Q: I have a pk. Can i join TG ?
A: No, TG is part of TC, so ony TC brother/sister(chars) are in Team Goat.
Q: Does TC accept applications, and what do i have to join ?
A: Yes we always accept applications, though we take very few. TC is not a mass guild for pvp players. We like to keep
it like a family, and dont take ppl switching guilds fast. Here is more detailed the explenation you should read:
read this please and look if you would fit in.
TC requirements
by Woodstock
posted 8/2/99 10:40:36 AM
as im asked 100 times the day how/if possible to join TC here a forward of the text my brother wrote on that topic.
My sister Woodstock already spoke with Wyrm though i think i or she doesnt know Tristan II yet.
Before getting a test-TC-week where we and you see if you fit for TC or we fit for you, you have to offer
Thats either a tank-mage char.. (here woodstocks skill as example what i mean(where there are still
many other learned tank-mages)
gm eint, gm resist, gm magery, gm mace, gm tact, gm wrestl, master meditation, rest anatomy
You dont have to be gm in all skills, but your character should be mainly finished nothing is more
useless than on skill workin TC's when they are needed.
ok either Tank-Mage char (to continue sentence) or a cool warrior-mage, or assassin-mage combination,
Beavis: gm fenc, gm tac, gm anatomy, gm healing, gm resist, gm archery, master mage
or Bamse: gm assassin, gm fenc, gm tac, gm anatomy, master resist, adept or master mage, etc.
either combination you have, you should have good resist, though if we see that you are pvp competent
enough exclusions can be maded.
its just a guidline. In comparation to all TC chars today, my skills are not the best of all (thogh these of my
sisters are ;) but i always "rocked" in or out of town hehe
we dont take pure fighters at all, and from 5 still in TC 3 are brother chars of tank-mage TCs, with
exception of boomshacalack and BFG who is though working on a tank mage too.
so look where you could fit in technically. :)
after that we will make a test duel and speak a little (all know my famed introducion-speekings)
if you make the test-week you will be full integrated in our team.
but as more TCs are on stone, as bigger will the requirements for new people be to join (as usual) ;)
thanks for your interest, and feel free to contact me: (btw as Woodstock is now GM, use instead)
ood one of the best, not the best of course.
some clarification, cause after rereading it seems not clear:
your skills, or to be knowed beeing good by members are the key to get the test week as well as your
performance in test duel
your overall pvp-experience and performance, as well as beeing able to find your place in a team makes
you stay after test-week
our hunting locations are mainly in t2a. we are business fighters, love PvP but we dont need "mules" to
make money
we earn good money with guildwar,order/chaos,and criminal people, are not idiologic like some of the
new generation Order and Chaos folks, or else.
its mainly still like that, though we moved cause of boredom more towards t1a with TC, and TG came as red
Woodstock, little regburner
: TC requirements
by Wyrmbidder
posted 8/2/99 7:14:47 PM
Well its alright for you to say that living in countrys or republics with no phone bill.
I am not whinning but although i don't have 7 gm skills i bet i could still beat half of the team cow members.
For example wyrmbidder my pk has:
gm fence, tactics, wreastle, eval,
master magery (97.6) resist 91
and 70 med and 86 hiding
I haven't got the time or the money to macro or practise these skills to gm. My situation is similar to BFG's (as i
live in england).
And hope that my new character, currently being finished will be considered
gm mace, tatics, archery, anatomy
70 healing 73 magery 89 resist will not be refused entry because he doesn't have like 6 or 7 gm skills
Sorry to be an ass, but i felt my point needed to be heard
if you would
by woodstock
posted 8/3/99 3:23:32 AM
read with more calm you would see that wyrmbidder would have fit.
the key is that the character should be mainly finished. not 5gm , 6 gm or 7 gm.
but if you fizzle ebolt and have 50 eint, thats the wrong adress.
as you all should know at which point a char is somewhat finished, i havent wrote so much
on that topic.
skills are only a help. your overall performance is what counts of course.
woodstock, little regburner
Q: Does TC/TG has any moral and is TG only killing newbies?
A: Please read the following q/a
Do you know TG are screwing DF over?
by A conerned citizen of drachenfels
For a start id like to say... dont get me wrong, i have my respect for some of you TC players. Some of you are Ok and i have no problems with. But what i cannot abide by is you screwing this shard over, You Pk anyone.... even newbie zones like the orc fort in T2A (and no im not talking about the city of the dead) You even kill those in valendor, which are mostly craftsmen and shoppers. Now Come on... Pking is one thing, but this kind of behavour shouldnt be done... especialy amoungst a group of well experianced (and otherwise Ok) Group of Pvpers. Now i dont make threats... but if this keeps up you are going to have an entire shard on your back! Please consder your morals for once!
