30.12/Name Server Problems,Mirror & UOHOC CHAT (protest) |
![]() As you may have noticed www.teamcow.de was inaccessable 2 days although the direct jump to its physical location worked of course. So if there are problems with the site you have 2 possibilities: 1. use the direct location of the site (www.teamcow.de refers to it) at www.gameover.de/teamcow. 2. use the mirror of the HP that was brought up now if there are problems with the servers (which usually arent): www.spieleindex.de/uo/tc UOHOC At 6.1.2000 there will be the next UOHOC Chat with the developpers. UOHOC. we should be many and we should post a lot of request about precasting in that irc chat. I posted earlier today that the chat is today (30't) but i cant find any information concerning that on the uohoc page. Delekahn also prepares an "event" news for Stratics.com the most visited uo site ever, where we will post details to our plans to protest against pre cast removal. In the meantime some run on all shards trying to get ppls attention on that problem, before its beeing patched. funny pic ![]() Cyber training his newbie :) |
27.12/some fights, vacances & protest |
![]() Some funny fight occured in ocllo when some order group grouped together. we made no agression with boh and 1 pkk for that fight and disbanded that order guild. well not more to say about. ![]() tourists from trinsic, part #1234 vacances some tc are at home (when they study in another town) or with their families (when they have jobs usually) for the next days protest Delekahn prepares a protest-event message for stratics. as stratics is the most readed uo page we want to accomplish persuading many order/Chaos guilds to work with us in that protest. i think if we could (after the 3d jan) get the overal order/Chaos udner 1000 on all shards it would be a success. if you have ideas, or want to synchronize, please speak with us. (the topic is about the planned removing of precast) |
22-24.12/chargal additions & pre-cast protest(addition) |
chargallery additions somw work on imperator, unforgiven and blood added. pre cast protest As most of the dev team are in vacances atm undtil 3.january there is little point in writing too much atm on the dev board. considering this we will also do the protest evt. virtue:off switching with other pvp guilds on df when there is no reply in that matter, after they are back. btw: the blade-resist bug was removed, which is a good thing to have it removed. |
20-21.12/pre-cast .. some fights & gm sol correction |
![]() pre-casting (protests). ![]() Last days we had some interesting fights mostly with BOH. it ran a little odd. we heard that a big jvl group wa sout. than we heard in chat that the boh group killed the jvl group so we ambushed later the boh group. all in all it was a funny fight. :) ![]() before attacking Sol correction today Vampire and String talking also for his sister Woodstock had kind of chat with gm sol, while vamp had some odd problem, and string had the old armor bug (when you get sometimes -AR after uus sanct and crossing gate.)for the second thing: the english here is odd, cause its always after hours uo when i update the page. i look on my bed and its temptating to jump into. the care for grammatic, or somewhat understandable sentences is very small, and its hard to write in english at that time. as TC is international odd englisih is our langauge though, so we will have to live with it :) |
19.12/lazy :), members & more |
![]() im sorry about the little news pause. :) but there was much to do in vr and rl skills as well as preparing for cleaning patch etc. ![]() -Doijan Grey joined coming from *S* and SoA Team Cow. he made the test week, and we seem to fit very good together. A warm welcome to him -Vampire is blue again, though we will see how it continues. We had a long discussion today, and btw he made an avi file for TC that we hope to recive soon. -Zonie Wmage Brother of Talon reached GM Resist and will join TC stone soon. EBR EBR is back active and back on df. If they remain active we will ally again considering our