Abgeschickt von OrionTC am 21 Februar, 2002 um 18:27:33:
Antwort auf: Daoc classes! von to be defined :-) am 21 Februar, 2002 um 13:18:37:
: hey guys!
: Just saw the chars the guild is playing! just something i ask myself:
: don't you think it will be quite hard to group seriously with the chars you're playing? you have 1-2 tanks and 1-2 serious healers (depends on what the clerics spec). Don't you think you have quite a lot fire wizzards? and why fire? ice specc sounds better to me! but i did never play albion (only hibernia). Maybe one of the fire wizzs can post the reasons? would be interested, i planed to start a ice-wizz tonight
: Greetings
: no-name-yet