
ame: Lady Nirax, Guildmistress GdG. (TC Stoneplacer)
lass: Mage mostly, ex tank-mage ;)
tats: looks like one of the strongest people.. and looks like a genius

GM MageryGM Resisting SpellsGM Evalue IntelligenceGM Meditation
GM SwordsmanshipGM TaktikGM Wrestling

nirax was born in yew. she grandished with her brother String (which is 5 days younger than nirax) and their little sisters Penelope and the brave Woodstock. Their parents were nice people, working very hard to keep this big family supplyed with food and all that they needed. Their biggest joy in the world was to see their children grandish following the call of the virtues (that was what they thought).

The home they had was not far from empath abbey. as little girl nirax always dreamed of the gnomes which old people are talking of having their ancient village below the abbey.(She can actually tell you manny histories about them. Ask her, if you are bored)

She always had much fantasy, and most of the other kids were laughting of her and calling her names because she was different. Different with her odd red hair unfamiliar for Yew and her deep love for the nature and all living.

This may sound unbelivable, cause Yew is a nature-Town in the woods, but most of the villagians are trying to be like britains. They try to learn the technical speaking of Kings Town, and the youngsters often settle there. So manny forget and neglect their traditions, and even surpress them.

So instead of beeing with the other childs in the class learning they art of britain-talking she spent her times in the woods. Instead of trying to paint like the painters in britain like her teacher told her and making portraits of Lord British, she painted for herself on rocks using self made colors. She painted Pictures of Wood Gods, Elfes, Dwarfs.

Instead of going to the swimming pool in yew she was swimming in the river talking with animals. The love of her parents towards her and a deeper understanding they tryed to have beeing a very old Yew familly, which was so deep in the woods that the call for Britain Culture never reached them really, permetted them to let nirax go her way.

So they were not very surprised to find their little daughter which feared the dark suddenly speaking "in lor" to get light, like a deeper understanding of all around her.

This time of joy should end abrupt when somedays a troll invasion overrun yew. Her mother and father both defended their little hut and died under the clubs.

Nirax took her brother who was mentally not well developped at that time by the hand, and her little sisters in a backpack and ran even deeper in the woods.

She began to nurse her sister and brother when beginning to take care of them. It was a hard job but she managed to do it until they went more adult. Nirax went from time to time to the school of yew by using a self learned spell which permetted transportation.

With the time she began to fear for the developping of her brother. The only thing he could do was eating and lumbering what nirax told him to lumber. He made odd noises and all intelligence nirax was born with seemed to have been on Strings cost.

This idea made her sick, and after talking with the wood-gods she belived in (what her parents misinterpreted as link to the virtues) she began to study the nature.. More and more magic mana flaw through her body while she was desperately seeking a way to give her brothr a useful brain.

Someday she discovered even that her sister penelope was straving nearly to death. her brother was not only mindless he was also heartless, eating all food rations nirax gave her little sister.

So she puts even more efforts in getting deeper in nature-magery until someday she was filled by a strange force. She found the knoweledge laying under a tree, sniffling because she thought that she can never reach the goal. I dont know what she found at that tree but she suddenly ran to the house, An Ex Por`ed string, and ran into the woods. She came back with a tamed puma, a grizzly, and an eagle.

When string saw her sister with that odd expression in her eyes he never saw before, he felt for the first time in his dumb life something like fear, when he began to hear a sad song flooding the room which had words like Vas Ort Flam, In Vas Por, Kal Vas Xen An Corp.. The world became dark.

Penelope the little sister cant even today talk of that event she had part of, in their little hut. She stays her whole life now little, and thin, she cant grandish. maybe as protection. She is a very talented alchemist and poisoner, but her mind is still that of the little girl that looked at niraxs experiment who was thinking to do something good.

I can only say that after the experiment, String had a bandaged head and a bandaged chest. The puma and grizzly bear were robbed of their hearts. The skull of the eagle was open. The brain was taken out. Niraxs hands were bloody and she was whining under that tree where the Wood Gods told her how to manage it.

ome Town: Yew and Delucia
angouts: mostly in the new lands

Lady Nirax

MORE?:a lot of stories (mostly somewhat ingame) about Nirax&GdG on Catskills and Drachenfels.


