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Abgeschickt von Ironhead am 16 Januar, 2002 um 04:34:51

Hello all all my old friends and friends who I have never met. Today I cancelled my account and gave it to a good friend of mine. I had a great 3 years on UO. Team Cow made those 3 years even better. I can still remember my younger days getting chased around by TG. If Manga still reads these boards, thanks again for saving my ass time after time from TG. Unforgiven, you were also another great guy. Good luck with your FU! guild. Woodstock, thank you for being my friend all these years and the great conversations we've had. Stody, you're cool and funny as hell (Bill Hicks still kicks ass!). Angrias and Dorijan, you've always been cool to me, too bad we can't hang out anymore. Julio, BFG and all you other TC and ex-TC whom I haven't mentioned, thanks for being in the game. You've all made it a great experience. If any of you see one of my characters(ShadowReaver, Ironhead, ShadowGrinder, Faithfulsoul, or ShadowStone) it is my friend and not me. Once again thanks to all of you again. It was a damn good 3 years! C-ya guys


Ihre Antwort




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