AO - 2nd view

So after some days looking in AO here some more pictures and comments.
We actually need 10 ppl to start a TC Clan in AO, so hurry up. Take after Character generation the CLAN faction where we start togetehr. Actually teaming up is the most fun in AO.

The graphics are astonishing but like you will notice in some situations they need still to work on the engine as it memory leaks, and isnt very fast. If you dont know what i mean go Old Athen on the hill and run around hehe.
The graphics show clearly that while todays hardware can play it it counts on future hardware.

If you have the dimension problem after a fresh install check and change create it in your funcom/anarchy online/cd_image/data/launcher directory. Notice to write down the right Version in the file if you dont have 12.1 yet.

Watch the ultra-detailed tree structures. If you dont know what i mean, zoom close to trees in Black & White

Right from Start you can get an Appartment. If you right-shift click on the ? near your appartment doors it will tell you to retain the appartment location. What you have to retain is the number which is written at the City-Exit door. it will be a number between 1 and 9. Retain that number, cause there are 9 same looking start areas in every City.

Thats how an Appartment looks like inside. Pretty big and you can decorate it with furniture pictures etc.

At Character creation think well about your size/etc a lot informations you find at and If you make the character too small it will look very funny ;)


The coolest thing after you got a little into it is to group as team with other tc`s. You take either a personal or group mission. In first case you duplicate the key and go iniside in a mission. This mission could be in a different area and/or city. You get a lot experience together and share the items. Also it helps a lot figuring the game system out.

Natan (the guy with the hippie hair) and String (the guy with super-cool cyber helmet)

While you do the missions you can get already clan tokens. On bottom of every mission description you see the items you could get. If its a yellow Dot its very interesting for you. After 7 dots you get promoted and are Cpt. Kirk.

zoom out in 3d person view.(with some graphic distortion cause memclock is too oc`ed)

The switch to-from 3d to single person view is in AO astonishing. it rox. you can play in 3d person view moving the camera around you with numlock on and the numlock cursor keys while 5 changes perspective drastic, or chose doom mode, which is sometimes handy in mission areas.

Now the game only needs to make use of vertex and pixel shaders of gf3 and it will fly. this scene is with 100 fps at 1024x768@16bit, high high high

Lets go west:

Thats the Newland-Forrest area where Natan and me actually searched the mission-location hehe

The game may have still bugs, a memory leak, and be slow on some older hardware, but imho not that tragic. Just remember how uo3d was in alpha.

The cool thing is that arent static pictures. That are pictures of a "living" vr world. How much life is in it we will have to find out but atm its mind blowing. The ppl are very friendly and its A LOT OF FUN to find things out. It also seems that the things you can craft with the right skills are very extended.

West Exit of Newland - City

Thats life.Actually i play since 89 Shadowrun as p&p and its like having found it in a vr game. Exciting. :)

More of Newland City. You see also the l33t Clothes equip. Thats now in 1024x768@16bit as i had funny framedrops in old athen before when we went as Team with Nat.

Flying Vehicles should get included or are already included. Newland City from above.

Thats the "Whompa" of Newland-City. A Whompa is like a Public Gate in UO. You can walk by feet of course too. My first try to talk from west Athen to Borealis ended after 30 min killed by some Monster in 2 hits on road hehe ;)

If you install AO use /tell stringtc blah so ican add you in my ingame friendlist to team up with the other tcs.

For a pure ingame graphic click on this

-more to follow-