Name: Mathias

Age: 26 ..i think.. *counts*

Class: adept musician, adept programmer

Stats: looks somewhat intelligent and strong like an ox

Nation: European, french/german.

Skills: Playing Piano, Playing Contrabass, Composition (all Free-Jazz), and of course Programming

Languages: German, French, English, Romain and a some rest of Latin

Hobbies: paying very huge phone bills, playing music, coding, mastering Shadowrun(since 89) talking about politics, building arms very fast together, the mighty and much more intelligent girlfriend, sometimes writing a lot (Shadowrun Draft exmpl) and painting, especially when placed on boring places where i have to "hold position"; spending sometimes days in building computer together for specific problems, oh yes, and .. sport cars but last but surely not least living in uo.

music: manny jazz ensambles, some classic(especially liked performers: martha agerich, gidon kremer, wolfgang guetler .. and and) massive attack, portishead, bjork, Faithless, Steve Vai, Frank Zappa, Faith no more, Rage against the machine :o), Prodigy, tool, rebecca toernquist, quincy jones, keith jarret, chick corea, herbie hanckok, sam brown .. and and

movies i liked much: strange days(very shadowrun like), night on earth (most of jim jarmush stuff), terentino movies, film noir etc.
books: Fromm, Dostojewski, Herman Hesse, oh there are so manny..

Home Town: Essen, Germany, Earth, Sol System, in the galactic milk-street central take the way east..
Hangouts: Ladenburg at the moment.

UO Related

Favorite town: Delucia. i love that vital town. not too manny buildings, manny player interactivity. very good designed

Favorite drink: This is a character related question. Depends. nirax likes milk, String likes ale.. etc

Design: My opinion about the design of UO is, that the main axis of this game, and the best implemented is the communication part including most of our senses we use to communicate: hearing (we dont hear someone speaking, but we see it, so its emulated) and looking (charspecific lookout). We cant actually touch or sense others, but these are the limitations of a VR world in our days. The fact that UO grants this hearing-emulation is coming from the technic to see the words of an individual character over his head. This makes it extremly simple to see even in crowded areas who is speaking, and even following multiple discussions, like we are doing everyday when beeing with friends in a bar (par example).

With the introducition of t2a, they brought in even a IRC like chat that you can place freely around the play screen which was greatly expanded after the big-window patch, which permets, to instant comunicate with all in chat, without worrying about where they are. great!

Last but extremly important is the lookout of the characters ! Each one looks different, even when the face is the same. However, with the possibility of hairstyles, beardstyles,skintones and haircolors even these faces are making a different impression for each combination. Thats not so surprising if you think how a criminal can disguise himself in RL just by changing one of these (not his real face) and driving even persons knowing him into non-recognition. But it doesnt end here. You have manny possibilities to combinate clothes, armor, and colors. That not only let you give you a personal touch. You are reconaissable. People know you. They see you far away and can say.. ah.. thats him. Or they see a guy in ugly clothes and ugly colors and imediately are getting a first impression ! This first impression is also a huge advantage. Its another point of kommunication with signals. This signal Language is implemented by UO. People is signaling you something, and you can react on it, even withou having talked a word with them.

dodger Medal&Zig

Nirax als Character und UO-Identitaet (the nice side*g*)

ein paar Gedanken vom 28.08

Es ist wirklich ein Problem, mit dem ich mich als ambitionierter Roleplayer (inletzter Zeit wegen technischen Steigerungen von Skills stark nachlassend) beschaeftige einen weiblichen Character zu spielen. Gehen wir nach Erich Fromm (Philosoph und Freud-Kritiker (heh, ich liebe seine Buecher) der ua. Siegmund Freud diesen alten Sauhund und Junkie selbst analytisch zerlegt und seziert hat (seine Schriften) und so die Ursachen seiner menschenverachtenden Theorien recht schluessig aufzuzeigen konnte.(selbst wenn wir ihm zugutehalten muessen die moderne Psychoanalyse erst populaer gemacht zu haben (was wiederum zum Nachdenken anregt), und nehmen einige Schlussfolgerungen aus "Die Kunst des Liebens" - wobei das Buch sehr interessant, und nicht didaktisch von dem "Normalbuerger" abzuheben versucht, also immer noch leserlich bleibt - so besteht ein ein jeder aus einem femininen und aus einem maskulinen Part/seelischen Teil, wobei der erstere in der Kindheit ausgepraegter ist, der letztere vorallem bei Jungen, ab der Pubaertet immer wichtiger wird, wobei dann auch die Mutterbindung nachlaesst, und sich der Junge mehr zum Vater orientiert. (jetzt dreht sich jemand im Grabe um, wegen meiner komprimierung des komplexen Themas)

