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Abgeschickt von Sion am 23 Februar, 2002 um 02:19:51:

Antwort auf: Why blabber this shit over the internet where everyone can read it von and not in internal guild chat am 22 Februar, 2002 um 21:30:17:


There is a map of the Internet, grab a pin cut it in half from top to bottom and stick it in, that’s about a quarter of our significance on the internet. Posting it on the 'guild' forum is probably the single most appropriate place to post it, the individuals doing this do not play DAoC, those folks are my guild mates and friends. The individuals who are doing this hold the TC name yet do not respect its value and reside within UO. I could have sent it using carrier pigeon I guess?

Mummmmmm Marmite?


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