Foa Quest Day3

Quest Team = People of TC, EBR, MAD and GdG as well as Shabazza at the end

The Quest Team Pre-Visits Locations

After long Questing the Questers are near. The FoA (black) begins to summon daemon against the mass of questers(coming with drakes)

Even more daemons :)

The first Attack of the Questers is over. FoA won this fight

They try harder. But only 2 losses at FoA side.Will they be able to save britannia?

The Great Lagging. YEW SUPERIOR SERVER Lagged us to death, so we moved to fire isle

..preparing for Questers attack

The battle does not go well for the Questers

The FoA wins again, no losses

With 3 Drakes, and 2 daemons, they overrunned FoA. Here you see the last minute of the 350 kill murderer Shabazza ending his life in this event. ;(

The Questers Succeeeded. FoA and the threat of armageddon is over for now !!

Thanks to GdF for participating as Questers (Main Questers), GdG and many more.
We never forget Sir Drak for his organisation of this great Event !!