Back again from holiday and my comment to daoc...=)

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Abgeschickt von Lady YumeTC am 03 Januar, 2002 um 17:43:22:

Antwort auf: DAOC European dates (read and comment) von Sion am 02 Januar, 2002 um 15:41:46:

As most of u know i played daoc on US and EU Beta and i like the game and i tested a lot of chars there on all realms...
but the problem is for the "most" german players that the ping / loss relation is unfortunately very bad and for myself i cant afford money for a pay/min. connection. So i will wait for Shadowbane at first and will look into it coz in my opinion pvp will rock there much more than in daoc coz u are not binded on different realms and pvp is based on guild wars which i think is more interesting.

To Daoc: lvling is very easy and fast if u know the the right places, u can start with pvp after 2-3 weeks without np. All ppl will say midgard is the "ruling" realm coz on US, Midgard was crowded by the most pvp guilds. But in general all realms are very similar and its just a matter of "style" which realm u will prefer...

Greetings Yume :P


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