longtime relation and friendship. EBR GM kills player? i got this from Fredo (ex TC). He has a GM Range, called Lord Wildboy which paged GM complaining that there were too many monsters in Fire dungeon. i know that no one will belive that shot, and i agree with having my problems with it. after the call: before you begin commenting. i also only got that, and cant say more than its extremly odd. pic we got a funny picture from def benski. it does not represent how we see GM's, which do mostly a good job. its refering to the problem that we had with GM Sol with TG. (look for 11.98 news for details) ![]() please take it as the satiric art it is. |
11.12/Castle Party, wars & duel |
![]() ![]() The 1 year TC on DF party in the Castle :) we thank Dr.Oetker for providing us with that quantity of food and drinks. it was a very nice event. Phillip LaGuerre GdG a very old, nice and close friend of nirax was also in the castle as part of the GdG's that were there. After he had read about that event he decided to log once more on and say good bye to us :| we couldnt hold him, and phil who always wanted to become TC wished a TC to continue the life of Philipp LaGuerre and his charfamily. As BFG had only one charfamily, and he promised to bring Phil in the news, to keep him warm, to raise and performant, the old Phil said good bye to us, and Phil continues now to be part of BFG's second charfamily. While BFG was unsure if he was still able to fight that good with tmage as with wmage, we can see below in duels, that he didnt has to fear about that. (anyway Calm (TG) is tmag) wars tg: peaced us again. after the party went over we searched a little around, found not much to fight (besides some PKK), until B0H declared war back. We had many fights in nujhlem, decite and when they visisted us back in trinsic - in trins. ;) (sorry its 9:04 in the morning..) after no opposition could be found again, we duelled until 9:00 in the morning. Duels ![]() 2vs2 BFG TC - Dorjian Grey *S* : 1 BFG TC - Cyber TC : 1 BFG TC - Deja : 1 BFG TC - Deja : 1 BFG TC - Cameron (Dorijans wmage) : 1 BFG TC - Silver Lightning : 1 BFG TC - Silver Lightning : 1 BFG TC - Silver Lightning : 1 BFG TC - Simon Moon : 1 Imperator TC - Cyber TC : 1 Philipp LaGuerre TC (played now by BFG) - Cyber TC : 1 Philipp LaGuerre TC - BLADE : 1 Woodstock TC - Imperator TC : imp canceled cause he duels only with gh potions. Natan TC - Philipp LaGuerre TC : 2 Philipp LaGuerre TC - Balaar the fool TC : 1 Philipp LaGuerre TC - Balaar the fool TC : 1 Woodstock TC - Philipp LaGuerre TC : 20 min fight.. became boring and phil crashed. to be continued. Philipp LaGuerre TC - Balaar Wryce TC : 1 Philipp LaGuerre TC - Drall PKK : 1 Natan TC - Drall PKK : 1 Philipp LaGuerre TC - Boom TC : 1 (bfg vs wmage, was nice to look. close one) Natan TC - Balaar Wryce TC : 1 Woodstock TC + Philipp LaGuerre TC - Natan TC + Boom TC : 1 Woodstock TC + Natan TC - Balaar Wryce TC + Cyber TC : 1 Woodstock TC + Balaar Wryce TC + Philipp LaGuerre TC - Drall PKK + Natan TC + Boom TC : 1 (Bal died first, but w+p killed drall, than rest) Natan TC + Balaar Wryce TC + Drall PKK - Cyber TC + Philipp LaGuerre TC + Boom TC : 2 Natan TC + Balaar Wryce TC + Drall PKK - Cyber TC + Philipp LaGuerre TC + Boom TC : 1 Natan TC + Balaar Wryce TC - Philipp LaGuerre TC + Boom TC : someone had no regs left Natan TC + Balaar Wryce TC - Philipp LaGuerre TC + Boom TC : Bal and Boom died and at the end it was 1vs1 leading in: Natan TC - Phillipp LaGuerre TC : 1 Woodstock TC - Natan TC : 1 Balaar Wryce TC - Cyber TC : 2 |
7-8.12/some fights, no allies & duels |
