Tee hee is all too true :P

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Abgeschickt von Ervin am 31 Januar, 2002 um 18:07:04:

Antwort auf: A big LMAO to Voodoo who died in 2 vs 4 von Theristis [TC] am 31 Januar, 2002 um 15:32:28:

But think was minkio that died first, while luke was logging for firedancer, then another cmb came, and luke came, then when luke died galeon came and minkio was ressed and backstabbing heh...was both out of mana so couldnt do much :)
+ luke was back on voodoo to blue heal while stating "umm umm it was error by me...i err e bolted myself his eb macro is my heal macro...umm umm CMB comboed me, ask them!!!"
Oh yes and luke stated that i run miles from him in 1 on 1...if anyone sees a problem with this "fact" please state hehe...i can name about mmm 5 :)


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