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Abgeschickt von wood am 25 April, 2002 um 11:56:23:

Antwort auf: Re: hm von dorijan am 25 April, 2002 um 11:42:23:

dunno ... i dont really like to have to decide when i want to xp and when i want level etc .. the free system in uo was and still is the best one ever made except most ppl cry around about it and it gets patched heh

yes, but imho even if you level slowly (theres no real hurry) we could have fun from time to time in daoc. the dif is its not so full-time demanding (besides leveling) than uo. i can rvr much more hm relaxed in a way im not that much "in the game". dont care much about the ppl there, i fight as long im in the mood, than go out etc. after the first hot phase i surely dont play anymore 14 hours in a row or so. atm like 2 hours the day, as uni started too & got a lot of work to do. its relaxing not more. maybe we wanted too mcuh too fast? duno

dccs should work as the bouncer just acts as a proxy for all dccs about ports try the ezbounce manual (i send it to you tonight)

ah cool tks. i tried before but it showed transfer completed (was a xdcc bot transfer) without sending anything;)


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