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Blood Drinker
ame: Blood Drinker
lass: warrior-mage
tats: looks like one of the strongest people..moves like cpt.kirk



no background yet.

Height : 197 cm
Hair Colour : dark red
Title : vile
Fight Style : Seek, destroy, loot
Short Descripton :

since he is not very intelligent all he fights for is gold , he dont thinks about what he does to others , he just finds a possible enemy , takes out his spear and kills him , no matter if its a man a woman or an orc favourite hangouts : everywhere where he can find enemys and some blinking gold or armour Quote: Wanna play ? Letz hack n´slay Profession: huh? i never worked ! ohh u mean how i get money , well the last guy who asked died a few minutes later

Blood Drinker