Team Cow
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[actual TC news]

29-30.7.99/antis becoming smarter

- smarter well who thought they would stop fighting back was wrong. to protect their easy-money/easy-fame areas they begin to settle up more opposition.
beggining with around 10 ppl, with 3 dragons at ork fort, that made one guy standing in fort, and if you cheased him he ran into the dragon-group, up to nearly everyone at keep with daemons protecting them, to the green isle where one dragon was as group support.
Though the daemons were not the problem, especially those with guard command (in an area full of monsters) so that we killed most of what was to be killed.
the dragons out of monster range waiting were however a good idea.
Our losses came though not of antis, but to the unwilling conlost-god:
Bestiana Wryce died against an polar bear that he was sparring in a tower, and Buffy was killed by a hyperactive Skel Knight named "a Skeleton Knight".

- Krid Although he is red for 40 hours we had great fun with his redness cause of some Antis attacking (thinkin that he's part of TG) him and Woodstock which was grey watching him.

- Dev Team Changes read the latest UoHoc chat. Designer Dragon, Faceless and hm and some more were draw to a new project and left UO Developpement. Runesabre is now Lead Programmer and they got a new Programmer in the Team. Check Dev Board for reactions

- duels
Geordie TC - Bill Clinton : 1

28.7.99/Anti hunt on Team Goat

- anti hunt as today TC was mostly out as murderers (TG!) we got after the second or third raid once more an ambush. The last Ambushes on TG! were at PK house (last location, but they retreated when some TC showed up as backup too.
the next one was at an entrance. 6 ppl, which were so smart to attack a tc. we gated with TC (that was yesterday i think, i forgotten to mention) in, and after we flagged they attacked one. well after all fighting 4 were dead, the other recalled.
1 of the recalled were found later by our red brother/sisters :)
Today we got an ambush at some t2a location. We gated infront of a guy in which said "hehe" when he saw us. (he was the first who died). 2 guys didnt made the pleasure to die in range of screenshot, but here the result of this AntiPK Ambush

you see some dead ppl

2 got away though.
later we found and got the rest

also two (yes again 2) bodies lied out of screen

though, before you amuse too much, i really honor their try to stop us. we were this time better but our day will come. we looted what we needed, and left them most of the stuff
they tried it and thats brave. much better than (remember the Dread Lord Moervan Comics) when you come with 2 reds and see 8 guys recalling.

- M.Inc as you may have read the statements in our forum, take relation back to normal. we try it again, and see if it goes well.

- runesabre runesabre DEV team osi has new odd plans about siege perilous and other shards future. besides the ROT skill system, he also plans INT/DEX need for mages and warriors (first to be able to cast before they die to boredom, last mentioned need int to hit a target)
click on dev board (up, the links) for more informations, and feel free to comment to runesabre if its a good idea. either in dev board or runesabre(at)
do it in correct manner though, he nearly always replys, though most of the things were never fixed that i wrote on (like the inst. death spell bug from monsters around since beta.)
instead of getting new features promised for years now in game, some dev team members have the idea to begin again toggeling around with existing things. that shouldbe clearly stated as not beeing a good idea at all. i would get really mad in rl too if the world-physics would change each months. (what they try to do)

27.7.99/a lost battle,pk hq & funny picture

- battle while we were still placing, adjusting etc. the pk house&store;, geo reported opposition i dont remember where. so we left the things aside, waked brothers and met ebank.
involved were TC and on the other side some SoA, FUN, "ELI" and a blue healer..
after getting to buccs den, we found them. their primary target was wood, thought she didnt fell, and we had them retreating.
we gatedto ocllo where we found them at bank
at this point we made a tactical error. while the guys more down began chasing them down out of guarded zone, the guys more up saw on incoming (uoa) some order and break group to chase. so we were devided in 2 parties for like 2 min.
this time was long enough to lose the party which had followed - now in small numbers - them down. when rest of group arrived, we couldnt get a break even point, even when concentrating heavily on one person, the odds were now to low and we had to retreat.

you see the "second group" having some problems before them

thought compared to the battle 3 days before in ocllo, that they lost completly, its not really grave. we will however do 4vs4 next days. some may be rusty.

- pk hq well besides that it was a good day. we had to move pk hq, cause we had campers there. here some of the signs they left us in front of house

quot errat demonstrandum

so we moved the house, and placed also a storage house
this storage house is after one already day relatively full - else to say ? :)

- M.INC after an backstabbing by stealing in deathrobe in an ongoing fight after having been already killed, feel free to take conclusions.

