there is a cow face on albion ;)

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Abgeschickt von wood am 29 Januar, 2002 um 15:45:20:

Antwort auf: Let's find our new guild logo for TC in DAoC =P von Dorijan am 29 Januar, 2002 um 06:57:12:

[15:45] Minstrel = bard
[15:45] inflitrator = nightshade
[15:45] scout = archer
[15:45] cleric = warden i think
[15:46] * BEach jigs to " Eazy-E - easy e-Real Motherfuckin G's " in the hood
[15:46] doh
[15:46] :)
[15:46] bfg
[15:46] we think about going albion..
[15:46] in fact
[15:46] did u test it :)
[15:46] *** orionTC changes topic to 'can all write in TC forum what realm you wish to take in DAOC and why plz thx Orion'
[15:47] i have
[15:47] no but natan says its best
[15:47] well
[15:47] best overall
[15:47] theres a cow face
[15:47] on albion
[15:47] cool
[15:47] its destiny
[15:47] cool !
[15:47] well orion
[15:47] open that
[15:47] and design your character
[15:47] naty icq please. thx


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