@wood (daoc guild bug)

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Abgeschickt von YumeTC am 19 Februar, 2002 um 20:29:35:

i just saw a posting from mighty Kemor GM:

- Regarding the guild problems :

This problem is directly linked to the 1.36 version we are using. The only solution for now is to have your guild leader changing the guild settings.

Note : Only your guild master can do this, so be sure to tell him about the post.

As you know, there are 10 ranks in a guild, from rank 0 (leader) to rank 9 (default rank when joining the guild). The trick is to reset all ranks so that they can use the guildchat. To do so, type the following commands :
/gc edit gchear y
/gc edit gcspeak y
Please replace by ranks from 0 to 9 in the commands above.


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