- duels
cyber TC - Schwabbel (?) : 2
Woodstock TC - Xaxxon : 1
Woodstock TC - Edys :1

25.7.99/house pet

- house pet after having killed some cows to clean the duel area, we noticed and thought that its not ethically and moraly correct to kill cows as TC
the cow is our official house-pet now, so dont kill cows ! :o)
To remind you how a cow looks like, here 3 examples:

a brown-white cow, a black-white cow, and a white-purple Team Cow

- TG! most of the time we were on TG! yesterday. we heard of much order opposition, ebank attacking but we were not up to yesterday. Lady Zaire was our hunting-guest yesterday. a very nice person (if you are red) with dark red hair
I got this picture from natan, with his comment:

TG got fans

Geordie TC - Don Johnson ReD : 1
Geordie TC - Xiombarg PvP : 1
Geordie TC - Andy of Avon FBI : 1
Krid TC - Cyber TC : 1
Woodstock TC - Cyber TC : draw
John Erik - Delekahn TC : 2
John Erik - Delekahn TC : 2
Delekahn TC - Quick SoA : 1
Geordie TC - Phoenix ReD : 1
Geordie TC - Cloud NiNe FUN :draw

24.7.99/Fights & murder

- fights Well today we were mostly up to PK'ing with our red brothers.
the TC's not out with their red chars (3 first, than 4) thought it may however be a good idea to go to Koth. well it was not. the order opposition was oversized. (1 EBR on Chaos side).
so we logged out shortly after with red guys to get on with TC. with 9 TC and 3 chaos guys we got to koth, but no order was left waiting. after fast search we found them first in hylth than in shame, and bucc den and kicked them
- murder after we made clear our point of view, we logged back on our murderers.
at the way back raiding we met BT. and we grouped together to kill opposition at orc fort (over 10 guys gated in and got Bastiane Wryce TG! before)

TC/TG! and BT. meets again

and a picture without horses :)

after raiding t2a completly we gated to decite where we met besides other orders and ppl SoA which fought brave but died.
after that we got reports of BFG that he was reskilled by SoA. We talked with storm before that they and us stop reskilling. that seem to count no longer so the non reskilling for SoA is over. its up to you to decide if yes or not. i would however not suggest to do it its bad style and annoying
later we had once more to logout the murderers to get on TC cause SoA attacked ebank.
not all were ready and already there and we had to retreat
after all was setteled up, we've beaten them hard in ocllo again

- duels
Cloud Nine FUN+Gaultier FUN - Delekahn TC : 2
Wizzloco - Delekahn TC : 2
- member list updated

23.7.99/GM Change & TG!

- new GM of TC
with tears in the eyes, Woodstock accepted today the GMship, after her brother String decided to go on Team Cow's murderer Stone Team Goat (TG!)
We got all necessary people to TC stone, and they declared fealthy to the little regburner.
A Quotation of String speach: I knew that the day would come when my little sister would overthron me. But im not mad. I for myself wished to go on the other Stone and be back to the roots where i was when i left Catskills.

- TG! Manga, MrWhite and Bruce Lee were ready today too. They are Brothers of Gauron, Natan and Geordie. Later Bastiane Wryce, Balaars brother joined too.
All were murderers before,but trained the last days/weeks to be back on edge. Tomorrow Kindur, Krids sister will join too.

some TG preparations.. you see Mr.White fooling around(the dwarf)

The first huntings were puuuuree FUUUN :)) from all important t1a locations to t2a, we let a bloody trace after us.
(Though sometimes we arrived 10 sec after BT left and found only bones and corpses)
If you have TC brothers/sister wishing to join, talk in chat.
TG! is TC-members only.
- Sir Fredo is back after some weeks UK holidays
- Natan well since some inconito and polymorphin natan is bugged. he has very dark skin
he called GMs that teleported him to this place

Chaos guard Natan TC and Chaos GM

and said him that he cant help him with that. (who remembers how GM's changed skin color of players on test center when they used to play there some year ago knows what they can..
so he remains dark-skinned bugged :(
- HQ Natan sended me in this Pic when i friended yesterday first people to the 2 story TC HQ (where we will place tower, but when you look close, you could see the placing problem if i had not cutted so much of pic :P)

odd.. it doesnt burn

21-22.7.99/seek & destroy

- s&d; our t1a shifting still continues.
we are still hunting at our old t2a hunting locations, but it became somewhat boring
yesterday we raided all t1a dungeons, bd, cities etc for hours.
we were very close to a (red) BT. hunting after they hm accidentally killed the TC-Stone placer (which is not on TC Stone) but a known name.
but after they got all stuff together and handed it out that was cleared.
So we met often in the dungeons - thought they had more fun i think - as we didnt found much opposition.

TC meets BT.

but not much opposition arised

Today finally we had good confrontations with SoA, RED, OMF, and other order/warring guilds. It began with SoA's Siege of the BT keep. Bamse asked assistance, and we took him back on stone and cleared the area in front of BT keep
For five Hours of hunting we had no losses at all, and it was an extremly cool day.


