Call it "The Jestat Cow Syndicate" ^^

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Abgeschickt von StoDy am 26 Februar, 2002 um 05:00:18:

Antwort auf: Our very Own private irc network ? von Dorijan am 25 Februar, 2002 um 14:43:15:

: as wood stated we are soon trying to get our own private irc network

: its possible and i checked some corporations which offer us a permanent server on the internet. I personally dont want to take the server from a TC Member cause of some problems we had lately we should just use a service on the internet which provides us with a solution that fits all needs.

: I found a provider for us yet , they offer us a location for the server itself + some services (Channel & Nick Services) unlimited traffic ammount our own domain regged and user ip protection so we are kind of anon on the net to all non admins (which will be max 2 tcs at all) and some file storage at around 150-200MB where we can store some funny logfile stuff etc.

: Server itself is hosted on a unnet backbone in Thailand so we have no probs with ppl checking for MP3/VCD Stuff cause they basically have no law against it. The connection to the shell is fine to europe and usa i didint check from uk and other countries yet.

: We also need a valid domain name for it.

: I'd like to use the domain or just register our own domain for it.
: If you have ideas for a domain name on it reply here or mail me.


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