A concerned Citzen of Dracenfels
== reply #1
by Woodstock posted 9/2/99 12:04:04 AM
im not sure who should answer, me or my brother.. but as my brother String is somewhat hmm goal-oriented and doesnt thinks of deeper aspects of some relations.. maybe also because the treatement my sister made him when he was a child.. [what happened to string] i will answer :)
first of, you are right. many newbies are dying. now i will not haggle about the definition of a newbie. saying a veteran player, having 700 skill reached at skill cap is a "veteran" and a 600 from 600 on a normal (not pvp-buid character) is no longer a real newbie, there are depending on days 1/4 to 1/3 and in rare occasions 1/2 of such newbies under the deads.
there are no restricted newbie-zones in t2a. if you would say that covetous ork fort is more newbie-oriented i would agree. the dead city and the orc fort t2a are a complex, and you can hardly spread those people from the others.
so far i understand your concerns. but a newbie carrying his things with him will besides getting killed not lose anything in those areas. the healer is close, and after seeing that he has nothing of value he can find ind most cases all his belongings.
its not easy to find a line ingame where you fullfill the desires of an agressive playstyle and the understanding for the weaker of a not dumb or emotionless human behind the screen.
but speaking of valendor in that relation is odd. valendor is one of our unimportant targets, and we only pass by to confedera which we promised some attention after some GdF camped in front of the old keyhouse and shittalked in this board.
we do not intend to camp in valendor. we will pass by from time to time. there may be deads on our way but its by no way our goal to "screw" your town.
though there are many ways for you and your town to deal with that. by writing a post and your town-master writing me an email you already chosed anintelligent way of communication.
why cant i assure anything ?
it is too complicated. TC and TG already reached for some of our members the max. capacity of friends/guilds which are to be not attacked etc. Each person added to this mental list let you hesitate maybe the moment too long, and gives some of our group a frustration.
We are not a problematic guild with x ally lists, relations etc.
why do you attack newbies/craftmen?
first of you have to be technically extremly quick to actually really kill someone. you need much people and fast reaction to prevent recall. there is no spell in game that takes so much fun of it.
now you may think that this is a paradox hearing from murderers that they wish recall altered. it is, and its not. why? first of the quickness. in that tempo you have to be to prevent people from recalling, you cant check names, equip, whatever. you do all to kill your enemie/the blue and can consider the kill later. there would be much more fun to actually take a taxe or fee to not kill someone. talking to the craftmen, who maybe gives you in exchange for his life some money etc. but you cant do that.
i tryed it, and i was deeply deceptionated by the reactions.
]]consider your morals.
thats always considered and not easy. i never played to "screw" or "ruin someones day". im aware of most points and of the ppl behind when we are unloading.
as i told to others before. on catskills string was pk'ing with some odd pk group at xroads.
after they began to reskill the people over and over, poisoning them and trying all possible methods of killing a new ress, he logged out, woke my older sister which killed most of them.
but as we are humans and humans beeing very ambivalent you can be very mad for yourself.
you notice that in your playertown by little mad things happening in player-house transactions, elections, whatever in just another not so drastic form.
]]Do you know TG are screwing DF over?
no i dont know and im sure thats not like that. you can take each pk problem passive or active, like all problems getting to you beeing vr or rl. if you take it in the active way you will get the feeling and experience of a living virtual world coming closer together to tink about such threats.
or when did you get closer together cause a foolish orc lord planing to make your player town to dust ? (which as i mentioned is by no way our goal. valendor is not an important hunting location for us)
i wrote that for once. please dont reply with long threads on that, cause i dont have the time to write much, or the need or wish to discuss about all in messageboards. thats not cause im a monologue-fanatic but deal with it ingame. speak with me if you wish and you will maybe find some interesting aspects of looking through vr character eyes in a more than less living virtual world.
Woodstock, little regburner
== reply #2
by BFG posted 9/2/99 1:27:06 PM
To begin with the only reason TC made pks was because there wasn't any orders to kill, I myself have spent hours searching for orders. And the truth is you either find them in a group or the normally just recall. You will find that quite a few people aren't keen on fighting fair fights. TG was only created to give TC enjoyment during times like these.
Secondly the reason TG only fights in a group is when u have 110k on your head like manga and 750 or so counts you are not only a target by many people, you are also very very pissed off when you die. Skills are expensive and hard to gain when you can't leave the safety of your own house.
Thirdly if people are in deciet or orc camp then they should be ready for pks. Especially now that all names is avialible for everyone, you can see them coming from a screen and a half away, and that is certainly enough time to double click on a recall scroll and a rune. Plus as was stated earlier by wood, the only reason why TG even comes to Valendor was because of GdF sieging them in their keyhouse. And maybe you should take this up with GdF and not TG, maybe an apoligdy by GdF and a promise to never do this again may sort this matter out. Especially since miners and lumberjacks aren't particulary profitable to kill, or enjoyable.
And Finally, Mr Unknown, maybe you should stop complaining and attempt to do something about it. Empty threats mean nothing, expecially when you don't even have the guts to write your own name.
== reply #3
by Manga [TG] posted 9/2/99 3:59:21 PM
We are PKS we dont ask our victims if they are a newbie or a miner or something else...
We JUST KILL... and hav a lot phun :P