Later after opposition became weak and not worth the hunt we disbanded group hunt, most were going to train their red brothers/sisters back to edge and some continued hunting in t2a
- BT. so BT. is treaten as friends now. Dont attack, we have non-agression
- HQ i began to friend TCs now
note that we use a different house for the red chars. the red-house was sponsored by Geordie. The TC HQ is in sight line of a Guard-Post, so i strongly recomed to not recall there while being red.
- duels
vamphunter D - delekahn TC : 2
Geordie TC+Natan TC - ghostface killah+don johnson : don johnson dead

20.7.99/lag & searching

- lag well for the UK's the ping desaster from super.grover( seems not to apply. but most of the german part could only begin to real play at 0:41. at this time my ping dropped finally to 60ping/0 plost.
- searching so we began to seek. as t2a is very empty at the moment, we are back to old hunting locations.. i even had forgotten where is what in shame where i used to hunt in catskills days. so geo leaded our little group.

after 2 hours of enemy searching

in whole t1a we only found el muerte, cherokee, w.wallace, and some other order guard.
that was all. ok its during the week, but really all was empty

searching even in the oddest places
and when we found finally some reds, it was bamses sister(?) and friends (petey too which still plays :) .. doh.

- balaar is back from 4 weeks LA holidays
- Gauron is back from 4 days holidays

15-19.7.99/Presence,HQ,BFC,Koth & More

- updates some more duels, and check Battlevortex the real audio show out. a lot of interviews with Runesabre (DEV Team Origin)etc. most topics about bannings, siege perilous, etc

19.7today was nearly only 200ping/xxpacketloss, so besides some fighting in decite nothing arised.
(Decite ? Yes.. t2a becomes very BORING in summer :)
- Presence the overal presence was not the best after the week absence.
This has the following reasons:
  • Summer and holiday time. Thats completly understandable.
  • Nursing newbie-brother/sister characters. Thats ok, but should never get you 100% out of TC activity. Try to stay in chat while doing that with your TC brother ready to log in if he is needed. You should not reduce TC time to 0% cause of some newbie in charfamily that gets 100% time.
    Of course we do this for fun, but TC is also responsability. Exact how you wait for fast response time, all are counting on it. Thats TC. Be TC.
  • Different sub groups are not good at all. This means i dont wish to have the role to unite some groups not having anything in comon together to fight. You have in comon that you are TC and the same enemies.
    If you dont like hunting locations talk with them. Try to make a good relation with every member of TC. If you see him in ICQ, his place is in chat. If problems arises his place is on your side, especially at TC hunting locations.
    I mean if i hear that Krid doesnt knows Boom well, and that after x months that both are in guild, something was not reached that i wished to reach. :)
btw: We got some more Wars, though not all a threat. We will see if that
will be interesting.
- HQ we will take an unused GdG 2 Story for placing a Tower there.
- murderers united.
was wrdest du dazu sagen, wenn die grossen pvp gilden auf df, ZUSAMMEN eine pk gilde grnden wrden? ich denke an SoA, ReD, EBR und TC
Sormbringer SoA asks if we would be interested in a murderer guild consisting of members of all big PvP Guilds on DF.
I replyed thats a good idea. if you think otherwise say in chat.
- KotH today (17.7) was an improvised KotH. i could not participate, though i heard the first fight was won against less order, and the second was lost against more order than Chaos
Involved were 5 TC and 3 EBR
- Cyber Cyber joins TC coming from GdG. He shows relatively good pvp performance
though his CPU is very slow (p133). Throw an eye on him and help him to get smooth in.
- Delekahn you may know him from DF Duel League, he has his TC test week.
He shows excellent 1vs1 performance, though Team fighting will be topic to be improved
- BFC we can use the EBR BFC server. if you want to try it out ill give

interested TC's the IP and password. You could also test how it performs with running uo+uoam and bfc. maybe bandwhich problems.
the BFC offers the possibility to talk in real over the soundcard with all others connected. of course a great battle improvement. ill stay out though, cause i live all characters different, and all are related to a virtual world. a rl voice would degrade this vr experience and degrade them to meaningless pvp/whatever envelopes and would take some of the greatest fun for me away :)
do you want to know MORE ?:
- correction the guild abbrev. was DwP not DvP. i corrected it
- Woodstock after i stated in the last news of Lady Nirax's and Strings Shadowrun origins i was asked by three (thanks for feedback on the 96'er Eden SR story) if Woodstocks origins also lies in Shadworun.
Well thats not so easy. Woodstock as character integrity is born in UO. She is a mix of an NPC (Non Player Character) called Jojo and a player character (not my character) called Yoki, as well as some of the brute traces of String. Though se is a little girl, seeking, searching answers, and changing very fast her minds or decisions.
- The Dawn String is still considering TC in The Dawn project. please check the site of pvp-rpg and we talk in chat about it.
The Dawn
- Submissions if you have TC news submissions like geordie, or in your own way, send them to StringTC(at) (sorry cant find the sign on xfte)
- Duels
Geordie TC - Myrddraal PvP : 1
Geordie TC - Myrddraal PvP : 1
Geordie TC - Cherokee OMF : draw
Woodstock TC - Calm RIP (BFG's brother) : 1
Delekahn TC - Cherokee OMF : draw
Delekahn TC - Cyber TC : 1
Delekahn TC - Katharina ReD : 1
Krid TC - Cyber TC : draw

