07.02.2001/DF-Score Rating & UOchat/TC Seti project |
DF - Score ratings dont know if everonye noticed already, but we need only 300 points more to be on top of all shards. Drach Statistics at OSI Overall Shard Statistic at OSI Uochat.co.uk/TC Seti project check out www.team-cow.de/seti for the common Uochat and Team Cow SETI Clan Project. If you wish to participate have a look on it, it may be some fun besides all :) |
05.02.2001/Site & Faction |
Site As you may have heard sion was so friendly to take over the plans for a main http redesign which leaves me time in this exam-preparation time to write news ;) Factions After the last no comment report on factions some things changed. i will try to point out the main changes: ICE joined minaxWith the last update Moongates became altered, away from the "moongate direction shifts with moon phasis" to a nice menue where you can chose in theory the town you wish to travel too, also the faccet so we wont be penetrated again for "DO YOU HAVE A TRAMMEL STONE?". In theory cause osi seemed to not have figured that there are still some towns with gate-bug since their gate-"your spirit lacks blah" alteration. Now the Moongate behaves like a normal gate and thus you cant use it if you gated in on magincia unless you wait like 30 min. ![]() After beeing asked, here the few options you have as Commanding "lord" More Leader Selection And the town setup ps. if you loved the background mid you can turn it on below as it was background music to faction animation;) |
18.01.2001/(update)Site & Luke |
Update Ok to not make so bad mood about, and to shorten time until next site html is up 2 things: the youngest TC Emily, Julios little daughter (while he is already one of the youngest TC) called after the UO Character of the mother which he happened to meet at a rl meet. ok :) and the truth about Tc`s PvM Performance brought us by ALI Site As stated in forum "we" rework tc site completly. this takes a lot of time, and thus in this time not many updates will follow in normal news. follow forums so far. Luke TC was will and is not a place for scammers. If you get the account informations of some ppl and misuse it even if they arent tc, you have to count on it that no one can trust you again. Thats nothing very new although it seems extremly surprising for some. Luke not only scammed Lancelot but also lied towards us about the facts when asked. With that, every - in german "vertrauensvorschuss" - (means something like when you give a person trust before you can be sure that its appropriate just to make the start) is gone and our relation ends here. |
13.12/Factions - Euronews like: No Comment :) |
Animation by String Loading will take a little depending of your con. (900kb) |