AO - Team Cow Clan &PvP :)


Today we managed to create the Team Cow clan on AO. While clans are still buggy we are happy to have go through the desinformation (considering a lot of help sides writing wrong infos about it;)

fact is: Many things are buggy atm considering a clan but the Channel works. It will display Clan: noname. although it knows that we are Team Cow and thus offering a Team Cow channel.

I have to thank all that had the patience yesterday to wait around 1 1/2 hours until we had all together :). At this TC Clan start 2 very old EBR members were part of, Schlachter who had big part of founding ebr and Derat which we welcome. :)

Lining up to see easier who got the Clan registration and who didnt. Starting from left to right:

Dppfinest (Phil),Allandir (half covered by chat window) Yumesenshi, Schlachter, Stringtc, Dyrdral(Derat), Crofax, Styleproject(imp), Dorijan and the VERY tiny Jin.

good idea those that signed were going to sit down

nearly done - but will it really work this way? the clan registration still said with every member signing that 9 signatures are left. However we KNEW that would be buggy.

Yes it worked !! after 10 signatures we had Team Cow clan on AO :) the name, descirption, objective and history was changed. From the rest (rankings etc) we keep atm the fingers away, until the clan system gets fixed.

Not long later Phil bombed us in chat with his spammings of his succesffull owning in memerde so basically allandir and me left all besides and came also there (after some minor probs like falling out of grid in newland) (cool falling from space to air tho *g) to see whats going on.

grouped with allandir (lv 53) we could attack every player in his rang, although i was 17 level under the target on this pic - so we cleaned the area a little.

running IS an issue also in ao:) happily Allandir had a really cool Poison prog a little like DP on uo, but they didnt cured *G

this town we compared a little with buccs den. although it was good for testing. When ppl will get in high levels they will come in mayhen areas to get big monsters. also the ao system which let oyu lose only things you earned since last save isnt bad making a lot of ppl getting in pvp besides them avoiding it. personally i prefer more ppl than big loot. never fought mainly for loot anyway.

the grid. Do you know the movie - Tron? :) in the middle of the middle level where you get with elevators too you find memerde (or how its called) where you have 25% supresson political zone. its good for testing. not more, you will get banged 90% of times when you fight someone. :)

after testing with string, i figured that the Martial Artist does well as a causal pvp player. dimach is fine, but only if you arent the agressor. means if you dont plan to have more than one fight every 30 min. If you think you will be the agressor, you surely dont wish to wait 30 min between kills, but will have a hard life to long ranged, bursting- fling shot- changing back to double FA until burst is available. So after thinking right allandir brought the new born Woodstock strings stuff and we took her in guild.

with a body team - boost of 263 hp, constantly healing every x seconds 30 hp you are the lv 1 king in the newbiegarden. L33t.:)