March 2002

Sunday, March 31, 2002

A quick update about Drf PvP - dont come back to UO to soon will ya guys.

the pics say it all really.

from 1 is where i started and 7 is where we ended up.


Saturday, March 30, 2002

Team Cow vs Ultima

As you all may have noticed we are very few active in UO since the arrival of DAOC.

With many of us leaving uo for it there are still alot of us who are playing UO but not grouping with each other.

I hopefully plan to end the solo hunting and try to group who we have left in UO to pvp a little together.

There are alot of oranges out lately and drf pvp is alot more active, altho the skill of pvp remains to be runners, gankers, and backstabbers.. there are oranges out there, which is all that matters right?

IF you do want to fight the runners, backstabbers, gankers then ICQ me so i know who is still active or who wants to be active but thought the rest of the guild was inactive and we will get together for some fights.

I hope all are having fun in DAOC but for alot of us its not an option to play due to lack of time and or interest. hope to see you all in UO again sometime guys.

btw i mean no disrespect to guilds like ICE, EBR etc who we know are newbies[j/k;p] but they always fight fair and give us a good fight.

my ICQ - 16467122


Friday, March 29, 2002

New Forum

Dear Users,

we have a new forum for our homepage. It requires you to register but is far more advanced than the old one. TC Members please register.
If anyone needs some further information just mail me.
Dorijan Grey

Wednesday, March 27, 2002

DAOC vs TC ;)

Click to check out pics and some Lines.

btw some may still miss the updated archives on right navbar. yes its very easy to add them there and i will do it. ;) for the moment here they are:



Thursday, March 21, 2002

Low lvl pushing day !

As we have some low lvl TCs or secondary chars that are low lvl, we decided to make a low lvl push TC day and i hope that all TCs will be there and help that we come closer together...
We need especially our Healers and i know for some high lvl TCs it seems not to be very interesting to do it but i think to get our LvL Average a bit closer and that we can later play more together, it would be very nice and i would appreciate it if all do there best to help out. Please post in Forum if u cant come, so we can change maybe date or organize something else.
Time: 16:00 CET (germans), 15:00 For UK
