Abgeschickt von wood am 25 April, 2002 um 08:24:23:
after you got many tcs (and me) to buy the eu version, although already having the us version (which i wasnt playing anyway), as in ao nearly all tcs stopped playing actively. now this is not ao, there are no heavy bugs and the other problems that were in ao the reason for a mass of players quitting.
in fact the only who stop playing are tcs. some may say yeah they wait for some yet-to-be realized pvp server, but do you really think all would follow you again next time?
i dont see where some ppl get around their "lazyness" to just get their char up to a level where they can rvr, so we can start what we originally were there for - neither here nor on some "rvr server".
not to talk of all eu-tcs which disappeared as fast and without comment as they appeared in daoc.