![]() Thanks to Akira for the daemon setup-pic. rest was added by us a litle. (This pic is only meaned as satiric art (before someone understands it wrong)) ![]() TC had some hm "battles" ![]() PKK visiting the nice town of trinsic no allies at the moment ebr is completly inactive. run changed the stone to a pk-only stone. if ebr becomes active again, we may ally again, but at the moment the ally list is clear. ![]() the last 2 days we had tons of duels. it began with hm kind of pre-test duel of Dayluck and ended today after not finding enemies anymore. Dyluck - Cyber TC : 2 Dyluck - Vampire TC : 1 Dyluck - Woodstock TC : 2(very short) Dyluck - Penelope TC : 2 (short)(woods assassin-wmage sister) Dyluck - BFG TC : 2 Dyluck - Vampire TC : 2 BFG TC - Julio TC : 1 Cyber TC - Woodstock TC : 2 Cyber TC - Sugar : 1 Vampire TC - Cyber TC : (1:2) BFG TC - Balaar the fool TC : 1 BFG TC - Cyber TC : 1 BFG TC - Imperator TC : 1(imp gave up) Cyber TC - Balaar the fool TC : 1 Cyber TC+Wor w Zakone - BFG TC : 1(hehe) Balaar the fool TC - Imperator TC : -stoped cause something- Paul Breitner TC - Cyber TC : 1 BFG TC - Paul Breitner TC : 1 Boom TC - Cyber TC : 1 Boom TC - Balaar the Fool TC : 1 Paul Breitner TC - Woodstock TC : 2 Balaar Wryce TC - Woodstock TC : 2 Cyber TC - Woodstock TC : 2 Balaar Wryce TC - Paul Breitner TC : 1 Cyber TC - Bifrost (an 62 str assassin-wmage-not-yet-finished brother of natan): 2 ;o) Boom TC - Bifrost : 1 Balaar Wryce TC - Cyber TC : 1 Balaar Wryce TC - Woodstock TC : 2 Balaar Wryce TC - Paul Breitner TC : 2 Bifrost - Cyber TC : 2 Balaar Wryce TC - Boom TC : 2 |
5-6.12/Happy Birthday !!!, Duels & more(updated) |
![]() TC 11.98 - 12.99 enters now the 1st month after 1 year TC on DF, permanent chaos ! BIG THANKS TO ALL *hugs* ![]() After 1 year TC on DF we wish to thank all ppl that beeing enemy or friend helped us fighting the boredom of this shard (sometimes), gave us new ideas or were part of Team Cows grandishing. Limp alias Miz'Kur, ex VooDoo later Team Goat Catskills (with Nirax Team Cow idea sep/oct 98) AmorDillian, Mid Evil Clown alias LacDannon, VooDoo, EMP, E, XTC Catskills Dr. Feelgood (as TN on Catskills) Arcaine MD (Catskills) Arcturus TN/MD (Catskills) Fulo GdG (beeing part of xroads pvp on catskills) BigByte GdG Talon GdG/TC which bought the first stone (that was later bugged so we had to replace) Schlachtbeil GdG/TC which made our Cow-Artwork Dread Lord Kay'lis/Lord Orion/iDol which was one of the reasons Nirax turned that drastic to pvp on cats. Dread Lord Ewan McGenocide the first Dread that Nirax hunted 24hours. Dread Lord Atlas a good friend. Dread Lady SILVER (dyed after a serverdown that saved(short after new noto system patch) Dread Lord Xavier Zambre, 13 years old but hell of a fighter, and Nirax's neighbour Dread Lord Needler, later War on cats. (One of the first persons that had 100 int in that time) Cassandra Hope/Lush Dread Lord TANK Talon Dread Lady Fiat Justicia Dread Lady Alisia Dragoon, which was a good friend that sadly shifted to EQ. Dread Lord Loudog crazy guy Dread Lord LLeD one of the best PvPs i ever met. Dread Lord MrRed IRA on cats. (not a friend but a worthy enemy) Zack GdG later EBR Nimweid/Marie Cabaille/Julie Cabaille, Catskills and DF. Casira von Stahl EBR Gor-e EBR unforgotten on Xroads Catskills :) Bjork on Catskills, one of the first 7gm Jii Nevever from CSO on Catskills Caldro BKS from Catskills whole DK and UDL on Catskills which were always a challenge Arthang II SUN, Catskills a good friend, and sometimes roleplayer ;) Sharone SUN, Catskills Elendile, Catskills which was one of the most interesting persons i met. Derat EBR, i love his kind of humor :) Schlachter EBR, always going an interesting way Bamse, TigerDyr-BT for some good ideas BARDUR, Catskills, Balaar the fool on DF. Stormbringer,df which always build the most interesting challenge on this shard. all guilds that are waring us, and can fight lose or win in a correct manner all dead innocents that dont shittalk, all TC's and TG's that are still having fun together, and of course tons of ppl not mentioned here that should have their place in this list. We thank you all, and we hope that we can contribute and work out together one more year of fun. Duels BFG TC - Vampire TC :1 BFG TC - Vampire TC :1 BFG TC - Vampire TC :1 BFG TC - Cyber TC :1 BFG TC - Cyber TC :1 BFG TC - Cyber TC :1 Vampire TC - Cyber TC : 1 ![]() Manga sent this funny pic in. ![]() You see Team Cow grouping Beavis is back on DF. Yesterday he fought for the first time after long time on siege back on our side on DF. *happy* Unforgiven switched from mace to Swords, Manga, Mr White and Calm are back on hunting-skills.(TG) Faq Finished The Security FAQ is mainly finished. Much was added today again, like password generation, configuring win2k internal firewall, working together with ATGuard hand in hand and more. I hope Beavis will provide some informations about a linux-stand a lone firewall, but most topics are now setteled. If your account gets hacked cause you didnt read some of the topics i will eat your shoes ! :) |
4.12/Warfare status, TC Duels, some hunting & Sec update |
![]() We grouped yesterday a lot to find an fight the opposition that could be found. It was not that easy to find people willing to fight, so Woodstock will spend some more hours at the stone. But its very hard to a) find the guilds that have declared war on us while b) all these little guilds usually peace imediately after they figure what they are warring. ![]() After nothing showed up in usual t1a dungeons, t2a, towns etc. we began a little duelling. While we planned to make also 2vs2 and moreVSmode at the end, we heard about "15 orders" showing up so we broke the duels and killed all that could be found. ![]() preparations duels BFG TC - Cyber TC : 1 (Cyber is tmage, bfg wmage, but he handeled 2:2 so far, so now its 3:2 between them) BFG TC - Julio TC : 1 BFG TC - Balaar Wryce TC : 1 Woodstock TC - Balaar Wryce : 1 (Balaar improved a lot. He usually fought longtime like in the times before noto patch) Delekahn TC - Julio TC : 1 (very interesting fight. Del is tmage, Jul wmage. complicated) Balaar Wryce TC - Cyber TC : 1 (very surprising 10 sec fight) Imperator TC - Balaar Wryce TC : 1 Balaar Wryce TC - Sugar TC : 1 (Sugar is BFG's sister. 10 sec fight) Balaar Wryce TC - Sugar TC : 2 (after some seconds fighting we realized that Sugar was "powered by BFG" in this fight. usual bfg moves ;o) Delekahn TC - Balaar Wryce TC : 1 Dorjian Grey *S* - Delekahn TC : 2 Dorijan Grey *S* - BFG TC : 2 Balaar Wryce TC - Dorijan Grey *S* : 2 ![]() ongoing duels Sec update the "IT-Sec" Faq will be updated today with some hints how to check your system/firewall for security holes and how to improve security. While some may wonder why we spend so much time on that topic its easy: A Trojan that allows a hacker to hack a TC account is killing or weakening this character. We act on each of these dangers. VR or RL. although i hope its pretty clear that hacking is not only moraly but also from the law point of view a criminal thing.more november moved in archive warlist is out of date (as you may have noticed. will be updated) in rules.html is gdg, and 666 still listed. they are no longer allies, although gdg is usually not to be attacked (historical reasons, read history.html) the allies.html will be updated soon when we know what ebr is doing (Sordran wished to make a new ebr try). run will be removed from that list after some incidents. |
2.12/Internet Security |
![]() not the usual news, but after some had problems with Trojans we added a draft TC-IN-Security FAQ. Its not yet finished, but you can already throw an eye on it. :) You find it on the left side of "FAQ" on the top navigation |
29.11-1.12/Team-Goat & JapanGoesEurope |
![]() Team Goat was as usual very active. A funny story happened though besides that, when the friend of a TC called him to help against PKs. We amazed from that possibility, grouped Team Cow fast on trinsic and followed that friend through the gate, just to find out some time later, that he had been called by an other guy against PKs, at the same spot that we left with Team Goat some minutes before. :) It was extremly amusing to find out that he called Team Cow against Team Goat, maybe needing new glasses to see at very least the same colors. ![]() Team Goat visits Ice t2a ![]() TG searching new jobs as shepherds (the new skill lock is great!) JapanGoesEurope as you may have heard, ppl from the Japan shards visited the Europa shard this weekend. rumors are spreaded that next week will be Drachenfles-Day. |