Genau das macht es so spannend und kompliziert - wie Castergill mir per ICQ beipflichten musste (in den ueblichen 1 Phrase-Comments) - einen weiblichen Char zu spielen. Das ist jedoch fuer Rollenspieler mit D&D, AD&D, Shadowrun, Earthdawn, etc. Erfahrung ein alter Hut, und nichts neues. Bei mir grenzt es - und das mag ich (solange nicht RL) - fast an eine shizoide Persoenlichkeit wenn ich zwischen String und nirax waehlen kann, da Verschiedenes anders Fokussiert wird. Dazu schrieb ich schonmal detaillierter und im Roleplayer-Slang im Kaffeesatz-Text.

Den kleinen "Fehler" den Castergill gemacht hat, fand ich hoechst interessant. Hier im Forum geht tatsaechlich ein staendiger Wechsel zwischen dem/n Character/en, und dem Menschen dahinter vonstatten. Man sieht BigByte von sich reden, dann wieder von BigByte als dritte Person, als auch "Helmchen und seine Kollegen". Bei Schlachtbeil kann man aehnliches bemerken, wenn er von der armen Mariphosa spricht, oder vom armen Schlachtbeil, dann jedoch wieder als Schlachtbeil selbst spricht. Cox spricht immer von sich als Cox Itrils. (Ich - Cox, habe so viel Pech etc.) Bei mir selbst - nun "um 10:00 starb nirax..", "als String sein Leben als Moerder sterbend aushauchte..", findet dies aus einer gottgleichen Erzaehlperspektive statt, die staendig die Gednaken zumindest zweier der Beschriebenen kennt. Ein "Ich muss DEX steigern" findet statt, bezieht sich dann jedoch mehr auf "Ich muss "ihren" DEX-Wert steigern. Diese Wechsel von Distanzierung und Identifizierung ist in UO noch wesentlich staerker ausgepraegt, da dort natuerlich die Identifizierung (von ernsthaften Playern) am staerksten ist. Allerdings: je mehr man in "unbekannte" Gebiete eintritt (mit einem komplizierten Character), desto laengere Gehirn-Ping Zeiten kommen bei mir zustande, da ich zB auf anstoessige Saetze ueberlegen muss wie nirax dies in der entsprechenden Situation verstehen koennte, und wie sie - hier findet die Distanzierung dann statt, klar - darauf reagieren wuerde. Hier lose ich immer noch total ab, und das aergert mich am meisten. Meine Freundin sonst immer die Quelle fuer niraxs frauenspezifische Reaktionen, wobei ein einfaches Kopiieren unsinn ist, laesst sich dann - wenn ich nicht gerade in UO bin auf stundenlange Gespraeche ein (hehe, Psychologie Studenten), bringt aber keine entscheidenden Fortschritte.

Also hat Castergill garnicht unrecht wenn er sich im Prinzip nicht an dem Char wendet, wenn er von "der Nirax" redet. Jein. Technisch gesehen ist dies richtig, fuehrt aber in die falsche Richtung, da der Name mit dem Character verbunden ist, der nunmal weiblich ist. Ich wuerde nie normalerweise mit einem Characternamen unterschreiben (weil es eben "nur" ein Character ist), da aber mein ueberlicher seit 89 bestehender Net-Name (dodger) 'besetzt' war, und ihr alle eure Charnames verwendet habt, habe ich mich dem angeschlossen. Meine erste mail in diesem Forum war als, falls sich jemand erinnert :)

nirax ein systemname ? :) ja. ich bin dodger, nirax das system, :o)