Abgeschickt von Ang am 01 Februar, 2002 um 06:02:36:
Antwort auf: Re: Well.. theres no 1v1's tho, stealth makes scouts much better for soloing... von Raggamaffin am 01 Februar, 2002 um 03:38:37:
But not really worth arguing over, archers are probably not as godly as people say, but I'd say they're the best overall RvR classes in my experience (Except for Mid healers.. until the 1 minute patch anyway) They're definetly the best at realm point farming and soloing... Almost all of the realm points on US servers are owned by archers, and they sure didnt make them ganking millions of level 25 hibs hehe...
I guarantee you the top 10 players in RPs on all US servers are almost all archers.. a lot of those guys have 100k+ realm points lately, few of the other classes do..