12-13.7.99/Murderer,DwP,duels & Shadworun

- Murderer please note to not attack following murderers often seen in t2a:
Schlachter, Gor-e EBR and Anna von Stahl

they are brother chars of EBR's, and you will gladly hunt with them with your red brothers.
some already died to TC and that hurts cause we are friends.
- DwP this french guild is on the way to take place of the once famed LZ and CD opposition of TC. These french guilds attacked us always on sight, and we had many nice fights.
Yesterday we fought DwP for the first time. 2(krid and wood)vs6: 3 DwP dead.
(they attacked wood. she was criminal)
later we came back and it was
3 TC(krid,wood and boom) vs 7 DwP+dragon: 3 DwP dead. 1 dead dragon
no pictures on it.. there was no time
and all that for a looted empty backpack
- duels Delekahn spotted Woodstock at delucia bank which was talking with the super lagging order guard Beowulf. After a little talking they decided to make a duel (Beowulf and Delekahn)
Woodstock invited also the other TC's in chat (were using icq chat at the moment, cause t2a chat is down)

Delekahn - beowulf LG: 1 (though beo lagged hard so rematch to come)
Delekahn - Woodstock TC : 2
Salomo CDM - Delekahn : 2
Tanja GdG - Salomo CDM : 1
Tanja GdG - Salomo CDM : 1
btw: Delekahn is TC candidate, so treat him like that

arriving at duel place t2a

smth. nearly completly different:
- Shadowrun well.. as im back in essen, and mastering my Shadowrun group existing since 89 when Shadowrun came out, ill take a moment to promote and introduce you to my source of real pvp-rpg. Some of the guys playing in that group are now chemicians, businnesmen, or the lead vocal of dezart mo-funk, though between flying to usa and germany they still find time on some sunday to continue.
If you ever played Shadowrun, you would never laught at someone roleplaying a cool character. The possibilities resulting from it also to a better understanding of living and enjoying a virtual word could give you the fun for the next vr-years.. in uo, uo2, virtual realities v2.0 in sr, or where ever.

Here you can read a 300kb story of an SR Character named Eden, a prototype "character" of Nirax which went very peaceful in uo, though her Shadowrun origins are very brute.
String is the logical cont. of a character called Ben Gurion ;) in SR, or Gizmorian in AD&D;, but he is not involved in that story. I wrote it when i was stationated in Croatia with the German Army as IFOR. The beginning was never thought as long story, more an exact description of some SR hardware for players.. but with the time the story went its own way.
i never read any more detailed explenation of how a sniper uses a gun in literature. you guess, i have written much of my own experiences in it, though its german.

official links: FASA
very cool site: Shadowland
international sites & ring: Shadowrun.html

10-11.7.99/digging in the dirt

- Treasurehunting mostly with GdG friends together.

i may have missed later some activities, but weekends are tricky in summer :)
if so tell me in chat later.

the TC's are out of picture following an other ogre lord ;)

- Geos news submussion :)
I have the following news for Sunday, hihi what a day. Starts off in covtous, 1 order there, recalled when I came. Gate opens 3 order appear, I recall.. I go back 5 mins later, Grey chaos runs through room, I initiate duell, winning in some 2 mins. 1 Order then arrives, I initiate another duel, winning in 7 mins or so. I recall a little back here, Red Runs past me ( Kemo ) I initiate duel winning in 3 mins. Kemo returns with friend to fight again, I duel him again, I win, this repeats 4 times LOL... Later that day, Im in Hyoth 3, Jul turns up and offers me a duel, Took about 10 mins, but I won =))) I want to see this on the TC homepage, I should be TOP of the league not bottom!!! :)))

09.7.99/news pause finished

- pause well the technical pause is over. isdn is running again. so the news are also back. :) greetings to tamegirl she reached gm taming ;) and to geordie who reached his 6th ? gm. 1/2 of TC is still in holidays.. ill also not be sooo much online cause well im rollerblading trying to kill me, and i missed a LOT of parties in 1 year ladenburg.. so our actions are still a little limited. i count 6 or 7 not holidaying TC at the moment.

[new TC news]