moo.dll (tc script)

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Abgeschickt von wood am 09 Februar, 2002 um 08:28:10:

it seems also the original one was ok. so have no problem using it. still there be soon a new release with mirc 6.0 boundled, as there was a major exploit in mirc 5.x that was fixed in 6.


Hello Mr. Fulea.

The two files that you sent me seem to be clean.
After reading the webpage by the author of the program,
I noticed some discussion about detection of this program,
which seems to be related to Norton only.
F-Prot is not detecting these files, they donīt seem to have
been altered with nor have some backdoor function.

I will examine them further and if I come up with something,
I will let you know a.s.a.p.

Best regards,
Sindri Bjarnason.


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