Abgeschickt von idiot cry baby am 23 Februar, 2002 um 14:12:20:
Antwort auf: Ye DuDe LeTs RoXoR Dem ReAl Ard l33t!!111!!! -nt- von Sion am 23 Februar, 2002 um 01:59:22:
: : : While I am tolerant of peoples situations and fully understand that you enjoy posting on the forums where I write you are starting to cause problems. Several of you were banned and some continue a barrage of insults and direct attacks on the page that I work.
: : : Now I understand we have a few members in the guild who are not my greatest fans fortunately they play UO and I don't so it is not a problem, but regardless, going out of your way to attack the page I work for and actively seeking bans and ways to piss off the people who administrate my work is incredibly harmful to me and the community I serve.
: : : You guys are my friends here, I chose to spend my game time with you, and I chose to spend my spare time writing. Please don’t fuck with it, its completely out of line and is starting to cause now internal issues which I am effectively responsible for.
: : : This thread can go one of two ways, either you take it for what it is, a friendly request to stop causing shit for me, or you start a forum flame war, which is commonly what I would expect. If the latter is the case then we have problems, the moment I step in to IRC I come under attack from the remaining UO players, while the DAOC players are the old TC I remember, the situation is not acceptable. You know who you are.
: : : And stody, don’t launch in to a long winded post about ethic’s, morality and the corporate whores that run mainstream news pages, I really don’t care. The only issue here is that of my supposed friends purposely sabotaging my only real hobby aside from gaming.