February 2002
Sunday, February 24, 2002
Daoc Guild Emblem & Welcome
After some hours we finally put enough gold together to get the guild emblem. Of course getting the emblem was a hot topic. What shall we take, after the cow/bull turned out to be in midgard. After an extremly close vote of 5:4 with vote changing of those who were still online at 6:00 in the morning we took the Jolly Roger (or how its called.) I can only say its the coolest looking Emblemsetup yet i saw a guild running around with on albion ;P
After informing the super informed guild gm ;c) of the right commands we managed to get our cloth setup.
How you get the clothes died: you get cloaks and hooded cloaks as well as shields died when having 5 gold/item ready. Than drop the thing on the Emblem maker and he will give it dyed back.
Welcome so far to some new TCs that joined us in Daoc.
Yilian - A rl friend of Jin A plays a paladin
Imperator - (not the df one) ex Sarah Johnson in UO rl friend of stody
plays an infiltrator.
Stormbringer - soa in uo, plays cleric
Oshia Earthwalker - Funny Armsman we met in Daoc which joined us
Tylas - not actually a new tc, as its the female yume - armsman.
Das - Phil calls him icke - paladin? - rl neighbour of phil.
log cut of a typical mage death in daoc. remembers you of another game we played long? ;) :
[19:20:54] The immunis hits your leg for 113 (+3) damage!
[19:20:54] You are already casting a spell!
[19:20:54] You are already casting a spell!
[19:20:54] You are already casting a spell!
[19:20:54] You are already casting a spell!
[19:20:54] You are already casting a spell!
[19:20:54] The immunis is attacking you and your spell is interrupted!
[19:20:54] You must wait 3 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:54] You must wait 3 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:54] You must wait 3 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:54] Rabain attacks the the manipularis with his halberd!
[19:20:54] You must wait 2 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:54] You must wait 2 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:55] You must wait 2 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:55] You must wait 2 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:55] You must wait 2 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:55] You must wait 2 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:55] You must wait 2 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:55] You must wait 2 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:55] You must wait 2 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:55] The immunis attacks Mad and hits!
[19:20:55] You must wait 2 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:55] You must wait 2 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:55] You must wait 2 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:55] You are protected by your local paladin!
[19:20:55] You must wait 1 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:55] You must wait 1 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:55] You must wait 1 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:55] You must wait 1 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:55] You must wait 1 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:55] You must wait 1 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:56] You must wait 1 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:56] You must wait 1 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:56] You must wait 1 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:56] You must wait 1 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:56] You must wait 1 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:56] You must wait 1 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:56] You must wait 1 seconds to cast a spell!
[19:20:56] Hatjitjai attacks the the immunis with his sword!
[19:20:57] Mad casts a spell!
[19:20:57] The manipularis attacks Rabain and hits!
[19:20:57] Mad attacks the the immunis with his sword!
[19:20:58] The immunis hits your leg for 144 (+4) damage!
[19:20:58] Woodstock was just killed by a immunis!
Monday, February 18, 2002
Daoc Excalibur
We did a smooth start, although it was somewhat hard to tweak down the ambitions after coming from highlevel chars. The first tc groups basically tried to kill monsters which resisted everything and took out the whole group. ;)

what can be said after 3 days since Excalibur start.
Daoc is very good for guilds as far we see. There is no level restriction like in AO. Grouping goes fast, and there are no big bugs. The game feels like a finished product.
Fighting is fun. Spells are cool. Graphic is better than expected but always fast unless after some hours playing when it gets crisper after reloging.
Our IRC presence dimineshed a little atm. cause its a fullscreen game reacting very harsh even when you press by error the winkey (very lame imho).
So far the chars are:
Little - Jin (armswoman)
Tylas - Yume Armsman?
Yume - Yume firewiz
Woodstock - firewiz
Dorijan/rulg - fire wiz/paladin
Avalon - fire wiz
chakra - fire wiz
Gromit - Cleric
Orion - Cleric
Alpha Male - Ministrel
Ownz - Paladin
Yilian - Cleric?
Sion/crofax - fire wiz/scout
Tuesday, February 12, 2002
rl galery nearly finished ;) & daoc
click here. only four TCs missing. Who thought we got it that complete :)
dont forget fridays the daoc uk sever excalibur goes up. so keep ready ;)
Thursday, February 7, 2002
rl gallery nearly done & hypp birthday Ther :)
only few missing ;)
meanwhile we started testing on different german daoc servers until excalibur is up. tbh the lowlevel game is as boring as i expected. i hope there is more fun in pvp or something :)
and ! Theristis:)
Tuesday, February 5, 2002
RL-Gallery up & StoDys 31337 site
until i update ;) the navbars, the rl gallery is already up,
with the pictures i still have. i lost ervins, miths and natans picture.
Click here and enter
Also on navbar is a lot to get added like the ever winning, ever updated, on the pulse of the time surfing: