Thursday, November 29, 2001
3 Years TC
Wednesday, November 28, 2001
New Member +Euro Members
Today we took
Fire In The Hole into TC test week.
I hope he makes a good addition to our bunch of merry cows.
Not only that, But
Denise, and Gromit (who plays Geordie)
Have come over from Euro to join us.
Let the Grazing Begin
Wednesday, November 28, 2001
Team Cows 2nd Coming + Other News
No infact Team Cow hasnt disappeared quite yet.
After many talks, suggestions, and silly deaths we have all decided to pull our purple socks up and push ourselves back into Drachenfels.
You may of already seen us wandering arround, practicing, working out team tactics (which we have seem to completely forgotten)
Okay to start off with, Since Woodstock is otherwise preoccupied,
I will be taking over TC GMship with my mage Philipp LaGuerre.
With my Character family consisting of :-
BFG, Shaft, Chakra, Bettina LeVoleur, + many others but i doubt u will see them
Co GM is Yume (who is playing Dance Kid and FreeStyler) since even though we constantly told her not to sold her account to someone.
We Wont be playing factions like before. We stick to Chaos and Order. Mainly playing on the chaos stone. We had a little differculty with the Order stone, but that problem is soon to be solved. So you will see as on both stones again
During our talks we decided that we should become ally with 1 guild.
We then had an almost imposible task of deciding between EBR and DA,
In the end after taking a vote (which was decided by 1 vote) that we should ally with EBR. Mainly because it was the only way to get them to war $$: and DA was orange to us anyway.
Which means we are now allied with EBR and war DA
I would just like to mention some rules which I have put together.
1. When logged into UO, Always log into TC chat and UOAM even if on blue
2. If we pvp all must pvp if posible. No silly excuses
3. If we die people arent allowed to log off in a huff
4. All must read uochat at all times. That is how we choose targets and say important stuff.
5. 1 tc fights all Tcs fight.
6. A TC is more important than your friends at all times.
7. Allies are to be treated as Cows
Also if you wish to join Team Cow Mirc at
Channel: #teamcow
You must follow the following rules.
1. No shittalking of any form
2. English must be spoken at all times, if you wish to speak another language msg each other instead.
3. TCs have the right to kick/ban anyone at any time.
4. Try not to talk only in capitals it is annoying.
5. No Spamming
Okay thats about all :)
And wish us luck, hopefully we wont need it :P
For the time being we concentrate on drachenfels PvP. All Europa TCs are invited to join us on Drachenfels. We will supply you with equiptment and help you create PvP characters on here. We will after some time move back to Europa aswell but for the time being, we will mainly play Drachenfels.
And Before i forget. For all those people that keep asking where is wood. When is wood coming back. Well she told me she should be returning on the 5th of december. So i expect to see gifts and lots of them :P
Wednesday, November 28, 2001
Issues concerning joining TC
As we are only getting back to grips with PvPing as a team, it will most proberbly be a while before we start accepting news members. The way to get into TC is NOT to CONSTANTLY ICQ or ask on forums or beg people. We are a PvP guild, we do not need beggers. If you do wish to join our guild, the best way to do it would be:
A: War us, fight against us, don't run all the time, and show what
you can do
B: Send ONE Email to myself or BFG or Yume (as Wood is away)
C: Get a Chaos guild, talk to BFG or Yume or myself about possibility of fighting together with us.
I am getting quite annoyed personally with this nonstop ICQing and begging to join. I am not your mother, no one in TC is, if you want to get in, prove to us you are worth taking.
Thank you :)
Tuesday, November 6, 2001
TC Art
My special TC Art: Stars: The TC Cow (knuffi), FROG !, SWINE aka Stody
klick here =)
Saturday, November 3, 2001
Soon some changes ;)
As some may know the end of this month we will celebrate 3 Years TC :) so i will update soon all links etc. Atm i am still waiting for the my flatrate *rolls eyes*
UO: we will try instead playing multiple stones to do some chaos/order on df and chaos / order on europe, and than evaluate other things.
daoc: looks promisingly we will have definately a look on it also :)
As most know i had a crazy move in the new appartment, but at least i have now a new pet living here too. Its a little cow named Knuffi which also looks forward to new fights ;p
Knuffi on table
Knuffi thinking about the Afghanistan war
Knuffi using the Television remote
btw you may notice on the keyboard above the keys some little edding traces. its Q = DEX and A = INT as i could never retain since uo:r which of the stataltering (ctrl) macros in my setup was lowering what while fighting *g