana back.
We killed all opposition in despise (rats, giant snakes etc) and were happy after 2 hours of killing with 1-2k/man ;o)
- Lost a battle against SoA on Buccs after pre-battles around the globe mostly due a catastrophal placed gate ;)
the first died when the last ones arrived.
im apolognize for any inconveniences. time to get a better gate-in location.
- some battle with C B but nothing important. all C B died.
- MOB: they seem to have a guildstone bug (we blue for them, they orange to us) if they dont talk bs. Well it seems not to be the old stone bug, cause we didnt changed anything. however dont kill them at the moment even if orange until we clarify it.

3 Days later.. :)

8.5.99/killing around & member-notes

- the Warlist was changed. links and comments.(if you dont get new ver. click reload frame)
- declared war on SoA, SW;(again ? we had war..), ChB, and as usual to all odd named guils like "yet another boring guild", or "bitches of da kitchen"
- M&M; peaced us
- the test member Kathrina is OUT.
- Leviathan is entering. help him if you can to become better, and treat him in his test week like a full TC.
- after no enemies showed up we began with self killing for 5-6 hours. we used nearly all ressources we earned this day and it was relatively funny :)
    some of the results out of town somewhere near yew:
Kindur vs Leviathan: Kindur ; Geordie vs Leviathan: Geordie
Sir.Friewart vs Geordie : Geordie. ; String vs Geordie : String ; String vs Kindur: Kindur.
Woodstock vs Sir.Frietwart : Woodstock. Revanche : Woodstock.
Sir Frietwart vs Derat : Derat
Woodstock vs Derat : Canceled. He didnt liked our rules of fight with all you carry usually. :)
Kindur vs Woodstock : Woodstock ; Revanche: Woodstock

Woodstock/Balaar the fool vs Kindur/Sir Frietwart : Woodstock/Balaar the fool

im sure i have forgotten 1 or 2 fihts

DMX a chaos guild who resskilled the Order guys we killed before.
They are dead, but does not know it yet :)

7.5.99/chat & peace

- MOB peaced us.
- a forward news from sir frietwart:
hmm koennten wir auf die seite mal ne news legen von wegen immer den tc chat zu oeffnen wenn wir tc spielen ... naja ich spiele zB fullscreen und bekommen von icqs oft nix mit ...was denkst du?
always open TC chat when you are TC if no TC chat is avaible. dont communicate via ICQ (only) cause manny play fullscreen. Chat has strategic importance, and the chat does not lag you.

pseudo-roleplayers sweetest dream

discl: no real roleplayer would wish that

6.5.99/For Peace, justice and a handfull garlic !

- Hi, well not much ingame-news. SW: peaced us some days ago, as well as some other guilds we enjoyed to fight. Sadly also the Knights of Ni!, which we liked as opponents especially for they huge amounth of reagents in their bag. (but btw: they can take losing a battle. i was very suprised when they treated us as friends later on and asked us to participate on events)
- We are no longer allied with MOB, but they are still orange for us. Do i have to give any further hint? :)
- The mighty SLOGAN, we have two versions now: Thou wilt regret thine actions, swine !
and ´For peace and justice and a handfull garlic´ (the last slogan has so manny "and's" to be centered right.
send me your suggestions AND your chargallery ingame screenshot and paperdoll as well as informations about your char/background to:

ps: ah yes GdG is no longer orange to us, cause some newer members killed by accident some of these nice and peaceful folks. *grumbles*


do you remember these situations ? ;)

3.5.99/The new low-bandwhich TC HP is up

Dies ist vorläufig die Version für kleine Bandweiten. Nach Himmelfahrt werde ich eine "bessere" Homepage erstellen, muss erst noch Programme aus Berlin mitbringen.

[new TC news]