Thats so wrong... DAoC has nice people. I've played siege too and...

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Abgeschickt von Ang/Free am 10 Januar, 2002 um 21:55:58:

Antwort auf: cos we will. but dont know why u care. i played siege on UO and attitudes of most americans suck von OrionTC am 10 Januar, 2002 um 18:21:12:

yeah, it sucked. but DAoC has really nice people.

The main difference, I think, is the age. Most american UO PvPers were 15 years olds for some reason (I've played chesapeake as much as Drachs almost.. I know what I'm talking about) Drachs had much older people, 20-30 years olds mostly.

By the way... lots of the assholes on siege werent americans... the Minax guys were all americans and some of the coolest peeps in UO...


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