Abgeschickt von Dorijan am 28 Januar, 2002 um 08:52:34:
Antwort auf: yeah btw check the picture inside ;) von wood am 28 Januar, 2002 um 08:43:39:
arf login to teamcow
you are added as master on him
.chanset #teamcow.srv -m
.chanset -m #teamcow.srv
for older bots
dunno which one hehe
if it still sux
well hmm
ask phil for the uni shell data
then go into the dir called
vi csv.conf
do a find on #teamcow.srv
put the +m to -m in the chanset { teamcow.srv
then edit
the teamcow.chan file also
and it should work hehe
or just wait til tomorrow evening when i hopefully got my pcmcia modem back =p