one thing

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Abgeschickt von wood am 23 Februar, 2002 um 23:16:19:

1. i never cared to take anyone out of our "gaming society"
2. we arent restricted to uo for 1 year
3. if ppl abuse our irc chan we move from that server - we move anyway soon on our own irc network.
4. handle your problems private as long they arent of interest for all.
5. dont forget this is your free time and we are for fun here. i will not read logs where not both sides agreed on posting them etc - if some parts start some internal hassle and cant stop for shit that part will leave us. i dont care if you play uo, daoc ao or tetris. were long not bound to uo anymore. if uo is your thing, and only that, while not having other relations to us. leave or you will have to leave - while i dont udnerstand anyway why you would be here.

we move on. enjoy.


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